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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/20 in Posts

  1. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته طبعا الكل كان يعرف اني معتزل لكن الان الحمدلله رجعت وهذا الموضوع بستغله في نقطتين اعلان رجوعي وفتح سيرفر جديد بعودتي زي ما تقول لعبه عشان الادمن ما يعرف الموضوع تبع اي قسم هههههه فيخله هنا المهم مع رجعتي رجعتلكم مع سيرفر GGC اللي الموقع الخاص فيه https://ggcrpg.com/ بالنسبه لايبي السيرفر mtasa:// الافتتاح باذن الله غدا في الليل الساعه 5 بتوقيت السعوديه تنورونا السيرفر يدعم عربي+انجليزي+فرنسي الموقع يدعم العربي والانجليزي يا ليت اللي عنده وقت يترجم الموضوع بالقسم الانجليزي بالتوفيق
    1 point
  2. To understand what [1] and [2] are, first you must understand the basics of table. A table is like a container and you can put a lot of things in it, that can be accessed later on. For example, -- Example table local table = {"John", "David", "Abraham", "Adam"} You can insert any value in a table (e.g integers, strings etc). Every item in a table has an index value, which is basically an integer value that tells the position of its items. In this case, local table = {"John", "David", "Abraham", "Adam"} -- John has index value '1' because it is the first item in our table -- David's index value is 2, and so on. When we refer to any particular item in a table, we use the following format, tableName[indexNumber]; For example, if we wanted to output the value of David, we would do this, outputChatBox( table[2], sendToElement ) -- 'sendToElement' is the element which you want to send the message to, e.g root, source. When we did the for loop in the above source code, we actually looped through all the values in the table, e.g, for index, value in ipairs(table) do outputChatBox(value, sendToElement) end This would output all the values in our table. In other words, we would see John, David, Abraham and Adam outputted in chat box. In your source code, vehicles is a table that is returned by the function getElementsWithinRange, and obviously it has keys / indexes, and values. Values would be the player elements and keys / indexes would be the number that they are referred to in the table. local target = vehicles[1] ~= vehicle and vehicles[1] or vehicles[2] What we are essentially checking here is that the target is not going to be ourselves but someone else, so the missiles don't actually target us. In other words, vehicles[1] is the first player element in the vehicles table. Check if vehicle[1] is not our own vehicle, which is defined above as, local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer). ------- About the debug error, it is because 'v' is not specifying an index i.e a player element, so if you replace it with 'v[1]', it should work. But then again, before doing this, add a check to ensure v[1] is not our own vehicle. I'm glad you figured it out on your own. Good luck.
    1 point
  3. حبيبي الله يسعدك تسلم نورك يقلبي حبيبي تسلملي انا واخذ على محمد فمافي مشاكل ههههه تسلم حبيبي حبيبي الله يصلحك لك وحشه
    1 point
  4. وش الموضوع الميت ذا , سنه كامله عدت و ما في اي تفاعل مفروض ينقفل امزح بالتوفيق لك و لسيرفرك
    1 point
  5. Primeiramente Feliz Ano Novo, muitos anos de vida, eu fiz assim o Script, ta certinho? --[[ ################################################ # # # Script Criado Por # # FACEBOOK.COM/AIRNEWSCR # # # # # ################################################ --]] ------------------------------------------------- InteriorDP = 6 DimensaoDP = 0 Cmd01 = "a" -- Algema Cmd02 = "d" -- Desalgema Cmd03 = "c" -- Retira Armas Grupo = "Policial" Distancia_Comandos = 7 Deixar_Preso = createMarker ( 1535.73486, -1672.03137, 13.38281 -1, "cylinder", 10, 255, 255, 255, 0 ) Local_Preso = createMarker ( 264.08435, 77.60955, 1001.03906 -1, "cylinder", 2.5, 255, 255, 255, 0 ) setElementInterior ( Local_Preso, InteriorDP ) setElementDimension ( Local_Preso, DimensaoDP ) function emarker ( marker, md ) if md then if marker == Deixar_Preso then if getElementData ( source, "ocupacao" ) == "Policial" then setElementData ( source, "AirNewSCR_PrisaoArea", "Sim" ) exports.Scripts_OnMarkerMsgs_:create ( source, "Aviso: Aperte F9 para Abrir / Fechar o Painel de Prender do DP" ) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerMarkerHit", getRootElement ( ), emarker ) function lmarker ( marker, md ) if md then if marker == Deixar_Preso then setElementData ( source, "AirNewSCR_PrisaoArea", "Não" ) exports.Scripts_OnMarkerMsgs_:delete(source) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerMarkerLeave", getRootElement ( ), lmarker ) function getPlayerFromID(name) local name = name and name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() or nil if name then for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local name_ = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() if name_:find(name, 1, true) then return player end end end end function Algemar_Jogador ( thePlayer, _, nick ) if nick then if getPlayerFromID ( nick ) then local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( Grupo ) ) then local player_a_ser_algemado = getPlayerFromID ( nick ) local nick_do_jogador = getPlayerName ( player_a_ser_algemado ) local nick_do_policial = getPlayerName ( thePlayer ) local jX, jY, jZ = getElementPosition (player_a_ser_algemado) local pX, pY, pZ = getElementPosition (thePlayer) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( pX, pY, pZ, jX, jY, jZ) if thePlayer == player_a_ser_algemado then return exports.Scripts_Textos:createNewDxMessage ( "Erro: Você não pode algemar você mesmo!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255 ) end local Verificar = getElementData ( player_a_ser_algemado, "algemado" ) or false if Verificar == true then exports.Scripts_Textos:createNewDxMessage ( "Erro: Esse Jogador ja Esta Algemado!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255 ) else if dist <= Distancia_Comandos then setElementData(player_a_ser_algemado,"algemado", true ) setElementFrozen( player_a_ser_algemado, true ) toggleControl(player_a_ser_algemado, "fire", false) setPedAnimation( player_a_ser_algemado, "GRAVEYARD", "mrnM_loop", -1, true, false, false, false) exports.Scripts_Textos:createNewDxMessage ( "Aviso: Você foi Algemado pelo Policial "..nick_do_policial, player_a_ser_algemado, 255, 255, 255 ) exports.Scripts_Textos:createNewDxMessage ( "Aviso: Você algemou o Jogador "..nick_do_jogador.." com Sucesso!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255 ) else exports.Scripts_Textos:createNewDxMessage ( "Erro: Você esta Muito longe do Jogador! chegue mais Perto para poder Algema-lo!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255 ) end end end end end end addCommandHandler( Cmd01, Algemar_Jogador) function Desalgemar_Jogador ( thePlayer, _, nick ) if nick then if ggetPlayerFromID ( nick ) then local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( Grupo) ) then local player_a_ser_desalgemado = getPlayerFromID ( nick ) local nick_do_jogador = getPlayerName ( player_a_ser_desalgemado ) local nick_do_policial = getPlayerName ( thePlayer ) if thePlayer == player_a_ser_desalgemado then return exports.Scripts_Textos:createNewDxMessage ( "Erro: Você não pode desalgemar você mesmo!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255 ) end local Verificar = getElementData ( player_a_ser_desalgemado, "algemado" ) or false if Verificar == false then exports.Scripts_Textos:createNewDxMessage ( "Erro: Esse Jogador não esta Algemado!