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  1. Ele declarou ela como sendo variável global na linha 9.
    2 points
  2. الله يوفقك يا رب ويعينك @Ahmed Ly وانت ما عندك تعليق بدال المشاهده كذا وخلاص
    2 points
  3. اسف لو كنت بوخت معك فل كلام عن طريقه قولي حقودي لك انا اعتزرلك لائنك عربي متلي يعني اخوات فا اعتزرلك علي اي شيئ مستفز قلته لك ولله قاعد ضميري يئىنبني لائني اتكلمت معك بطريقه مو حلوه ** بس احب اقولك انا مو من جماعه الهاي لاكس ولا نيله انا يمكن أقل من اي حد وانا اسامحك علي طريقتك بردو و اتمني انك تقبل اعتزاري ⁦
    2 points
  4. Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.5.7 is released Today we are proud to announce the release of MTA:SA 1.5.7. You will receive an automatic update soon, but if you don't have MTA installed, you can get it from the home page. This is the final release to support Windows XP and Vista — if you still use Windows XP or Vista, upgrade Windows now. We are also looking for a web designer to help us create a new website! Statistics Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas turned 10 years old last week. Happy birthday! This is the 24th 1.x.x release 359 days since our last release 27 new functions 4 new events 117+ bug fixes and changes 540+ commits 30 contributors, of which 7 are new 64+ total contributors Download This release is backwards compatible with the older 1.5.x releases (1.5.6, 1.5.5, all the way to 1.5). However, if you would like to take advantage of all of these useful changes, you will need to go and download the update! Servers: binaries are available. Do not forget to update your default resources. Highlights This release includes many additions, improvements, and fixes: New drawing functions dxDrawPrimitive and dxDrawMaterialPrimitive Improved performance Fix swimming speed on higher FPS Skimmers can now lift off water at high FPS New events onClientWorldSound, onClientPedStep, onClientVehicleWeaponHit Surface property functions like engineSetSurfaceProperties and much more! Read the 1.5.7 release notes for a complete set of changes and more information about the improvements listed above. Watch or star our GitHub repository to keep on top of all the things we're working on. Important future script changes From 1.6 onwards we will be making at least the following changes: callRemote callbacks currently set the error code to nil when there is no error. In 1.6, to be consistent with fetchRemote, the error code reported will be 0. See GitHub #294. Since July 2016 if you provide an invalid string like "randomstring" when a function expects a number, the string will be treated as 0 and raise a script warning. In 1.6 this will be an error. You will still be able to provide strings containing numbers (e.g. "100" and "12.34"), this change only affects invalid strings. See GitHub #1043. When providing a width and height of (0, 0) to createBrowser or guiCreateBrowser you will encounter a script error instead of a warning. The warning was introduced Feb 2019. See GitHub #1069. Some functions expect only unsigned integers (positive numbers), and since Jan 2016 providing negative numbers would be a warning. This will now be an error. See GitHub #1070. Since Aug 2015, we replaced the custom mtalocal:// URL scheme with http://mta/resourceName/blah.html. This mtalocal:// URL scheme will now be removed. See GitHub #1071. This list is inconclusive and we may introduce more changes later. What's next? Multi Theft Auto depends on community input and contributions. To keep a project like MTA going we need LOTS of people. You can help in the following areas: Designing We are looking for a web designer to help us create a new website. Testing and bug reporting Whenever you encounter a bug or recognise a need for improvement, we can't fix it until you tell us your problem! We're continually working on new features and fixes for MTA, and this always needs testing. Join our Nightly release stream (Settings -> Advanced -> Update build type) and make sure you keep in touch with on Discord and report issues on GitHub. Programming If you know C++ you may be interested in helping improve Multi Theft Auto's client. Working on open-source software may seem scary, but the