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Showing content with the highest reputation since 19/03/24 in Posts

  1. @MGO_SA @Magiz0r @Reda_Iq @CarCrasher @Woffi1221 @Lt.Price @MoHaRx @Marinovv @DreaM40BG I pushed a small update to Cinema Experience (version 2.3) on March 20th, 2024. This is mostly a release to fix some long standing issues. The changes include: Fixed video playback issues with auto click through and ad skipping Improved screen resolution from 360p to 1080p Smoothed ambilight color transitions Unlocked Audio Toggle and Change View settings Added screen aspect ratio adjustment in settings Added YouTube Shorts support (.com browser only) Minor UI and texture updates Fixed hud compatibility issue Fixed some multiplayer sync issues A couple of new features added as well: onscreen video start messages, and the ability to Change View to look directly at the screen. I also cleaned up some unused settings and code. Note that if YouTube TV acts up, you can try enabling the embed video fallback by setting useEmbeds=true in shared.lua. This may cause some videos to error out though due to an embedding issue which is unfixable. You can download the updated version here. Let me know if you run into any other issues. Enjoy!
    3 points
  2. Out of video memory. This can happen on servers with unoptimized mods and (faulty) scripts that abuse video memory, or even when you have a powerful graphics card in case the stuff on a server is extremely unoptimized so that it starts hitting GTA limits. If you have a powerful graphics card and more players suffer from this crash type, inform the server owner of this problem as it probably means their scripters & designers don't know what they are doing.
    1 point
  3. Please disregard the post above.. This is a working code ----server addCommandHandler("adminchat", function(player, _, ...) local account = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) --get the player account for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("Staff")) then --- this section you can customize which ACL role they are. outputChatBox("#7D6608[Admin]#9A7D0A"..getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "").."#7D6608: #FFFFFF"..table.concat({...}, " "):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), v, 255, 255, 255, true); --- thisplay chat you can customize as well. else outputChatBox("You don't have enough access to use this chat!") end end end ) ---client bindKey("h", "down", "chatbox", "adminchat"); Please hit like on 2 of my posts if these helped you
    1 point
  4. It should be possible, just a concept, not sure it works with this code, but you can modify the rest. --- server addCommandHandler("adminchat", function(player, _, ...) for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..account,aclGetGroup("Staff")) then --- uses ACL to determine who is able use. if (getElementData(v, "adminchat") == getElementData(player, "adminchat")) then outputChatBox("#7D6608[Admin]#9A7D0A"..getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "").."#7D6608: #FFFFFF"..table.concat({...}, " "):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), v, 255, 255, 255, true); end end end end); --- client bindKey("u", "down", "chatbox", "adminchat");
    1 point
  5. @JPzin deixa o like nas respostas, já que eu fiz o resource inteiro pra vc kkkkkkkk
    1 point
  6. what i mostly want from vehicles.ide is to make vehs load with an 'mtruck'.
    1 point
  7. I see, thanks how do I make the gui that when i press the key again it closes? addEvent("playerOnClick", true) addEventHandler("playerOnClick", root, function() guiGridListClear ( w.gridList.main ) for i,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if veh ~= vehicle then local row = guiGridListAddRow ( w.gridList.main ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(veh) guiGridListSetItemText ( w.gridList.main, row, w.gridList.column1, getVehicleName ( veh ), false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( w.gridList.main, row, w.gridList.column2, x, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( w.gridList.main, row, w.gridList.column3, y, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( w.gridList.main, row, w.gridList.column4, z, false, false ) end end guiSetVisible(w.main, true) showCursor(true) end ) function hasPermission(key,keyState) if getElementData(localPlayer, "logedin") then triggerServerEvent("hasPermissionEvent",localPlayer,key,keyState) end end bindKey("p", "down", hasPermission) Edit : you can disregard these, I made if else statement and created to false. function playerOnClick(key,keyState) if (keyState == "down") then if (guiGetVisible(w.main) == false) then guiGridListClear ( w.gridList.main ) for i,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if veh ~= vehicle then local row = guiGridListAddRow ( w.gridList.main ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(veh) guiGridListSetItemText ( w.gridList.main, row, w.gridList.column1, getVehicleName ( veh ), false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( w.gridList.main, row, w.gridList.column2, x, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( w.gridList.main, row, w.gridList.column3, y, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( w.gridList.main, row, w.gridList.column4, z, false, false ) end end guiSetVisible(w.main, true) showCursor(true) else guiSetVisible(w.main, false) showCursor(false) end end end addEvent("playerOnClick",true) addEventHandler("playerOnClick",root,playerOnClick) but of course, If you can recommend a better way than what I did please feel free to share your opinion I would very much appreciate it.
