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  1. ServerIP: Our Discord: https://discord.gg/aR4kGxY OUR FORUM: https://forum.redcountyrp.net/ TEAMSPEAK: Sky Roleplay is made to create the ultimate roleplay experience. Sky Roleplay is a medium/heavy roleplay server, based in Red County. Sky Roleplay has many custom interiors, unique mappings, many unique scripts and last but not least, realistical roleplay experience. Features: Vehicle Sounds Mappings Interiors ETC.. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We Also have host alot of different events for the players with rewards and try to spice up the player experience. Screenshots from the server: DMV: FD: Hospital: The Montgomery Park: The Town Hall:
    9 points
  2. I have been looking to see if the server is good and if the admin team is competent and friendly. I was separated from my name "Da Nang" first to "Daniel Nang" and then as "Da Ching Chang Chong". These names are extremely racy and hurtful to my nationality. The admin laughed at me more or less, where I asked him why he was doing this, he gave me no reason and said I should contact support if there was a problem ...? https://imgur.com/py9SFax
    3 points
  3. About We hear you, “another role-play server? Guess it’s an edit again” – but that’s not the case. Advanced Gaming is, back again, getting things ready to provide our loyal players with what we do best: next level scripts with a nice balance between realism and fun in each and every script. With at least 10 years of experience on the MTA platform and countless sleepless nights, we present to you: A role-play script written from scratch! If you remember us from back in 2015, hi there! If you don’t, no worries. We’ve been here before and life got in the way, we took over a project (SAPD:FR) which required less of our attention and made it possible for us to get a few things straight as a community but also in our personal lives. Now that we're back we're more than ready to finally put full dedication into this project and bring you guys a brand new twist into the MTA:SA Roleplay scene with a brand new script with some never before seen features, so without further ado let's go on with what we have to offer! Features Since a role-play gamemode requires constant changes, new features and removal of features... we’re not going to list all of our features (we know, it’s a lot, we all hate reading). To give you a glance of what we got to offer, we would love to invite you to our server and just give it a shot (when it’s released), if you want to know what our deal is, here’s a glance of what we got to offer: Realistic Vehicle System: We've put countless hours into the details of our vehicle system which allowed us to implement numerous hidden features which we will not yet release to the public, they'll sure blow your mind when you find out about all of it. After hours and hours of study and at least 4 years of experience we've made a perfect balance between the game's engine and physics system to carefully recreate real-life vehicle models in-game regarding handlings which includes top speeds, accelerations, realistic fuel tank capacities and consumptions. FPS-friendly UI: We’ve written our very own custom GUI (graphical user interface) system to create windows, labels, images and what not with ease without frying your CPU and GPU. Balanced Economy: Our economy has been built in a way to promote player to player interaction. How so? Simple, you can forget about getting rich by doing the default jobs, if you want to get yourself some more cash then you're simply going to have to join one of many player ran companies or perhaps even go down the dark path and join a gang? That's up to you, we won't tell anyone and especially not the cops! Jobs and companies, how do they work?: Simple, the entire server will be running on companies instead of default jobs. The default jobs have been made useful for new players (deliveries from our very own storage units, a government funded bus or a taxi driver) but the real fun starts with real people, in real companies. Hurr Durr I’m a big guy on another server, can I..: let me stop you right there, we don’t care about your previous progress on other servers, your entire track list of bans and offenses. Everyone is fair and square as a new player on our server, no advantages and no labels. Items and products: From snacks to meals, from coca-cola cans to glasses of wine, property keys to theory certificates. We've got it all built in with effect, if any. Users are able to purchase some items, other items have to be earned. You'll get a theory certificate after completing your theory for a driving license, a receipt after purchasing something or an empty can after drinking your coca cola. Illegal activities / gameplay: It’s a tough scene, you want to start your own gang or clap your neighbors, we get it. Since the illegal role-play defines or breaks a server, we’re taking close care of the scene with constant monitoring with a team of people. Guns will be distributed passively, drugs will be taken care of (and tested before distribution…). In the trash(bin)! Attention to detail in every script, want to get rid of the annoying receipt you recieved from the store and don't even need it? Simply throw it into one of the many trash bins present around town and let the garbage collectors take care of your junk for you! Police & Criminals: Tired of officers having super cars, heavy duty weapons like AR-15 or server owner-run departments? So are we, which we why we've given the department normal vehicles with fitting handlings which decreases their advantage, increases the experience of both roleplaying as well as the thrill of being a criminal or officer. They're forced to think tactically and plan their actions, their equipment is distributed on a monitored basis to only the higher ranks in the department where we see fit. Giving the illegal roleplay scene space to grow and feel alive And much more!: You want more? We got more! Two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6... oh, you meant features? We have a tight schedule of daily bugfixes, weekly updates and weekly announcements regarding progress. Want to see what we're made of? Check us out.. when we've launched! (sorry, I know..) Screenshots Note: This is still Work in Progress, final product may look different! DMV System Trash Bin System Shopping Vehicle Plate System - more info here. Other Where to find us? Since we’re still getting things ready, you’re more than welcome to join us on our discord server. We’re working on the forums, lots of script changes and making sure that you’re getting something new and fun, rather than just another edit. Server IP: Coming soon! Website: Coming soon! Forums: https://forum.advanced-gaming.org/ Discord: https://discord.gg/2z8YNCefBZ Launch Date: Coming soon! Note: This thread was written using the Dark Theme, if you spot any issues on the default theme please let us know!
