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  1. This archive removes the telegraph wires from blueberry, fort carson, and basically the whole map, also removes some untouchable fences, etc. Download Requested Images
    1 point
  2. سلام عليكم .. هذا اصدار اولي بس ، مسويه زمان مشاهدة ممتعة ~
    1 point
  3. Hey @IIYAMA thank you for such an honest answer. Would you be so kind to explain with more detail what you mean by different gamemode states? Excuse my ignorance, but I don't know jack about what you mean by this point. For the rest, thank you so much! I'll keep your answer in my mind, most importantly your third point, I think every developer has come through an inspiration phase that ultimately leads to demotivation, hopefully that wont be the case with me!
    1 point
  4. Ou troque o evento "onPlayerVehicleEnter" por "onVehicleEnter". Dai o primeiro parâmetro segue sendo o jogador.
    1 point
  5. de uma olhada em https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnPlayerVehicleEnter veja que o primeiro argumento ali onde vc deixou 'player' é na verdade o veiculo que foi entrado, pra acessar o player use source pra esse evento, isso tbm ta especificado na wiki, outro detalhe que sugiro adicionar é fazer a checagem só pro banco do motorista, senão quem entrar de passageiro sem cnh vai desligar o carro.. function desligarCarro(carro,assento) if not getElementData(source, "cnh") and assento==0 then--se nao tiver elementdata cnh e estiver no banco do motorista (assento 0) setVehicleEngineState(carro, false) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerVehicleEnter" , getRootElement (), desligarCarro)
    1 point
  6. كودك مدخلاته تمام، لكن ما عندك اي مخرجات بحيث انه المعلومات الي تطلع لك الا وهي x, y, z تتحدث محليًا في الوظيفة وانت ماستخدمتهم باي غرض او"اللوحة" حقتك احتاج توضح لي هل القائمة تطلع لك انت كل اللاعبين واماكنهم او فقط مكانك انت؟ ان كان كل اللاعبين تقريبًا افضل شيء تستخدم احد الشيئين ياما Timer -- or 'OnClientPedStep' -- 1.5.6 or up version of mta لكن افضل لك التايمر لان OnClientPedStep تسجل المشيات فقط، فمثلا لو انتقل لمكان ثاني ماراح تتسجل الـOnClientRender ممكن ياخذ جهد على الجهاز من غير فايدة تذكر وماتوقع انك تحتاج المعلومات محدثه بالملي ثانية وكل ماقللت الجهد بموداتك كل ماصار افضل.
    1 point
  7. مبببدع مااشاء الله عليك
    1 point
  8. Sobre bloquear o F8: não é possível por questões de segurança. Quais os comandos que não podem ser bindados? Cite uma lista com todos os comandos que você não quer permitir que sejam ativados por binds.
    1 point
  9. You're welcome. It's good to hear that you could manage to do it yourself. That makes me happy when people actually fix things without being given any code, just instructions.
    1 point
  10. TXT = dxText:create( txt, screenWidth/2, screenHeight/2 ) TXT:font("pricedown") TXT:type("border", 2, 0, 0, 0, 255) I've never used this lib but that's how OOP works in Lua.
    1 point
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