    1 point
  8. Olá @Mischief-1, como vai? Adicione uma verificação adicional para garantir que os blips sejam removidos quando os jogadores deixarem os grupos. playerBlibs = {} amouunt = 0 function updateGPS() amouunt = 0 local gangname = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "gang") -- Remover todos os blips existentes for i, blip in ipairs(playerBlibs) do if isElement(blip) then destroyElement(blip) end end -- Verificar se o jogador pertence a um grupo if gangname == "none" then return end playerBlibs = {} -- Criar blips para os jogadores no mesmo grupo for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if gangname == getElementData(player, "gang") and player ~= localPlayer then amouunt = amouunt + 1 playerBlibs[amouunt] = createBlipAttachedTo(player, 2, 2) setBlipVisibleDistance(playerBlibs[amouunt], 1000) end end end setTimer(updateGPS, 5000, 0) Acredito que isso ajude a resolver o problema. Qualquer dúvida, volte a perguntar. Tmj! Att,
    1 point
  9. Olha... vc só mudou 1 variável. Mas não trocou os getElementData/setElementData para getPlayerMoney/setPlayerMoney. Além disso, getPlayerMoney e setPlayerMoney devem ser feitos server-side somente. Então você precisará de triggerServerEvent ali no script client-side para chamar um evento lá no server-side para mexer no dinheiro no jogador. Até pq tentar setar dinheiro no jogador via client-side só mudará na Hud, mas não vai mudar no servidor, então o dinheiro que aparece na Hud não será a quantidade real que ele tem no servidor.
    1 point
  10. About Us ArdicGaming Roleplay is an English-based MTA Server. The community is here to provide quality roleplay along with a welcoming experience. ArdicGaming has been in dormant existence from 2017, when a brief release was available to the public. Years later I co-owned a player's favorite, San Andreas Roleplay with Fernando (Nando) - a household name within MTA at this point. You can read more about San Andreas Roleplay (SA-RP) here. ArdicGaming is supposed to give that nostalgic feeling to players and a warm and welcoming community based in Red County (Los Santos County) to support newcomers, and oldtimers alike. We are here to ensure that we can keep the English MTA Roleplaying scene alive, even if it's only on a small scale! We are determined to show true passion towards the roleplaying scene. Goal Our goals are easy... create a community for all to enjoy, hang out, meet new friends and rekindle with old friends. The English RP community is something that is closely-knit and often brings familiar faces around. We're not here to compete against other gamemodes, we're just here to provide what the players want. With that being said, we are always happy to take suggestions and feedback so that we can provide a community that the players can call home. Staff Team Our staff team is combined with hardened veterans in the roleplaying community, along with newcomers. We have some interesting and talented folk that are with us on this project. Our staff team is the driving force behind the works, keeping the cogs turning so that players can enjoy a fluid experience. Some of our key staff members have returned to take the reigns once again to ensure that the players can achieve the experience they desire. Useful Information We have decided to stick with the SA-RP gamemode along with a day-of-closure database so that players can hop in-game and still have all of their characters and assets. Some players may not have their assets due to removal of powerplay factions and powerplay characters in an aid to balance the economics. This only affected a select few within the server so it's unlikely that you will be impacted by this if you played SARP. We hope to add media to this post so you can see what to expect from us when we officially open to showcase to those who didn't have the opportunity to visit SA-RP when it was around. Useful Links UCP: https://ardicgaming.com/ Forums: https://forums.ardicgaming.com/ Community Rules: https://wiki.ardicgaming.com/ Discord: https://ardicgaming.com/discord/ Server IP: mtasa:// Thank You! Thanks for taking the time to read. We hope that you stop by and check us out. We are always looking to interact with the community, because at the end of the day, without the people, a community is nothing. From the bottom of our hearts, the ArdicGaming Staff do truly appreciate the time that people take to play, interact and contribute to the community. If you have made it this far, thank you for reading. Your time and patience is greatly appreciated. We look forward to seeing you on launch! Please visit the Forums or our Discord to stay up to date for the server's release.
    1 point
  11. function onClientSuccessBuysItem(target,item,currency,amount,price) setElementData(target,item,getElementData(target,item)+amount) setElementData(target,"money",getElementData(target,"money")-price) -- or takePlayerMoney(target, price) end addEvent("DayZPH:onClientSuccessBuysItem",true) addEventHandler("DayZPH:onClientSuccessBuysItem",getRootElement(),onClientSuccessBuysItem)