best way is to try! Read GitHub's open source guide, and then find an itch to scratch, or scratch your own! Documentation Documentation is important, but also time consuming. If you enjoy writing and have some knowledge of English, or you would like to translate the English version to your native language, you’re very welcome to do so. Just head over to our wiki, create an account, and start editing! Support Do you like people? Can you give calm and thought-out responses to users needing help? Then you can spend some time providing support to those who need it. Many answers can be found on our wiki, so make sure to take some time to read it. Then, either join our chat or forums (linked below), or simply help us sort out issues and answer questions on the GitHub repository. Translation Want to translate MTA to your own language? Awesome! Visit us on Pootle. As soon as your translation is approved, it will be pushed to our repository for use in future releases. Donations Keeping the MTA downloads, master server and websites alive costs money! If you want to help us sustain our financial expenses, please donate! Thank you! Thank you to the following community members for their donations this year: Arran, [RUS] Artem Smirnov, Atti, (SAUR)Castillo, CEKfile, .:CiBeR:., Dmi7ry, HACKER99, Malone, Nero, Nicolae Vlad, pentaflops, Platin, -ffs-Sniper, Tapleto-Hos Thank you very much to the following community members for their work towards this release: Addlibs, Arran, CrosRoad95, Dezash, Dutchman101, FileEx, forkerer, Haxardous, lex128, lopezloo, LopSided, Neproify, nonamenoname, ricksterhd123, samr46, StrixG, tederis, TheNormalnij, xerox8521, xLuxy and many others who contributed to our wiki and helped out with issues. (If your name is missing or you want to change your entry above, please let us know on Discord!) You could be on this list! We're always on the lookout for new contributors. Contribute on GitHub, and chat with us on Discord. We have channels for scripting, general support (bugs), mod development, and many more! Finally, please give a ? to our newest contributor @myonlake and our newest addition to the MTA team @botder! Hope you've had a great summer! — MTA Team
    1 point
  5. اثار في الحجر الصحي ههه مود خورافي صراحه و مشاء الله و افضل تستخدام dgs وتغير شكل و كذا و استمر
    1 point
  6. شكرا خويا على الدعم انا كمتال عندي مودات تفتح بف8 كايز اجمعها في لوحة واحدة ونخصص كل زر لمود معين وانا اتلخبط علي الامر لي يفتح المودات التانية فقط تسلم على الدعم راح اجرب واشوفه واكمل المود واعرضو عليكم وانشاء الله راح نكون فالعون في المستقبل
    1 point
  7. function markerb1() if CurrentMarker >= 2 then destroyElement(marker) destroyElement(blip) end if CurrentMarker == 2 then --42 = ultima outputChatBox("Você terminou, entre na auto-escola para ver sua avaliação.", getRootElement(), 0, 255, 0) health = getElementHealth(car) fnh = createMarker(-2026.83, -114.85, 1034, "cylinder", 1.0, _,_,_,_, getRootElement()) setElementInterior(fnh, 3) destroyElement(car) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", fnh, finish) else marker = createMarker(markersb[CurrentMarker][1], markersb[CurrentMarker][2], markersb[CurrentMarker][3], "checkpoint", 5.0, 255, 0, 0, 90, getRootElement()) blip = createBlipAttachedTo(marker, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, getRootElement()) CurrentMarker = CurrentMarker + 1 end end function finish(hitElement, matchingDimension) if health >= 900 then outputChatBox("Você aprovado, agora você possui habilitação tipo B.", getRootElement(), 0, 255, 0) if ( getElementType ( hitElement ) == 'player' ) then account = getPlayerAccount(hitElement) elseif ( getElementType ( hitElement ) == 'vehicle' ) then account = getPlayerAccount(getVehicleOccupant ( hitElement )) end setAccountData(account, "habilitacao.tipob", true) else outputChatBox("Você foi reprovado, tente novamente.", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0) end started = false end and you need check from player not in guest account
    1 point
  8. Digite /debugscript 3 no chat e veja se aparece algum erro... Outra coisa é que você está solicitando uma int chamada health, mas ela não está declarada na função finish...
