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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/04/21 in all areas

  1. SAMP MAP LOADER This resources adds the ability to load your favourite SA-MP maps into the MTA-SA! Screens Even works on this kinds of crazy map Resource Structure sampobj - provides the core functionality to load the samp.img, cols & texture materials. sampmap - SAMP Maploader, loads the map files either from specific format or SA-MP Texture-Studio file. Usage places the sampobj and sampmap into your mta-resrouces folder in sampmap resources, find a file nammed sampmap.lua , it already contains a example map made by samp texture-studio (special thanks to author Unu Alex for the creation of this hard work.), you can add your own map under this file. start the resources sampobj and sampmap & enjoy, you can check out /testmap command to teleport you to the sample example samp map. Exports sampobj createSAMPObject(model_id,x,y,z,rx,ry,rz) note the mode_id can be either sa stock object or an id from samp_model. setObjectMaterial(object,mat_index,model_id,lib_name,txd_name,color) Issues & todos in future Currently the material color is somehow bugged, especially the one contains the alpha materials. Drawdistance issue, due to the engine limitation the max distances viewdistance of a normal object is 300 unit, if your map contains the wide areas of custom samp objects, the far distances objects might not visible. Currently no SetObjectMaterialText Support, i'll do it in the furture, do check up my github ? High Memory Useage, due to the MTA current don't have the support of server-side defined object ids, therefore inorder to keep the original samp model id works i did a big mapping array to keep the mta-allocated ids & orignal samp ids in relation. however the down-side is the high RAM use, it might needs to takes some further optimzation in the furtue. Download & Github Due to the limitation 20MB of MTA-Commnity resources, I've upload the whole project into the github. https://github.com/gta191977649/MTA-SAMP-OBJ Happy Mapping & Hunting?
    1 point
  2. Você pode apenas deixá-la invisível, assim ela continua funcionando normalmente porém não será visível. setElementAlpha (marker, 0)
    1 point
  3. thanks u weapon bone is work nice , seems there are basic work of this bone
    1 point
  4. No idea what you're trying to do with function 2 but i fixed the check. if the check's your only problem then this should fix it. local Grupo = { ["Policial"] = true -- You can add more groups here if you want. } function isPlayerOnGroup2 ( thePlayer ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) for group, bool in pairs(Grupo) do if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup(group)) then return true end return false end end function ClickJogdor ( Player ) if isPlayerOnGroup2 ( source ) then local account = getPlayerAccount (Player) if isGuestAccount (account) then msgFeniX(source, "Esse Jogador está deslogado !", "error") return end local cx, cy, cz = getElementPosition ( Player ) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( source ) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( cx, cy, cz, px, py, pz ) if ( distance <= 1.7 ) then -- if Player == source then return end triggerClientEvent (source , "FeniX_AbrirDX" , source) setElementData(source, "FeniXMTA_Suspeito" , Player) end end end addEvent ( "FeniX_ClickJogdor", true ) addEventHandler ( "FeniX_ClickJogdor", root, ClickJogdor)
    1 point
  5. * A taxometer from this resource has been added - https://github.com/DELOFRAM/cloudmta-mta/tree/3842d36b03e6055754d6501330f4a0e7343cc1a7/titan_taximeter * Code improvement and optimization * Improved driving style - better enters curves and turns. * Added higher speed on highways than in the city. * If a taxi is on the road, its "rooster" lights up - if it is standing, the "rooster" does not light * If the taxi is on the road, we will charge you. - if there is an amount to be paid, it will not change. * Vehicle registration is charged on the taxometer. * Get the remaining distance displayed on the taxometer. * Driver's name, currently hard-coded. (value does not change) Big problems: * I have to add more nodes to the route finder because sometimes it chooses the direction of movement wrong sometimes. I don't know if everything is translated well, I don't know English well.
    1 point
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