    1 point
  12. Você não precisa upar as imagens no drive. Você pode upá-las no imgur.com e mandar o link direto da publicação aqui.
    1 point
  13. Proszę local screenX, screenY = guiGetScreenSize(); local barW,barH = (108/1080) * screenY, (25/1080) * screenY; local barX,barY = screenX / 2 - barW / 2, screenY * 0.8; local ballX,ballY; local ballSize = (17/1080) * screenY; local ballCenterX = barX + barW / 2 - ballSize / 2; local ballY = barY + barH / 2 - ballSize / 2; local bar = dxCreateTexture("pasek.png"); local ball = dxCreateTexture("kulka.png"); addEventHandler('onClientRender', root, function() local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer); if (veh and getVehicleType(veh) == 'Plane') then local _,ry = getElementRotation(veh); ry = ry % 360; local offset = 0; if (ry <= 90) then offset = ry; elseif (ry <= 180) then offset = (180 - ry); elseif (ry <= 270) then offset = -(ry - 180); else offset = -(360 - ry); end ballX = math.max(barX, math.min(barX + barW - ballSize, barX + barW / 2 + (offset/90) * (barW / 2) - ballSize / 2)); dxDrawImage(barX, barY, barW, barH, bar, 0, 0, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF); dxDrawImage(ballX, ballY, ballSize, ballSize, ball, 0, 0, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF); end end); Musisz sobie jedynie dopasować pozycje w osi Y oraz zmienić X do swojego paska. Ja obciąłem grafikę paska aby nie miała pustego tła wokół https://imgur.com/M0F1zdp
    1 point
  14. there is no unban and your ban is a temporary ban, so you just have to wait, don't forget to check your programs running in the background,if you have other questions or problems, you can create a new topic and bother me if you wish. Topic about bans :
    1 point
  15. Hello, you can encrypt your script so people cant read it. You can't avoid people downloading client side script since it runs on their pc. As far as i know its the only solution but i could be wrong
    1 point
  16. There is no property called "Rotated" in CEGUI. The properties related to rotation are: "Rotation" or "XRotation", "YRotation", "ZRotation". Try using one of them http://static.cegui.org.uk/static/WindowsLookProperties.html#StaticImage
    1 point
  17. objeto = createObject (1337, 2502, -1667, 12.36) -- Cria um objeto qualquer na Grove Street. addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() -- for _, objeto in ipairs(getElementsByType("object")) do -- DESATIVADOS APENAS PARA TESTES. -- if (getElementData(objeto,"objeto.element")) then -- local ID = getElementData(objeto, "objeto.id") -- local PD = getElementData(objeto, "objeto.produtos") local ID = 1337 -- APENAS PARA TESTES local PD = 1234567890 -- APENAS PARA TESTES local localPos = {getElementPosition(localPlayer)} local objetoPos = {getElementPosition(objeto)} local worldPosition = {getScreenFromWorldPosition(objetoPos[1], objetoPos[2], objetoPos[3] + 0.50)} local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(localPos[1], localPos[2], localPos[3], objetoPos[1], objetoPos[2], objetoPos[3]) if distance <= 15 then if worldPosition[1] and worldPosition[2] then dxDrawText("ID: "..ID.." | PD: "..PD, worldPosition[1], worldPosition[2], worldPosition[1], worldPosition[2], tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.0 , "default-bold", "center") end end -- end -- end -- DESATIVADOS APENAS PARA TESTES. end)
    1 point
  18. O seu 4º e 5º parâmetros não fazem sentido. (10, 20) Também não faz sentido vc colocar "center" fora de aspas duplas. Este parâmetro é uma string, portanto precisa estar entre aspas, exatamente como mencionei na minha resposta anterior. O primeiro "center" faz ele centralizar o texto na horizontal, o segundo "center" faz ele centralizar na vertical, mas não é necessário centralizar na vertical nesse caso, pois é só aumentar o diminuir aquele offset do + 0.50 para mudar a altura do texto. Então utilize apenas o primeiro "center" e delete o que tem depois.
    1 point
  19. Adicione o parâmetro , "center" depois do nome da fonte ali no dxDrawText.
    1 point
  20. Hi, onClientPlayerVehicleEnter first paramater is theVehicle element you entered addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleEnter", localPlayer, function(theVehicle) You can get the model id of this vehicle using getElementModel(theVehicle) and check if the vehicule you entered is a valid model It is faster to use a table with key as id of the vehicle and set a boolean true as value because it allows you to check by calling the table with the id of vehicule you entered as key instead of checking with a loop. validModels = { [124] = true, [126] = true, -- etc } addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleEnter", localPlayer, function(theVehicle) local id = getElementModel(theVehicle) if (validModels[id]) then -- your stuff end end) Cya,
    1 point
  21. For the Last 3 years MTA SA serial validation worked flawlessly on wine/linux via running the mta-server64 as root, but recently that confusingly broke. This happens on all my 4 systems all used to work for the Last 3 years and now they don't.
    1 point
  22. DataSystem Links: Github: https://github.com/PWisniaNE/MTA-SA-DataSystem Authors: P.Wiśnia (https://github.com/PWisniaNE) Rick (https://github.com/httpRick/) Server-Side functions: setCustomData(element,name,variable,key) getCustomData(element,name,key) getAllCustomData(element,key) getElementsByCustomData(name,key) hasCustomData(element, selectedKey, name, variable) removeCustomData(element,name,key) Client-Side functions: getCustomData(element,name) setCustomData(element,name,variable) hasCustomData(element,name,variable) KeyTypes: Server (non-synchronization, data only storage on server) Synced (synchronization with all players) Client (synchronization from server to one player) Group (synchronization from server to group of players)
    1 point
  23. Hi, I started slowly creating an alternative elementdat system. Link: https://github.com/PWisniaNE/MTA-SA-UserDataSystem/ If you have any suggestions how to improve or optimize the system, I will be happy to listen to your suggestions. I would like the code to be as optimal and safe as possible.
    1 point
  24. Nenhum desses exemplos vai funcionar pois faltou fechar o parênteses do addEventHandler. Adicione um ) depois do último end.
    1 point
  25. Hello everybody I'm currently working on a server and have been playing around with loads of different resources and scripts, but I've just come across one that has properly grounded all my gears completely. I downloaded this promising looking resource called "housing_system" which turned out to be a massive headache. It's great, it's simple to use, but it doesn't save any of the properties and as soon as you close "MTA Server", all your work goes. This is very annoying when you spend a night doing almost 400+ properties, just for them to all disappear. Nothing in the readme or description that may hint in any way for you to save anything yourself. Here's a link https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=1841 Quite disappointed after loosing all that progress, and has genuinely put me off doing the server a bit as I now have to go all around LS (when I find a resource that works as described) It's been uploaded by a guy called "TheTurboCow" but apparently got permission from "JasperNL=D" to edit it and re-upload it. Any help would be much appreciated as the author hasn't linked a thread to it so you can't ask them for support. I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong or if I should be doing something else, as the uploader isn't really much help. Cheers everyone!