    1 point
  4. Código melhorado e devidamente indentado..... addCommandHandler ("versujo", function (player, cmd, target) if (isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup("Policial"))) then local targetplayer = getPlayerFromName (target) if (targetplayer) then local pX, pY, pZ = getElementPosition (player) -- posição do policial local bX, bY, bZ = getElementPosition (targetplayer) -- posição do abordado local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D (pX, pY, pZ, bX, bY, bZ) -- calcula a distancia da duas posições if dist < 3 then -- se a distancia for menor que 3 então: local Dinheiro_Sujo = getElementData (targetplayer, "moneysujo") outputChatBox ("✘#ffffffINFO#0037FF✘➺ #ffffffO Jogador Tem: #FF0000R$"..Dinheiro_Sujo.."#ffffff Na Carteira !", player, 0, 22, 100, true) else --se não for então: outputChatBox ("✘#ffffffINFO#0037FF✘➺ #ffffffVocê esta muito longe!", player, 0, 22, 100, true) end else outputChatBox ("Nenhum jogador encontrado com esse nick!", player, 255, 0, 0) end else outputChatBox ("Você não tem acesso a esse comando!", player, 255, 0, 0) end end)
    1 point
  5. addCommandHandler("versujo", function(player, cmd, target ) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if not isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup("Policial")) then outputChatBox("Ops! Sinto Muito :( , Você não tem permissão para executar esta função", player, 255, 0, 0) return end if target then local targetplayer = getPlayerFromName(target) if targetplayer then local pX, pY, pZ = getElementPosition(player) -- posição do policial local bX, bY, bZ = getElementPosition(targetplayer) -- posição do abordado local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(pX, pY, pZ, bX, bY, bZ) -- calcula a distancia da duas posições if dist < 3 then -- se a distancia for menor que 3 então: local Dinheiro_Sujo = getElementData ( targetplayer, "moneysujo" ) outputChatBox ( "#0037FF✘#ffffffINFO#0037FF✘➺ #ffffffO Jogador Tem: #FF0000R$"..Dinheiro_Sujo.."#ffffff Na Carteira !", player, 255, 0, 0, true ) end else --se não for então: outputChatBox ( "#0037FF✘#ffffffINFO#0037FF✘➺ #ffffffVocê esta muito longe!", player, 255, 0, 0, true ) end end end end) Obs: não testado Vê se isso funciona.
    1 point
  6. We can't say exactly because we can't see it. But, you can increase load distance with https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/EngineSetModelLODDistance Or try to disable occlusion with https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetOcclusionsEnabled
    1 point
  7. Nice server. Many active players too. Would like to see it grow
    1 point
  8. Não é possível. Aplica em todos os jogadores que forem usar a arma cuja propriedade foi alterada. A função só funciona client-side para armas customizadas.
    1 point
  9. All 5 regardless of which you have access to, are scheduled to be removed from our ban list on January 20. For future reference please warn us of any concurrent bans you might have on different accounts, so to not have us ban your active account for evading. Please note that after I banned your 4th account (after I saw you had 3 current bans in the discord server), you should not have connected using your 5th as that's considered evading your ban. Stick to one account from now on, same goes for forums, unless you need multiple. Read more on the Rules page -> B. User Accounts Rules #5.
    1 point
  10. Use a primeira opção que eu deixei, e depois aprimore, apenas adicionei linhas para não buga a team após dado o teleporte.
