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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/03/20 in all areas

  1. Presented By (Previously J Series) With more than 3 years of work I decided to publicly release my map conversions, I had dropped my previous listings due to some "Issues" however, they're back. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download Streaming Quality - 8/10 Get's the job done, awesome all around, but some places are better than others ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download Streaming Quality 7/10 Beats VC in other places, very poor in others; as well as a huge FPS drop in the first island (Issues are rockstars fault) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download Streaming Quality 9/10 Beats both VC and LC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vehicle testing gridmap Download Streaming Quality 10/10 Perfecto ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download Streaming Quality 7/10 Decent all around Might be a tad laggy due to the high poly and Russian nature of this map Extremely detailed for a user created map ------------------------------------------------- Download (Coming soon) streaming quality 10/10 Very light weight ------------------------------------------------- MTA-Stream MTA-Stream a new lightweight streamer promising near instant load times and better streaming Post any bugs here Or here Questions or discussions can be either posted in this topic or here --- If you would like to support my work, please donate encourages me to make good updates. https://www.paypal.me/BlueJayL
    1 point
  2. I have a resource for this on community. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=18006
    1 point
  3. Hello manif14102, since you have trouble implementing the algorithms described in that topic, how about posting your code so that we can assist you? I think that you may have personally overlooked something that we can improve as a community ? - Martin
    1 point
  4. Client-side não se usa o argumento de jogador, pois a mensagem sempre será para o localPlayer. Preste mais atenção na sintaxe da Wiki. outputChatBox ( "#FF5555ERRO: #aaaaaaJá existe alguém ativando VIP.", 255, 255, 255, true )
    1 point
  5. Eu usaria root no lugar do getRootElement( ) só pra poupar alguns bits de tamanho. Da mesma forma que se usa localPlayer em vez de getLocalPlayer ( )
    1 point
  6. Não necessita do source como parâmetro no server-side -- CLIENT-SIDE triggerServerEvent ( "onGreeting", localPlayer, guiGetText ( GUIEditor.edit[1] ) ) -- SERVER-SIDE function greetingHandler ( message ) local data = getAccountData ( getAccount("database", "senha"), message ) if data then outputChatBox("Jogador : "..getPlayerName(source), source, 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox("Não achei :(", source, 255,255,255, true) end end addEvent( "onGreeting", true ) addEventHandler( "onGreeting", getRootElement(), greetingHandler )
    1 point
  7. Hi! Please first search what you want to ask.
    1 point
  8. Depende do motivo do script estar com MySQL. As vezes não é necessário ter um banco de dados, salvar na conta dos jogadores já seria o suficiente. Mas para casos onde realmente é necessário ter um banco de dados, você pode trocar por SQLite.
    1 point
  9. I recommend using the scene2res tool to convert IPL/IDE maps into MTA .map format: https://osdn.net/projects/scene2res/ Since I am the creator of that tool you can ask any questions about it in this thread. The tool will create a resource for you inside of the "output" folder. You can rename the folder into "my_map", paste it into the server resources folder and type "start my_map" into the server console. I would be very grateful if you could rate my tool on OSDN.net
    1 point
  10. UPDATE: -Updated deferred rendering by @Ren_712 to latest version, slightly better light rendering and slightly better performance -Fixed a bug that broke sync between players when someone pressed prone -Fixed broken submarine visibility through transparent water -Fixed some issues with broken speed sync between marine units -Fixed visibility of ship / submarine water wakes -Fixed broken sonar detection -Fixed broken submarine sound -Ship wakes do now have a draw distance limit of 800m -Ship captains can now hear it when they get detected by sonar and they get an estimated direction to the target -The sonar detection warning has been visually changed, it is no longer so easy to determine where the sonar ping came from Thats it, there are no known issues left.
    1 point
  11. على الاقل اذكر حقوق الشخص اللي اخذت منه نص المود.. https://community.multitheftauto.com/?p=resources&s=details&id=18041
    1 point
  12. UPDATE: -Added 5150 to moderators team -Players can no longer switch weapons while cursor is showing or a window is open -Fixed a bug that killed a player when climbing a tower in [TDM] Poland -Fixed a bug that disabled collisions of the player with an aircraft when he left the plane for any reason -Fixed a bug that prevented damage from occuring when firing at a submarine with large caliber shells -Fixed a bug that prevented the player from entering a submarine when it has low health -Fixed a bug that prevented a submarine from sinking when it got rammed by a ship -Fixed an exploit that created no noise when jumping -Vehicles do now automatically apply the handbrake as soon as the engine gets turn off
    1 point
  13. "There are 284 servers ahead of my server..." WOW Whoever invented this, it must have been the greatest marketing idea ever. I guess my server has to wait a few decades.
    1 point
  14. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم بقول لكم اليوم عن الأخطاء الشائعة وكيف تصحيحها سيكون الموضوع في تحديث مستمر اذ كان هناك أخطاء شائعة اخرى يلا نبدأ * عدم التفريق بين الحروف الصغيرة والكبيرة * بعضهم لايفرق بين الحرف الصغير والكبير فمثلا print تختلف عن Print مثال يوضح الفرق a = 0 A = 1 print(a.." "..A) * الاستعمال الخاطئ للارقمنات * بعضهم يستعمل الارقمنات بشكل خاطئ كيف؟ لنرى ذلك print(math.random("we", "ewq")) نرى هنا math.random تخص الارقام وليس السلاسل النصية * استعمال اسامي متغيرات محجوزة * بعضهم يستخدم متغيرات محجوزة من قبل مثل local if = "rff" print(if) * نسيان اغلاق ماتحتاج لاغلاقة * الدوال اللتي تحتاج اغلاق end تحتاج do end تحتاج if end تحتاج function ولها شرح خاص until تحتاج repeat والاقواس جميعها تحتاج لاغلاق ( ) { } [ ] :: يجب عليك تذكر ان كل قوس له بداية يجب ان يكون له قوس نهاية في اللغة طبعا وعلامات التنصيص " ' [[ [==[ " ' ]] ]==] والكومنت --[[ ]] a = {"test"} b = a[1] c = (6*4) string = [[ kkvdfg ]] الاستعمال الخاطئ print("Hello" * تعثر في علامات التنصيص * عندما يكتب احدهم قد يغلط في هذا الخطأ مثال لتعثر خاطئ print(..tir"dff") print(""fff"") print(''ddd''') print('dfdfdf) local variable = "adad" print("variable") print("variable..") وكما قلت لكم الموضوع سيكون في تحديث مستمر والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    1 point
  15. Really dude ? In past I seen 2 of my friends server were they buy for top 20 position and they really got players nearly 100+/daily Idk why your server didn't got much player dude
    0 points
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