    1 point
  26. Hola @Shadox, Parece que el problema está en la creación del área de radar. Aquí está la corrección en el código para asegurar que el área de radar se cree correctamente y se muestre en el radar: if bUseRadarArea then for _, a in ipairs( aRadarAreaPlaces ) do local x, y, width, height, r, g, b, a = unpack( a ) pRadarArea = createRadarArea( x, y, width, height, r, g, b, a ) end end Asegúrate de que los valores de x, y, width, height y los colores r, g, b, a estén siendo definidos correctamente en la tabla aRadarAreaPlaces. Esto debería garantizar que el área de radar se cree con las dimensiones y colores correctos y se muestre en el radar según lo esperado.E Espero haber ayudado.
    1 point
  27. We have this event on client. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnClientChatMessage
    1 point
  28. Hello everyone, I'm incredibly excited to announce some big changes that's come to everyone's favorite World War 2 TDM server! Back when this server first began I remember playing with my friends and having an amazing time - and over the years although Einheit got busy and could not dedicate as much time to server work, the gameplay held up and people continued to have a great time. I eventually extended my offer to help as a moderator or administrator to keep the server clean and ended up contributing in that way until today. As I stated, unfortunately Einheit got busy and was not able to continue giving the project the love and attention - but recently I did some thinking and wanted to do more: Einheit and I - amidst our usual DM conversations - privately came to an agreement for him to sell the server and all related properties to me. Now with this being said, I am very aware of the time, effort, and love he put into this from-scratch project and how much it matters to him. He has been the sole owner and developer on this project since the beginning with only a couple admins and mods to helpfully watch the server from time to time (looking at you @*UndecomingMedic9). I think in order to preserve this server properly and ensure it doesn't end up like many other servers we've seen eventually shut down, It's important for someone with the time, interest, and motivation to take control of it. A bit of background about me - I'm nearly 27 years old and from the US, I joined MTA in 2013 with it being nearly the first online-multiplayer game I've ever played (although I didn't even know the forums existed until two years later haha). I started on freeroam and eventually moved to English roleplay, owning and helping with some servers there while still keeping some enjoyment in freeroam on and off. I'm a huge history guy focusing more around WW1 and WW2 but very much enjoy learning about any past conflicts. I'm currently in the US military doing what I love and aside from that, just trying to live life. So I guess everyone's next question is what's going to happen from here? I'll start with saying nothing in SAAW is going to get worse - It's only going to get better with time. Personally I'm not to best developer on MTA and Einheit was certainly better than me regarding that, but I'm still capable enough to make good things happen with little to no error given the right amount of time. On the player side, the only two things that will change is the IP (which will be attached to this post, announced in our Discord when it's ready, and appended to the original server's name to redirect people in-game) and the fact that development will finally continue. On the development side, in the long scale of things I'm hoping to: Eventually move to MySQL for certain data (while making sure current players don't lose their existing stats/hours/etc) in hopes to move away from the mass amount of element data used Redesign a bit of user interaction such as the login/title screen and potentially some light in-game hud as well Convert several of the maps to utilize the createBuilding function once out of nightly Improve some current features to the best of my ability Address existing bugs and see what can be done to remedy them Create new features given some ideas I've had from players/friends that will fit well in-game More, as time goes on Some final notes: All current staff on the server will remain in their same positions for the time being, but may be replaced if I notice they haven't logged into the new server months after its release. Einheit will remain a permanent staff member The new SAAW will be a server managed under my multi-game community, Monky Gaming Community. Aside from a War Thunder squadron and Minecraft server, this community owns Monky Gaming MTA and San Andreas: A Singleplayer Experience. Our Discord is https://discord.gg/WtRCWSjJuM Interested in helping or have suggestions? Join our Discord and send me a message there or drop suggestions in our suggestions channel Thank you @Einheit-101 for trusting me to keep the project alive and well, and thanks for creating it in the first place If anyone has any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to comment them or send me a message and I will answer to the best of my ability The original SAAW forum post: (To be slightly edited later to encompass this post) A cool feature video made by @Didi:
    1 point
  29. Niște afiramții/formulări ce pot fi utile când dorim să aflăm informații legate de un anumit tabel sau coloane ce corespund unui tabel dintr-o bază de date. --- varianta MySQL local rez = dbPoll(dbQuery(connection,"SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = '"..name.."';"),-1) -- inlocuiți name cu numele bazei de date de la care doriți să aflați informații legate de tabele -- rez o sa returneze un tabel cu denumirile tabelelor din baza de date pe care ați asociat-o cu variabila name for k,v in pairs(rez) do outputDebugString(v.table_name) end local rez = dbPoll(dbQuery(connection,"SELECT COLUMN_NAME,DATA_TYPE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = '"..table.."' ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION"),-1) -- selectam denumirea coloanelor si tipul datelor pentru tabela aflata sub variabila table for k,v in pairs(rez) do outputDebugString(v.COLUMN_NAME) outputDebugString(v.DATA_TYPE) end ---------------------- -- Pentru SQLite local rez = dbPoll(dbQuery(connection,"SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';"),-1) -- aici nu mai aveti nevoie de denumirea bazei de date deoarece se returneaza tabelele din baza de date la care sunteti conectat. for k,v in pairs(rez) do if v.name ~= "sqlite_sequence" then outputDebugString(v.name) end end local rez = dbPoll(dbQuery(connection,"PRAGMA table_info("..tostring(table)..")"),-1) -- selectam date legate de coloane -- table este denumirea tabelului de la care dorim sa aflam date legate de coloane. for k,v in pairs(rez) do outputDebugString(v.name) outputDebugString(v.type) end
