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  1. Hi and welcome to the forums! There's an in-depth guide about port forwarding made by Dutchman101 a while ago, it should provide you with different solutions that you can try in order to successfully open your ports:
    1 point
  2. do you even think there is any fairness? The reason of players abusing something is there is no one playing fair here... All of the DD players try to have stronger car and it's not only limited with turkish players. If you don't have something, (I am not talking about myself) even if your skills are 10/10 if there is a lagger he can beat you easily so you will get some mods; and I don't even think people was worried about dd when there is much abusers when they are the part of these abusers, yeah I used mods in past too but who didn't? If you don't want to play vs abusers then you can search for another clan war, this is how dd community works. You killed a community that was happy before. And don't believe in the clean player role. There is tons of examples but, even your friend moxing was using abuse on “binds” command - Private Bugs and did you do something about it? You will think that I am writing these words to get unbanned my friend but nothing will be same even if het get unban. Or even all of the banned players get unban; nothing will be same.
    1 point
  3. Firstly, i cant say something about this, you're right and they never give up about making mod, lag switches or bug. If you notice, i didnt say anything about all the banned people anyway. I only mentioned some of them. Of course its admin's decision, not ours. First of all, I would like to point out that. There is a serious prejudice against Turkish players. There are many players in this game, not only Turks, but also Polish, Hungarian, Russian, Azerbaijani, Egyptian, Arabian, Dutch and German. I've made friends with many of them, and I've had conversations and evidence that most of them cheated. The fact that most of the Turks are reported and banned in the game does not only show that the Turks are cheaters. In this game, there are many players who try and cheat more than Turks. (You said you couldn't find enough evidence even though I reported it to you. However, there are dozens of people in the DD community who are complaining about the person I reported, and I'm not the only one saying this. Everyone is complaining about that player and everyone knows that he cheated.) Long story short, please break the prejudice against Turks. Instead of segregating players by race, you can segregate them by nicknames. Taking a racist approach is a mistake. Currently, if 100 people are playing in this game mode, 70 of them are using cheats. Even ordinary people can buy server from nitrado or any other server purchasing company and create a DD server. Many uninformed players own the server. If you inform them about taking precautions against cheats with a video narration, they will also protect their servers from cheaters. In other words, we cannot expect such behavior from someone who is not knowledgeable on this subject. If you can show them how to deal with these cheaters with a video, server owners will do it. Again, not just "Turkish" Server Owners People can cheat in Aevum Clanwar Servers. Aevum is Nindix's server. (He is German. not Turkish.) I can easily say that Turkish players make up about 45-50% of all DD players. Trying to attract new players is really hard. Why should they care about MTA DD? That's why I mentioned an event to be held on the forum. A global event would be good for the Race game mode. Finally, I would like to clarify this issue. I have many friends in this game. I get information from many people. As you said, about 1 month ago I got kicked for trying to login to the server with cheating. This was because of the information I got from the environment and the process of testing it. As you know, I was banned from MTA before. And again for the same reason I was banned. We had contacted you and fixed this error together. I haven't played clan wars for days or used against others using cheats like other cheaters, I just tested the cheat on FFS Server and logged out of the server. Then I told you in detail how I could cheat, via PM. The reason I kicked 1 month ago was similar to this. I discovered an EXEMOD line that I thought someone else was using and got kicked while testing it. That's all it is. Other than that, I didn't do anything wrong. Whether you believe me or not will not change anything in my life. You can ban me forever if you want. Like others, I didn't put this game at the center of my life. This game is just a means of entertainment for me. My reason for starting this "save dd" thread is this: To somehow revive the DD game mode again. Since the most logical idea that came to my mind was to ban some of the people who were banned, I placed this at the center of my thoughts. And I added: if you have a better idea, you can submit it. Also, I have heard that many of the people who write against me here are using cheats. I don't understand how they talk bad about banned people and forget that they are the real cheaters. funny. Thanks. -Raimondex.
    1 point
  4. My friend Antichrist didnt get a final chance as @Dutchman101said every abuser got final chance on #SAVEDD topic. He got his first ban and the ban was permanent, I don't support him because he is my friend but there is many players who deserve permanent ban instead of Antichrist.
    1 point
  5. All Here : ███╗░░██╗░█████╗░████████╗██╗██╗░░░██╗███████╗  ██╗░░░██╗██╗ ████╗░██║██╔══██╗╚══██╔══╝██║██║░░░██║██╔════╝  ██║░░░██║██║ ██╔██╗██║███████║░░░██║░░░██║╚██╗░██╔╝█████╗░░  ██║░░░██║██║ ██║╚████║██╔══██║░░░██║░░░██║░╚████╔╝░██╔══╝░░  ██║░░░██║██║ ██║░╚███║██║░░██║░░░██║░░░██║░░╚██╔╝░░███████╗  ╚██████╔╝██║ ╚═╝░░╚══╝╚═╝░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░░╚══════╝  ░╚═════╝░╚═╝ By ScoomaAli
    0 points
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