    1 point
  9. يجب عليك ان تبحث على استضافة تبيع بالروشارج مغربية
    1 point
  10. بغيت نشري ب روشارج مغربية
    1 point
  11. الراجل ال عرف يسويه سواه .. لو عندك نيه تساعد ساعد حتي لو جاهز مافيها مشكله.. بدون كلام ما له داعي عايز تعمل ايه بالزبط
    1 point
  12. تسامحو تحابو شباب والله ازعل لما اشوف اني فتحت موضوع واشوف ناس يتصارعو فيه الخطأ خطئي اسف
    1 point
  13. DGS:dgsSetVisible (window, false )
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. se ja nao tiver criado uma tabela no seu codigo, crie uma, dai nela armazene os objetos logo depois da linha 8 ali, use table.insert(nomedatabela,objetocriado) depois pra deletar vc pode criar um comando ou adaptar no seu codigo como gui etc, fiz 2 comandos pra demonstrar, tem outros jeitos de fazer, esse é só um exemplo em clientside: objs={}--tabela onde armazena objetos function cobj() local x,y,z=getElementPosition(localPlayer) local o=createObject(1238,x+math.random(10),y+math.random(10),z) table.insert(objs,o)--insere objetos end addCommandHandler("crob",cobj)--comando pra criar objetos perto do jogador function dobj() destroyElement(objs[#objs])--apaga ultimo item baseado no tanto de item na tabela table.remove(objs,#objs)--remove ultimo item pra nao ficar em branco end addCommandHandler("delobj",dobj)--comando pra deletar os objetos do ultimo até o primeiro
    1 point
  16. Hey people, that some how get once again another super annoying pop-up... I just wanted you to know that I kept my promise, project trains V2.0.0 is out with open source. It took a little bit longer to clean up the old code, so `soon` was unfortunately not so soon. If you want to edit it, I have to apologies that I didn't clean up all the inconsistency within the code style. But never the less it has tabs and comments ?! I wish you the best of luck in these crazy times!
    1 point
  17. You can download 2.0.0 now. See key features on the first page.
    1 point
  18. Maybe he gave u a useless topic So you need to search for a this system on mta website because that topic he posted for u it miss alot of things like to warp player into a vehicle or remove the player from the vehicle (U can find that in any arrest system) Try to find that on https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources Or if u can made it by yourself Tell me and I will tell u what u need to use to make it works
    1 point
  19. اها , انت من جماعة الهاي كلاس
    1 point
  20. اسف اتكلم كدا لائن تعليمي يختلف عن تعليمك انا مانا سعودي ? فا أحاول اتكلم مع الناس بلغتهم بالتوفيق ?
    1 point
  21. Sim. Pois se o jogador sair do servidor, ele não vai perder a habilitação pois ela vai continuar salva na conta dele.
    1 point
  22. -- # Client Side . local Marker = createMarker ( x , y , z , type , size , redColor , greenColor , blueColor , alpha ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientMarkerHit' , resourceRoot , function ( Player , MatchingDimension ) if ( Player == localPlayer ) and ( MatchingDimension ) then guiSetVisible ( Window , true ) showCursor ( true ) end end ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick' , root , function ( ) if ( source == AcceptJob ) then triggerServerEvent ( 'JoinJob;KillerJob' , localPlayer ) end end ) -- # Server Side . local Table = { } addEvent ( 'JoinJob;KillerJob' , true ) addEventHandler ( 'JoinJob;KillerJob' , root , function ( ) if ( Table [ source ] ) then return end Table [ source ] = true setElementModel ( source , 87 ) end ) addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerWasted' , root , function ( _ , Killer ) if ( Killer ) and ( getElementType ( Killer ) == 'player' ) then if ( Table [ Killer ] ) then givePlayerMoney ( Killer , 1000 ) end end end ) addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerQuit' , root , function ( ) if ( Table [ source ] ) then Table [ source ] = nil end end )
    1 point
  23. A diferença é que setAccountData serve para armazenar dados permanentes na conta do jogador. Enquanto que setElementData serve para armazenar dados temporários em um elemento (pode ser num jogador). Se o jogador sair do servidor, toda a elementData armazenada nele é perdida. Enquanto que a data armazenada na conta permanece.
    1 point
  24. -- # Client Side . createMarker addEventHandler - 'onClientMarkerHit' guiSetVisible addEventHandler - 'onClientGUIClick' triggerServerEvent -- #Server Side . { } -- Players table setElementModel table [ 'insert' ] addEventHandler - 'onPlayerWasted' givePlayerMoney addEventHandler - 'onPlayerQuit' table [ 'remove' ] بالنسبة لتغيير اللون , قصدك لون شخصيتك يتغير ؟ إذا لون شخصيتك يتغير فلازم تستعمل شادار وبالنسبة للتغير اللون في الخريطة , غيره من مود playersblips او بدل الجدول , سوي createTeam , setPlayerTeam
    1 point
  25. 0 points
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