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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/19 in Posts

  1. Hello MTA:SA community, i release now all my Selfmade Gamemodes and Scripts. INFO: You have a error, warning or otherwise? Then write me a DM(Direct Message) or add me on Discord (DorteY#3099) and write a DM there. Hud (Script): https://github.com/DorteY/mtasa-selfmadehud Cops 'n' Robbers (Gamemode): https://github.com/DorteY/mtasa-copsNrobbers (Updated: 10.12.2019) Zombie Apocalypse (Gamemode) https://github.com/DorteY/mtasa-Apocalypse (Updated: 12.12.2019) Lakeside Reallife (German) (Gamemode) https://github.com/DorteY/mtasa-LakesideGER (Updated: 25.12.2019)
    3 points
  2. Hey, i reworked mta community webpage. I apologize in advance for my bad english Russia power!
    2 points
  3. •• السلام عليكمم ورحمة الله وبركاته •• جاي بسكربت جديد هو عبارة عن مود مسابقات بنفس اللوحة اول مسابقة : هي عمليات حسابيه تحط الرقم الاول والرقم الثاني وتختار العملية جمع او ضرب او قسمة او طرح وبعدين اول واحد بيجاوب الاجابة الصحيحة بيفوز بـ 10 الاف والمسابقة الثانية : ء هي اختيار فائز عشوائي من السيرفر مثلا موجود 5 بالسيرفر بيختار واحد عشوائي بدون تحكم من الادمن وبيكتب اسمه فى الشات وبيعطيه المبلغ الى هيكتبه الادمن طبعاً مارح يختار الادمن الى مسوي المسابقة نشوف صورة رابط التحميل :: إضغط هنا إهداء لـ @!#NssoR_) @N3xT @!#DesTroyeR_,) @+Source|> @Mr.Solo @Abdul KariM @Kareem Amer @MR-HERO @NX_CI @MR.Mosa @Ahmed Ly • وكل المنتدي •
    1 point
  4. Hola! Hoy añadiendo un nuevo tutorial, un poco largo, sobre como manejar una base de datos de MTA de manera básica, haciendo un ejemplo practico. ¡Espero os guste y sirva de algo! Si es así, dejarle un LIKE y SUSCRIBETE para mayor contenido! He cambiado los links de los videos, debido a que he mudado los tutoriales de mi Canal principal de YouTube, a mi canal Secundario. Debido a que mi canal principal ahora se enfoca en Gaming.
    1 point
  5. يا صديقي ممكن المود غير مشفر ؟ عايز اتعلم منو ):
    1 point
  6. MarkerBike = createMarker(1086.3326416016,-1802.1416015625,12.60143661499, "cylinder", 1.5, 255,255,255,50) --local Veiculos = {510} -- IDs dos Veículos. Rumpo = {} AparecerBike = Rumpo[source] function spawn (source) if isElementWithinMarker(source, MarkerBike) then if getPlayerMoney(source) >= 500 then takePlayerMoney (source, 500) if AparecerBike and isElement(AparecerBike) then destroyElement(AparecerBike) end AparecerBike = createVehicle (510, 1091.2088623047,-1796.9704589844,13.606305122375) setElementData(source, "kart.race", true) setElementData(AparecerBike, "owner", source) setElementRotation(AparecerBike,0,0,0) fadeCamera ( source, false, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) setTimer ( fadeCamera, 500, 1, source , true, 0.5 ) setTimer ( setCameraTarget, 500, 1, source ) outputChatBox ("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #FF0000Bicicleta Alugada com sucesso, faça bom uso!", source, 255, 255, 255, true) warpPedIntoVehicle (source, AparecerBike) else outputChatBox("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #FF0000Você não tem dinheiro suficiente para alugar uma bike!", player, 255,255,255,true) end end end addCommandHandler("alugar", spawn) function SemRoubo (player, seat) if getElementData(source, "kart.race") == true and seat == 0 then local owner = getElementData(source, "owner") if owner ~= player then cancelEvent() outputChatBox("Você não é dono desta bicicleta, alugue sua bike para poder usá-la.", player, 255, 0, 0) end end end addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", root, SemRoubo) function DestroyVeiculo () if getElementData(source, "kart.race") then setElementData(source, "kart.race", false) destroyElement (AparecerBike) end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogout", root, DestroyVeiculo) addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, DestroyVeiculo) addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", root, DestroyVeiculo) addEventHandler ("onPlayerBan", root, DestroyVeiculo) addEventHandler ("onResourceStop", root, DestroyVeiculo) local minutos = 1 -- New function destroyVehicle(vehicle) local check=false for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getPlayerOccupiedVehicle(player)==vehicle then check=true end end if check==false then destroyElement(AparecerBike) end end function exitVehicle(AparecerBike) setTimer(destroyVehicle,60000*minutos,0,AparecerBike) end addEventHandler("onPlayerVehicleExit",getRootElement(),exitVehicle) eu testei isso e funcionou tenta ai ;d
    1 point
  7. Vai ter que reprogramar o script mano. O jeito que o cara da internet fez não permite que você obtenha o veículo depois pra poder destruí-lo. Quando o cara fez o veh ser uma variável local, a variável deixa de existir fora daquele escopo que ela foi criada.
    1 point
  8. Wrong category. About function, here's my function which i've created for custom logs system. First version which could be improved and it should be improved (in my final ver, i've added buffer to reduce usage of file functions.) local function logEvent(file, text) local file_exists = fileExists("logs/"..file) local real_time = getRealTime() local year = real_time.year + 1900 local month = real_time.month < 10 and "0"..real_time.month + 1 or real_time.month + 1 local month_day = real_time.monthday < 10 and "0"..real_time.monthday or real_time.monthday local hour = real_time.hour < 10 and "0"..real_time.hour or real_time.hour local minute = real_time.minute < 10 and "0"..real_time.minute or real_time.minute local second = real_time.second < 10 and "0"..real_time.second or real_time.second if file_exists then local log_file = fileOpen("logs/"..file) if log_file then fileSetPos(log_file, fileGetSize(log_file)) fileWrite(log_file, "\r\n["..year.."-"..month.."-"..month_day.." "..hour..":"..minute..":"..second.."] "..text) fileFlush(log_file) fileClose(log_file) else outputDebugString("Couldn't open log file.", 0, 255, 127, 0) return false end else local new_log = fileCreate("logs/"..file) if new_log then outputDebugString(file.." log file created successfully.", 0, 255, 127, 0) fileWrite(new_log, "["..year.."-"..month.."-"..month_day.." "..hour..":"..minute..":"..second.."] Log file created successfully.") if text then fileSetPos(new_log, fileGetSize(new_log)) fileWrite(new_log, "\r\n["..year.."-"..month.."-"..month_day.." "..hour..":"..minute..":"..second.."] "..text) end fileFlush(new_log) fileClose(new_log) else outputDebugString("Couldn't create new log file.", 0, 255, 127, 0) return false end end end Usage: logEvent("path_to_file.txt", "Text you want to save")
    1 point
  9. fadeCamera ( source, false, 0.1, 0, 0, 0 ) setTimer ( fadeCamera, 900, 1, source , true, 0.5 ) setTimer ( setCameraTarget, 900, 1, source ) Tente ;D ( Testei e Funcionou peguei de um Resource aqui )
    1 point
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