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255 ) else setElementData ( player_a_ser_desalgemado, "algemado", false ) setPedAnimation ( player_a_ser_desalgemado ) setElementFrozen ( player_a_ser_desalgemado, false ) toggleControl ( player_a_ser_desalgemado, "fire", true ) exports.Scripts_Textos:createNewDxMessage ( "Aviso: Você foi Desalgemado pelo Policial "..nick_do_policial, player_a_ser_desalgemado, 255, 255, 255 ) exports.Scripts_Textos:createNewDxMessage ( "Aviso: Você desalgemou o Jogador "..nick_do_jogador.." com Sucesso!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255 ) end end end end end addCommandHandler( Cmd02, Desalgemar_Jogador) function Retirar_Armas ( source, cmd, pname ) if getElementData(source, "ocupacao" ) == "Policial" then local cliente = getPlayerFromID(pname) if isElement(cliente) then if cliente == source then exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(source, "Erro: Você não pode Retirar suas Proprias Armas!", "error") return end local cx,cy,cz = getElementPosition(cliente) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,cx,cy,cz) if dist <= 7 then takeAllWeapons ( cliente ) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(source, "Aviso: Você removeu todas as Armas do Jogador #ffffff"..getPlayerName(cliente).." #ffffffcom Sucesso!", "success") exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(cliente, "Aviso: O Policial #ffffff"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff Confiscou todas as suas Armas!", "warning") end else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(source, "Erro: O Jogador Não Foi Encontrado!", "error") end end end addCommandHandler ( Cmd03, Retirar_Armas ) function Verificar_Emprego_Atual ( ) for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local acc = getPlayerAccount(player) if acc and not isGuestAccount(acc) then local job = getElementData(player,'ocupacao') local accName = getAccountName (acc) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( Grupo ) ) then setElementData ( player, "ocupacao", "Policial" ) setElementData ( player, "AirNewSCR_Entrada_PortaoDP", "Sim" ) setElementData ( player, "AirNew_Perm_Prender", "Sim" ) else setElementData ( player, "ocupacao", "Criminoso" ) setElementData ( player, "AirNewSCR_Entrada_PortaoDP", "Não" ) setElementData ( player, "AirNew_Perm_Prender", "Não" ) end end end end setTimer ( Verificar_Emprego_Atual, 1500, 0 ) local Prisao_Blip = createBlip ( 1535.89856, -1672.66479, 13.38281 ) setElementVisibleTo ( Prisao_Blip, root, false ) function Nivel_de_Procurado ( source, int ) if int == 0 then setPlayerWantedLevel ( source, int ) else local wl = getPlayerWantedLevel ( source ) if wl + int <= 6 then setPlayerWantedLevel ( source, wl+int ) else setPlayerWantedLevel ( source, 6 ) end end end addEvent("AirNewSCR_Nivel_de_Procurado", true) addEventHandler("AirNewSCR_Nivel_de_Procurado", getRootElement ( ), Nivel_de_Procurado ) function Mensagens_Exports ( source, msg ) exports.Scripts_Textos:createNewDxMessage ( msg, source, 255, 255, 255 ) end addEvent ( "AirNewSCR_Mensagens_Exports", true) addEventHandler ( "AirNewSCR_Mensagens_Exports", getRootElement ( ), Mensagens_Exports ) function Enviar_Prisao_Servidor ( Jogador, Numero, Formato, Motivo ) outputChatBox ( "#58ACFAPolicia: O Policial #ffffff"..getPlayerName(source).." #58ACFAPrendeu o Jogador #ffffff"..Jogador.."!", root, 255, 255, 255, true ) outputChatBox ( "#58ACFAPolicia: Pelo tempo de "..Numero.." "..Formato..", Motivo: "..Motivo.."