    1 point
  30. Volumetric street light cone with vertex alpha
    1 point
  31. 1. We create an application in https://discord.com/developers/applications 2. We copy the application id: 3. Now we are making the script (start with creating a .lua file) --// discord_c.lua local app_id = "your_app_key_here" function ConnectRPC() setDiscordApplicationID(app_id) if isDiscordRichPresenceConnected() then local name = getPlayerName(localPlayer) iprint("RPC: Discord RPC is now connected") setDiscordRichPresenceAsset("your_app_logo_string", "Yey, this is my app logo") setDiscordRichPresenceButton(1, "Join Discord", "url_here") setDiscordRichPresenceButton(2, "Connect Server", "url_here") --// NOTE: you can show only 2 buttons setDiscordRichPresenceState("Playing") setDiscordRichPresenceDetails("Playing as: "..name) else iprint("RPC: Discord RPC failed to connect") end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, ConnectRPC) --// Now, we reset the rpc details so the status will not be bugged addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", resourceRoot, function() resetDiscordRichPresenceData() end) 4. So, we have our discord_c.lua file and now we need to create the meta.xml <meta> <info author="YourName" description="YourResourceDescription" type="YourScriptType", version="1.0" /> <script src="discord_c.lua" type="client" cache="false" /> </meta> 5. In the console you can now type refresh and after start theResourceName
    1 point
  32. Thank you for answer, i have 24gb memory ram and have this problem, What do you think we should do to solve this problem? Because it is really annoying
    1 point
  33. Hello, All global bans have been removed, everyone is unbanned * Legend: "global ban" = Manual ban for bad activity or AntiCheat "Banned by MTA" MTA wishes everyone a happy new year. To show our good intentions and willingness to forgive those in which we previously lost faith, everyone that received a global ban in the past 15 years has been given a final chance to be a normal player, and redeem themselves. This is not a joke, we removed all bans (except for a handful of the worst cases, up to 20 users), and will only happen once in MTA's lifetime. Everyone that used paid hacks, or was a cheat developer, can play again. We are extra confident in this because we recently patched (detected, blocked) the major paid hacks on MTA, unbanning paid hack users in this scenario was our traditional approach which we however shifted away from. Everyone that did basic malicious activity against MTA, its users or a server, can play again. Of course, except for the absolute worst of cases, which is unlikely to include you. So for a bit of context, besides giving everyone a chance to redeem themselves (if they had previously insisted they realized their mistakes and wouldn't repeat.. but got rejected as we have different experiences with such users), we realized that the system used was prone to false positive bans that accumulate during periods of lowered AC Team manpower. Even when manpower went up, it was a huge leap to catch up with the growing so-called technical debt to fix up on false positives, leading to, as I must admit, a bunch of unfairly banned people with appeals that wouldn't be attended to. This is the compassionate move. - Those that know what they did to get banned, should know that this is their final chance, and that should you draw AC team's attention again you are done for. You are certainly one of those that fully realize the strength of our anti-ban evade measures to which point you can't do anything to evade bans, as when you get such a manual ban not even spoofers will work to evade.. so, don't make the same mistake again, don't put yourself in the same situation of being defeated, AC team will really come after you if you repeat. You can consider the ban amnesty as a peace offering, as long you are willing to be a normal user from now on. Not a toxic cheat developer, hacker, DDoS attacker or so on, whatever behavior got you banned. Redeem yourself, learn from your past mistakes, and make a fresh start. - Those that know they are innocent and were caught in the crossfire of their appeals not being handled in a timely manner or at all, we extend our deepest apologies to you, and reassure you that 99% of all measures (intended for other banned users) which could lead to such a false positive ban are now removed along with the Ban Amnesty. You are cleared and very much welcome back to play MTA: San Andreas. I am well aware how many dreams of past players were ruined by unfortunate mistakes. Disclaimer: Anyone that notices they are still banned after today, is one of the up to 20 people in the list of exceptions, and shouldn't bother to appeal. It has been double checked that only intended remaining bans still exist, there is no such thing as a 'mistake' to be reconsidered. Community bans (Discord/Forums) are also not included other than on a case by case basis such as through the use of our Discord Ban Appeals board, unless otherwise stated in the near future. At last, if you have any friends that are permanently banned, please inform them about the good news, but caution them to behave this time, because like I wrote at the top, this is an extremely rare event that won't occur in MTA's future, as it has never done so in the past 15 years.
