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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/20 in all areas

  1. Today i proudly present to you: OSWS (OpenSourceWaterShader) for MTA: San Andreas! What is this? This resource is a project that i started long ago in order to finally (!) get a decent water shader working for MTA that benefits everybody. The main goal is to get an amazing shader where everyone should contribute to make it the very best looking water that we can get for this game engine. The code is pretty well optimized and the performance should be good for everyone, but a shader model 3.0 graphics card is REQUIRED for this resource! The effect is applied to the water texture itself. It is NOT a post-processing water shader. This means that we do not have to deal with any issues that come with post-processing, for example smoke and any other effect that is rendering behind the drawn water. The downside of this method is the fact that we can not (as far as i know) add refraction to the stuff that is below the water surface. But maybe some genius knows a way to make it happen, or fix the rendering issues of post-processed water. Stuff like that is the main reason why i decided to make this resource a community project, improvements for everyone! Features: Water reflections, surface refraction: Shore fading, shore foam: Dynamic_sky support with sun + moon specular lighting: DOWNLOAD: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=18239 DOWNLOAD DYNAMIC_SKY RESOURCE BY @Ren_712: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=6828
    2 points
  2. Remastered GTA:SA's Classic HUD Preview Download: Github Community Resources
    1 point
  3. Hello guys! i need help i want to add to my login panel so once player is on login panel the image will change every second for example from this to this every second
    1 point
  4. Não é possível substituir os modelos de roupas CJ usando https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/EngineReplaceModel. Seus tipos de modelo suportados estão listados na parte superior da página de funções. Você pode substituir as texturas das roupas por shaders, e acredito que também pode substituir os arquivos .txd por https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/EngineImportTXD. O MTA pode carregar modelos de roupas personalizados se for substituído no player.img, mas não usando nenhuma das funções do mecanismo. Eu espero que isso ajude It's not possible to replace CJ clothing models using https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/EngineReplaceModel. Its supported model types is listed at the top of the function page. You can replace clothing textures with shaders, and I believe you can also replace .txd files with https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/EngineImportTXD. MTA can load custom clothing models if replaced in player.img, but not by using any of the engine functions. I hope this helps
    1 point
  5. Hi, @DaeRoNz! I just added IPL to MAP, right now.
    1 point
  6. Somente você não consegue fala in-game? Se, você fez as alterações no mtaconfig de ativação do voice, salvou o arquivo xml, ligou o servidor, ativou o resource de voice, era pra está funcionando.
    1 point
  7. Você não pode descompilar. Extra obfuscation: quanto maior mais forte é a proteção do código.
    1 point
  8. A bit of a late bump, but this works great!
    1 point
  9. Olá. Primeiro: sua lógica possui alguns erros, especificamente na linha 11. Deveria ser assim: if texture and model == "player_face" or model == "head" then Segundo: a função getPlayerSkin está obsoleta. Use getElementModel ao invés disso.
    1 point
  10. Tente usar isto addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", root, function ( _, acc ) setTimer ( Carregar_Dis, 50, 1, acc ) end ) function Carregar_Dis ( conta ) if not isGuestAccount ( conta ) then if conta then local source = getAccountPlayer ( conta ) local driveDistance = getAccountData ( conta, "driveDistance" ) or 0 setElementData ( source, "driveDistance", driveDistance ) end end end function Iniciar_Resource ( res ) if res == getThisResource ( ) then for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local acc = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if not isGuestAccount ( acc ) then Carregar_Dis ( acc ) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement ( ), Iniciar_Resource ) function Salvar_Dis ( conta ) if conta then local source = getAccountPlayer ( conta ) local driveDistance = getElementData ( source, "driveDistance" ) or 0 setAccountData ( conta, "driveDistance", driveDistance ) end end function Desligar_Dis ( res ) if res == getThisResource ( ) then for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local acc = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if not isGuestAccount ( acc ) then Salvar_Dis ( acc ) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", getRootElement(), Desligar_Dis ) function Sair_Dis_Servidor ( quitType ) local acc = getPlayerAccount(source) if not isGuestAccount ( acc ) then if acc then Salvar_Dis ( acc ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), Sair_Dis_Servidor ) Não testei
    1 point
  11. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ?? عيدكم مبارك تقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال ورزقنا وإياكم زيارة بيته المعظم وأدام علينا نعمة الإسلام والإيمان وجمعنا وإياكم ومن تحبون مع النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم في الفردوس الأعلى وكل عام وأنتم بخير. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???
    1 point
  12. Hey guys. I've made 2 videos about adding Custom objects in MTA. Videos: Programs you'll need: 3DS Max (2009 or 2010, but if you have other It may work too!) Col Editor 2 TXD Workshop Extra stuff you'll need: GTA Scripts for 3DS Max (Put them in 3dsmax folder\Scripts) Example resource: DOWNLOAD .................. Text that you have to put in the meta file: Text that you have to put in the .Lua file (Script): addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() outputChatBox ( "Test") local txd = engineLoadTXD('files/yourfilename.txd',true) engineImportTXD(txd, 2052) local dff = engineLoadDFF('files/yourfilename.dff', 0) engineReplaceModel(dff, 2052) local col = engineLoadCOL('files/yourfilename.col') engineReplaceCOL(col, 2052) engineSetModelLODDistance(2052, 500) end ) P.S. My native language is not English, so I have some mistakes, but I think you'll understand the shit I'm talking
    1 point
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