    1 point
  11. zonapvp = createColRectangle ( 5441.9, -1926.4, 119.5, 133 ) event_iniciado = 1 verificarOne = 0 oldTeam = {} -- Tabela para salvar o Team antigo. local spawns = { {5460.70264, -1825.30945, 10.97057}, {5454.74805, -1884.13953, 10.29621}, {5537.57373, -1887.13306, 11.04092}, {5545.14746, -1829.44873, 10.29401}, {5501.95557, -1861.66174, 10.29621} } function start_admin_event (player) if event_iniciado == 1 then local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..accName, aclGetGroup("Owner")) then outputDebugString ("Evento Iniciado") event_iniciado = event_iniciado + 1 i = 0 pvp_1 = createTeam("PVP-Red [use /pvp]", 255, 0, 0) pvp_2 = createTeam("PVP-Green [use /pvp]", 0, 255, 0) pvp_3 = createTeam("PVP-Blue [use /pvp]", 0, 0, 255) pvp_4 = createTeam("PVP-Yellow [use /pvp]", 255, 255, 0) addCommandHandler ( "pvp", tele ) end end end addCommandHandler ( "eventStart", start_admin_event ) function entrar_na_zona( thePlayer, matchingDimension ) if getElementType ( thePlayer ) == "player" then redirecionar_team (thePlayer ) end end addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", zonapvp, entrar_na_zona) function sair_da_zona( thePlayer, matchingDimension ) if getElementType ( thePlayer ) == "player" then retirar_team (thePlayer ) end end addEventHandler("onColShapeLeave", zonapvp, sair_da_zona) function tele(player) local teles = math.random ( #spawns ) if ( teles ) then local isTeamPlayer = getPlayerTeam ( player ) verificarOne = verificarOne +1 setElementData(player,"inPVP",true) redirecionar_team(player) setElementPosition(player, unpack ( spawns [ teles ] )) end end function redirecionar_team (thePlayer) playerTeam = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) i = i + 1 if i > 4 then i = 1 end if pvp_1 and pvp_2 and pvp_3 and pvp_4 then if playerTeam then if not oldTeam[thePlayer] then -- Adicionado oldTeam[thePlayer] = getTeamName(playerTeam) end -- Adicionado --else -- Adicionado -- oldTeam[thePlayer] = true -- Adicionado end if i == 1 then setPlayerTeam ( thePlayer, pvp_1 ) end if i == 2 then setPlayerTeam ( thePlayer, pvp_2 ) end if i == 3 then setPlayerTeam ( thePlayer, pvp_3 ) end if i == 4 then setPlayerTeam ( thePlayer, pvp_4 ) end end end function retirar_team (player) if oldTeam[player] then local team = getTeamFromName(oldTeam[player]) or false -- Adicionado if team then -- Adicionado setPlayerTeam(player, getTeamFromName(oldTeam[player])) oldTeam[player] = nil -- Adicionado end else setPlayerTeam(player, nil) -- Adicionado end end addCommandHandler("stop123", function (player) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( player ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Owner" ) ) then if event_iniciado >= 2 then for k , v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(v,"inPVP") then retirar_team(v) end end destroyElement(pvp_1) destroyElement(pvp_2) destroyElement(pvp_3) destroyElement(pvp_4) removeCommandHandler("pvp") event_iniciado = 1 end end end) Você fez alterações no código, em vez, de remover a linha que eu tinha mencionado, teste isso
    1 point
  12. Você está errando em algo, eu testei o código e estava funcionando.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Hi Guys My name is dico, and i'm a programmer (c, c++, directx / opengl) This month i start a server on my vps so i can get fun and knowing new friends around the world. and what i did , is a new F1 panel created with new features like (new weapons, flying, god powers and many more) in that menu there is 7 levels (player, vip, svip,mod,smod, admin, and Mode god) The player earn levels by his hours until he get the final level "Mode God" there is also a gate so players can get in and see another world with zombies and some horror scenes you can go to this gate by typing in chat "/gate" or in console "gate" or the easiest way you can go to it from F1 panel This server just for fun and when i have time i will add more features to it. a Video from the server now the server info Name : Anime Otaku Ip : mtasa:// Hope I see you there guys !
    1 point
  16. Please read and apply the section guidelines to your topic within 48 hours, or your post will be removed. @dicosky
    1 point
  17. Can you stop posting a new topic for everything you want to say, please keep it to one topic, as for your question, please search the forums using the SEARCH BAR, there are already converters that can be found on here
    1 point
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