    1 point
  34. Hello, Effective immediately it's no longer possible to: - Report players to AC team - Appeal any global bans Do not attempt to report players to MTA staff team, or appeal any bans. It doesn't matter what you think or believe in, they will no longer be processed. A) If you need to report a player, please contact admins on the server they are playing on. Server admins should pay the amount of attention that staff in other multiplayer games (with hosted servers) typically pay, and owners should be mindful of script security and scripted anti-cheat solutions to fill in some cracks that started to be created over the past few years, and continue to do so as a result of lowered manpower within the MTA AC team. B) Appealing bans is no longer needed as permanent bans have been removed last month, and any of the handful of cases not covered aren't meant to ever be appealed, without exception. Temporary bans were never meant to be appealed, although some staff member's intepretation of that (while redirecting users) has varied - if you got a temporary ban, wait for it to expire and surely you got a feeling of what not to do/not to run next time while MTA is opened, to avoid getting banned again. AC team is actively monitoring the reliability & integrity of standard detections that may lead to temporary bans, that's one of the things its manpower still allows it to do, so you can see why we're confident to go this route - any leakage of appeals in places they don't belong/users contacting MTA about their bans anyways, our experience has learned is 99.9% users that know why they got banned but won't accept it and are persistent.. as before, all such inquiries won't lead anywhere, but especially now we said "No appeals anymore" there will be zero interaction and certain behaviors may also lead to removal from the respective platforms where inquiries are made in a persistent or disruptive fashion. Finally, regarding cheaters - the level of sophistication that our AC has reached due to years of playing a cat mouse game with cheaters, is a hugely raised border for cheats to be made and will continue to do so (as methods that were used in the past were patched as per the spoilered text in this topic, so they can't be re-used). However, with the loss of dedicated AC developers within AC team, comes that we can no longer keep up as before, this situation has existed for the past 2 years so as of this post nothing is abruptly changing, it's just the point of admitting we won't be tryharding as much as in the past to be known as totally cheater-free game, a reputation we held for long. If you look around in the gaming industry, you'll see that we held up pretty well in comparison, but the cheating industry (due to toxicity demand) has also hardened, and after 20 years we are low on manpower which is fully understandable. We will continue to bring AC improvements and get rid of emerging cheats and cheaters, but at our own pace, without external pressure or too high community expectations, from now on everything is on a best-effort basis and the point is that there may be periods during which we can't make any waves due to manpower constricts. You can see that this topic intends to lower your expectations and respect the amount of free time we (as volunteers) are able to invest, and get off our backs for things being different compared to some years ago. We're also OK to restrict ban appeals and player reports so we can delegate all of the manpower that's left on our new strategy, breaking cheats (patching them) and just preventing them from working to begin with, instead of permanently banning cheat users and having to deal with them "regretting" in ban appeals. We are also OK to restrict reporting cheaters as our focus shifts to breaking the cheats, and to get the required information to break one, we have our own methods and channels so much that we don't need any sort of reports. Due to the state of anticheat and heuristics, we always have a good picture of abnormalities and what cheats are doing, so the main limiting factor is manpower to get to work with what we have & know. Enjoy the game, and remember that player desires make the market for servers - so if you see too many cheaters, ask server owners to invest their time in training server admins to be on the lookout for cheaters and ban them, script protection/alert systems, and after all, have some peace of mind because cheating in MTA will always be a raised border and still won't be as common as in directly competing projects. // Note: using the bug bounty program for security bugs remains possible, end user security will always be among MTA team's top priorities. The program has been frozen for cheats, though, and documentation will soon reflect that.
    1 point
  35. To take away some confusion, understand that the changes being announced here are mostly focussed on cutting out the 'community front' of AC team operations, so that we can optimize limited manpower and rebalance expectations for our users to accept there will be periods we can't make waves, if you were able to move yourself into our perspective on how people always want everything solved, fixed, sorted out immediately on their whim, and how persistent they are in that (and in most cases bring something misconceived/invalid, after which they can't even be convinced otherwise or that would take from our time disproportionally), you'd be straight out scared and quickly stressed out. OP was clarified by adding in this segment 1 day after the topic was made: We will continue to bring AC improvements and get rid of emerging cheats and cheaters, but at our own pace, without external pressure or too high community expectations, from now on everything is on a best-effort basis and the point is that there may be periods during which we can't make any waves due to manpower constricts. You can see that this topic intends to lower your expectations and respect the amount of free time we (as volunteers) are able to invest, and get off our backs for things being different compared to some years ago. We're also OK to restrict ban appeals and player reports so we can delegate all of the manpower that's left on our new strategy, breaking cheats (patching them) and just preventing them from working to begin with, instead of permanently banning cheat users and having to deal with them "regretting" in ban appeals. We are also OK to restrict reporting cheaters as our focus shifts to breaking the cheats, and to get the required information to break one, we have our own methods and channels so much that we don't need any sort of reports. Due to the state of anticheat and heuristics, we always have a good picture of abnormalities and what cheats are doing, so the main limiting factor is manpower to get to work with what we have & know. After all, cheating on MTA will not be left alone, and AC team will disrupt it and raise the border even more whenever manpower allows it to do so. Cheaters should realize that their fun may come to an end at any unexpected moment, and that if they're too used to being able to cheat, they will be very upset to have to adapt to playing normally for as long it takes the cheat devs to catch back up to us again.