!", root, 255, 255, 255, true ) Jogador_Func = getPlayerFromName ( Jogador ) Estrelas_Preso = getPlayerWantedLevel ( Jogador_Func ) givePlayerMoney ( source, Estrelas_Preso*1000 ) if Formato == "Segundo(s)" then Multiplicador = 1 elseif Formato == "Minuto(s)" then Multiplicador = 60 elseif Formato == "Hora(s)" then Multiplicador = 3600 elseif Formato == "Dia(s)" then Multiplicador = 86400 end TempoPrisao = Numero*Multiplicador setElementData ( Jogador_Func, "AirNew_Tempo_Prisao", TempoPrisao ) setElementData ( Jogador_Func, "AirNew_Preso", "Sim" ) setPlayerWantedLevel ( Jogador_Func, 0 ) takeAllWeapons ( Jogador_Func ) setElementData ( Jogador_Func, "Policia:Captura", false ) setElementData ( Jogador_Func, "Player:Msg", "" ) showCursor ( Jogador_Func, false) setControlState ( Jogador_Func, "sprint", false) setControlState ( Jogador_Func, "walk", false) setControlState ( Jogador_Func, "forwards", false) toggleAllControls ( Jogador_Func, true ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "CancelTimeParaPrender:Time", source ) if getElementData ( Jogador_Func, "algemado" ) == true then setElementData ( Jogador_Func, "algemado", false ) setPedAnimation ( Jogador_Func ) setElementFrozen ( Jogador_Func, false ) toggleControl ( Jogador_Func, "fire", true ) end end addEvent( "AirNew_Enviar_Prisao", true ) addEventHandler( "AirNew_Enviar_Prisao", getRootElement(), Enviar_Prisao_Servidor ) function Capturar_Jogador ( source, wantedlevel, vitima ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( vitima ) if x < -518 and y < 0 then -- SF time = 4 end if x >= -518 and y < 510 then -- LS time = 2 end if x >= -518 and y >= 510 then -- LV time = 4 end setElementData ( source, "PoliceToPrision:Time", tonumber(time*60) ) setTimer ( triggerClientEvent, 10000, 1, source, "ShowTimeParaPrender:Time", source ) exports.Scripts_Textos:createNewDxMessage ( "Você foi Capturado pelo Policial "..getPlayerName(source), vitima, 255, 255, 255 ) exports.Scripts_Textos:createNewDxMessage ( "Você tem "..time.." Minutos para Levar o Jogador para a Prisão!", source, 255, 255, 255 ) toggleAllControls ( vitima, false ) setElementVisibleTo ( Prisao_Blip, source, true ) end addEvent("AirNewSCR_Capturar_Jogador", true) addEventHandler("AirNewSCR_Capturar_Jogador", getRootElement(), Capturar_Jogador ) function Teleportar_Capturado_Veiculo ( state, player , vehicle , seat ) if state == true then if seat and isElement ( vehicle ) then warpPedIntoVehicle ( player, vehicle, seat ) end else removePedFromVehicle ( player ) end end addEvent ( "AirNewSCR_TeleportarVeiculo", true ) addEventHandler ( "AirNewSCR_TeleportarVeiculo", getRootElement ( ), Teleportar_Capturado_Veiculo ) function Remover_Jogador_Veiculo ( player ) removePedFromVehicle ( player ) end addEvent ( "AirNewSCR_Remover_Jogador_Veiculo", true ) addEventHandler ( "AirNewSCR_Remover_Jogador_Veiculo", getRootElement ( ), Remover_Jogador_Veiculo ) function Teleportar_Capturado_Player ( source, type, value, x, y ,z) local Policial = getElementData ( source, "Policia:Captura" ) if isElement ( Policial ) and not isPedInVehicle ( source ) then if type == "INT" then setElementInterior ( source, value ) elseif type == "DIM" then setElementDimension ( source, value ) end setElementPosition ( source, x, y ,z ) end end addEvent ( "AirNewSCR_TeleportarPlayer", true ) addEventHandler ( "AirNewSCR_TeleportarPlayer", getRootElement ( ), Teleportar_Capturado_Player ) function Liberar_Capturado ( source ) for p, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do job = getElementData ( player,"ocupacao" ) or "Nenhum" capturado = getElementData ( player, "Policia:Captura" ) if job == "Criminoso" and isElement ( capturado ) then if capturado == source then Soltar_Fail_Captura ( source, player ) end end end end addEvent ( "AirNewSCR_FalharCapturaLiberar", true ) addEventHandler ( "AirNewSCR_FalharCapturaLiberar", getRootElement ( ), Liberar_Capturado ) function Soltar_Fail_Captura ( policial, vitima ) exports.Scripts_Textos:createNewDxMessage ( "O policial falhou e voce está solto novamnte, fuja",vitima, 255, 255, 255 ) exports.Scripts_Textos:createNewDxMessage ( "Voce falhou e o criminoso está solto novamente",policial, 255, 255, 255 ) setElementVisibleTo ( Prisao_Blip, policial, false ) setElementData ( vitima, "Policia:Captura", false ) setElementData ( vitima, "Player:Msg", "" ) showCursor ( vitima, false ) setControlState ( vitima, "sprint", false ) setControlState ( vitima, "walk", false ) setControlState ( vitima, "forwards", false ) toggleAllControls ( vitima, true ) end --- // Salvamento - Carregamento // --- addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function( _, acc ) CarregarLoginPlay ( acc ) end ) function CarregarLoginPlay ( conta ) if not isGuestAccount ( conta ) then if conta then local source = getAccountPlayer ( conta ) local AirNew_Tempo_Prisao = getAccountData ( conta, "AirNew_Tempo_Prisao" ) or 0 setElementData ( source, "AirNew_Tempo_Prisao", AirNew_Tempo_Prisao ) local AirNew_Preso = getAccountData ( conta, "AirNew_Preso" ) or "Não" setElementData ( source, "AirNew_Preso", AirNew_Preso ) end end end function ReiniciarScript ( res ) if res == getThisResource ( ) then for i, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local acc = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if not isGuestAccount ( acc ) then CarregarLoginPlay ( acc ) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement ( ), ReiniciarScript ) -- function SalvarLoginPlay ( conta ) if conta then local source = getAccountPlayer ( conta ) local AirNew_Tempo_Prisao = getElementData ( source, "AirNew_Tempo_Prisao" ) or 0 setAccountData ( conta, "AirNew_Tempo_Prisao", AirNew_Tempo_Prisao ) local AirNew_Preso = getElementData ( source, "AirNew_Preso" ) or "Não" setAccountData ( conta, "AirNew_Preso", AirNew_Preso ) end end function DesligarScript ( res ) if res == getThisResource ( ) then for i, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local acc = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if not isGuestAccount ( acc ) then SalvarLoginPlay ( acc ) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", getRootElement ( ), DesligarScript ) function JogadorQuit ( quitType ) local acc = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if not isGuestAccount ( acc ) then if acc then SalvarLoginPlay ( acc ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement ( ), JogadorQuit ) function getPlayerFromID( id ) for _, player in next, getElementsByType("player") do if tonumber(id) and (getElementData(player, "ID") or -1) == tonumber(id) then return player end end return false end
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Vê se no debug mostra algum erro e você pode testar se o evento onPlayerChat desse resource está sendo chamado colocando alguma output no código, faça o mesmo no lado cliente. Se não conseguir fazer funcionar mostre aqui o arquivo meta.
    1 point
  8. Estranho não funcionar, fez tudo certo? Colocou no lado certo?
    1 point
  9. Client function stopmusic() if (isElement (sound)) then stopSound(sound) end end addEvent ("pararsom", true) addEventHandler ("pararsom", root, stopmusic) addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() setTimer (function() sound = playSound ("joinsound.mp3") end, 2000, 1) end) Server addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", root, function() triggerClientEvent (source, "pararsom", source) end)
    1 point
  10. There's an example. local FROM="example.lua" local TO="compiled.lua" fetchRemote( "https://luac.multitheftauto.com/?compile=1&debug=0&obfuscate=0", function(data) fileSave(TO,data) end, fileLoad(FROM), true ) You can use this when resource starts. There's also another way to secure your script. Use cache attribute in meta. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Meta.xml
    1 point
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