    1 point
  36. Model encrypter BETA Protect your models easily. https://mtaclub.eu/pcrypt When it's done, don't forget to read HOW_TO_USE.txt! Please let me know if you find a bug!
    1 point
  37. Download (Github) https://github.com/gta191977649/MTASA-SkyGfx Note: the resource updates frequently, please always check the github for the latest verion SkyGfx (Sky is name of Renderware for the PS2, any semblance to the actual sky is purely accidental) brings accurate PS2 and Xbox graphics to the PC version of San Andreas, Vice City and III. if you enjoy vanilla San Andreas graphic, this mod is essential to have. to learn more about it from the original author (AAP), please see here. Now i will straight go through the documentation. Screenshots The Thanks List ren712 - for shaders & coronas help aap - for the original work & renderware engine help What have done or working in progress? Not Start yet/ not invesgate ? Partically Works Done & Fully Supported Pre-request Library Timecyc Parser Rendering the timecyc interpolation directly from timecyc.dat, interpretation algorithm conveted from librwgta. custom_coronas For rendering the classicFX, like VC style vehicle big headlight, trail light effect. DGS - (Optional) for the debugTools, But you're need dgs to work, i just a bit lazy with gui things Features Postfx Trails(Blur) - blurLeft,blurTop,blurRight,blurBottom works! Radiosity - Color Filter - ? PS2 PC Mobile - Night Version Goggles - Infrared Goggles - Building Pipeline SimplePS - BuildingVS - ? partially, some engine data requires to work, still working on that BuildingVSFX - For model with specular lighting property Not even start yet Vehicle Pipeline PS2 Pipeline - Done, you happy? Xbox Pipeline - ? Only specular lighting works. Pipeline tweaks radiosityFilterPasses - radiosityRenderPasses - radiosityIntensity - zwriteThreshold - detailMaps - leedsShininessMult - neoShininessMult - neoSpecularityMult - envShininessMult - envSpecularityMult - envPower - envFresnel - sunGlare - just see my feature PR. ps2ModulateBuilding - World Effect Dual Pass Render - Yeah, it's done, thanks to ren712 PS2 Alpha Test not even start yet Grass dualPassGrass - it overrides by dual pass render. grassBackfaceCull - grassAddAmbient - grassFixPlacement - only can do it via modify the mta engine ps2ModulateGrass - Shadows pedShadows - stencilShadows - Misc disableClouds - disableGamma - neoWaterDrops(xbox rain postfx) - neoBloodDrops - transparentLockon - lightningIlluminatesWorld - toogle timecyc lighting on world object. fixPcCarLight - coronaZtest - ? partially works, however this will breaks and bugs up the other corona's ztesting in mta. needs to work on a new solution. fixShadows - Special Misc FX (Unique addon by nurupo) vehicleClassicFx Show VC/III liked vehicle big headlight and light trails when you rotate the screen vehicleTrailLength Length of light trails (buffered frame) vehicleTrailDrawDist What distance should trails start visiable? vehicleHeadLightAlpha Alpha multiplier for head light vehicleRearLightAlpha Alpha multiplier for rear light buildingExtraBrightness Multiplier for building extra brightness vehicleExtraBrightness Multiplier for building extra brightness stochasticFilter Make repeative texture look better, ported from Valdir da Costa Júnior Bugs/Issue Sun can see through by walls -> Due to zTest disabled fixed by manually re-create sun from shader, thanks to Ren712 Element garbage collection for vehicle classic fx
    1 point
  38. This crash is caused by running out of video memory. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Famous_crash_offsets_and_their_meaning, Ctrl+F and search for 0x003C91CC. Most likely some script creates textures (fonts, etc), but does not remove them when they are not needed. Or it does not check that some element already exists. How can this be monitored: There is a showmemstat command that displays the free video memory for MTA and how much is used by fonts, textures, RTs (+ Screen Sources); There is a function dxGetStatus, which allows you to monitor this with a script. How to know which resource is using a texture/font/etc: 2 options: the performancebrowser resource that allows you to monitor the performance in the browser and the ipb resource that allows you to do it directly in the game. Then you need to select the Lua memory category and specify Client as the target*. By columns DxFonts (= dxCreateFont), GuiFonts (= guiCreateFont), Textures (= dxCreateTexture), RenderTargets (= dxCreateRenderTarget) and ScreenSources (= dxCreateScreenSource) you can understand whether there is a memory leak or not. *You can select any client only in the browser.
    1 point
  39. There is another solution that doesn't require render targets, and it's closer to dxDrawImageSection in the way it works: dxDrawMaterialPrimitive. dxDrawImageSection only operates on rectangular sections. dxDrawMaterialPrimitive allows you to draw triangles, specifying the texture coordinates for each vertex, and since triangles can be put together to form other shapes, you can do what dxDrawImageSection does but not limited to rectangular sections. There isn't an example in the wiki page on how to use it, but dxDrawPrimitive has one, and dxDrawMaterialPrimitive works in a similar way, only it takes image as second argument, and each vertex has 5 parameters instead of 3 (2 extra parameters are for image coordinates). I came up with some function, for drawing a radially cut out section of an image. I only tested it as much as I could test it in standalone Lua interpreter so I don't know if it works in MTA, but if it does, someone may put it on useful functions page in wiki ? It uses trianglefan primitive type, puts the first vertex in the center and other vertices around it. local white = tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255) local degToRad = math.pi/180 local function makeVertexAtAngle(centerX, centerY, halfWidth, halfHeight, angle, color) local angleRad = angle*degToRad local xAdd, yAdd = math.sin(angleRad), -math.cos(angleRad) local maxAdd = math.max(math.abs(xAdd), math.abs(yAdd)) xAdd, yAdd = xAdd/maxAdd, yAdd/maxAdd return { centerX+xAdd*halfWidth, centerY+yAdd*halfHeight, color, 0.5+xAdd*0.5, 0.5+yAdd*0.5 } end function dxDrawRadialImageSection(posX, posY, width, height, image, startAngle, stopAngle, color, postGUI) if color == nil then color = white end if postGUI == nil then postGUI = false end local halfWidth, halfHeight = width*0.5, height*0.5 local centerX, centerY = posX+halfWidth, posY+halfHeight local roundedStartAngle = math.floor((startAngle-45)/90+1)*90+45 local roundedStopAngle = math.ceil((stopAngle-45)/90-1)*90+45 local vertices = {{centerX, centerY, color, 0.5, 0.5}} table.insert(vertices, makeVertexAtAngle(centerX, centerY, halfWidth, halfHeight, startAngle, color)) for angle = roundedStartAngle, roundedStopAngle, 90 do table.insert(vertices, makeVertexAtAngle(centerX, centerY, halfWidth, halfHeight, angle, color)) end table.insert(vertices, makeVertexAtAngle(centerX, centerY, halfWidth, halfHeight, stopAngle, color)) dxDrawMaterialPrimitive("trianglefan", image, postGUI, unpack(vertices)) end This example should display a looping 5-second animation of image going from 0 to 360 (if I didn't screw anything up): function drawAnimatedRadialSection() local angle = (getTickCount() % 5000) / 5000 * 360 dxDrawRadialImageSection(100, 100, 200, 200, "your_image.png", 0, angle) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawAnimatedRadialSection)
    1 point
  40. Hello developers and all members of the MTA Community. im looking to buy a fresh, optimazed npc hlc traffic system for my roleplay community. If there is anyone who has a intrest or a resource that he could sell to me - let me know. Regards
    1 point
  41. Long time this dont get update. Is any way to make this possible without using relay node.js server (externar things) because people buy the server and dont have acess to install that things.
    1 point
  42. here put my token? "token": "bot.token" > bot.token?
    1 point
  43. This implication is incorrect, as the current situations is as follows: - Towtruck can tow empty vehicles (as far I know, there's no MTA version in which vehicles occupied by players could be towed.. probably a technical limitation) - Towtruck can tow an infinite amount of other towtrucks. Contrary to what you think, these additional towtrucks can be chained together in the way you described. If i misunderstand, you could upload a video with reproduction of the latter, to clarify. *Note: i wrote the tone of this post with TS's recent activity in mind
    1 point
  44. It won't look as cool as this decision.
    1 point
  45. I think crash has disappear i was playing through 2hours and no crash Thank you so much for your help.I thnik it is end, unless you want something else :v . @Dutchman101
    1 point
  46. It's a system issue, (if you're interested, take a look at https://pastebin.com/wk5D5rBT -D3D9.dll @ 0x0010EA8F, as you can see no MTA calls are involved in the crash) what I advise is to update your GPU driver, and repair a potentially corrupt D3D9.dll: - Open commandprompt (cmd) as Administrator and type: dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth After it finishes, reboot your PC and open commandprompt once again. This type, type: sfc /scannow and wait for it to complete. When that is done, proceed to updating your drivers. To assist you with that, do the following: Please download and run MTADiag (rightclick > Run as Administrator) and follow the instructions. Press 'y' when asked to allow making changes, and 'n' when otherwise asked to. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you in this topic. Also when you look at this, https://www.google.com/search?q=0x0010EA8F even while it's a rare problem, you can see the underlying system issue is also capable of crashing other games. Edit - Btw, alternative for the Pastebin link at the beginning, about the specifics of this crash issue so others on the web that are affected can find it in the future.. in below spoiler. .. As per the last post in this topic, it turned out to be Windows OS / system file / d3d9.dll (either in system32 or the affected software's installation folder) corruption or non-original file problem
    1 point
  47. Hi, I'm currently developing a Roleplay Server based on Vice City. We've already managed to properly incorporate the map in MTA, with a quite seamless rendering distance. All this took me quite a lot of weeks to do, all the rendering and optimization is done by my own scripts, but of course this would never be as good as having native functionality to deal with all this. If this project is implemented, I'd like to see: Ability to assign new IDs to objects, so we can keep most of GTA:SA's. Fix the interior flickering bug which happens when you replace a lot of objects. Ability to createWorldObject instead of createObject, which would behave like the SA map. Remove the object limit on the MTA streamer, causing some objects to disappear when there are a lot of them streamed in. Optimize the speed of model, texture and collision replacement That's pretty much it, Thank you for considering this!
    1 point
  48. How am I supposed to know the bullet speed,location, etc. Also how can I apply the fx as a shader to the bullet(first time i mess with shaders)
    1 point
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