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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/07/19 in all areas

  1. If you mean how many hours have passed since a player was last online, all you have to do is store a timestamp when he quits or logs out (via setAccountData perhaps) and compare that to the current timestamp to get the number of seconds passed, from which you can easily calculate the number of hours.
    2 points
  2. For the cause of the issue, see post of @JeViCo Fallback in case of failure: local TwCen14s = dxCreateFont('TwCen.ttf', 10) or "default" @Tokio Also delete the file out of your mta cache folder. You may have it, but if you changed the destination of the file + in the meta but not in the script. You do have the font from the previous download, but everybody else does not. Files do not delete themselves after all. So check that as well, as @HassoN said.
    1 point
  3. @Tokio, make sure that you have enough memory to create a new font To see if creation is likely to fail, use dxGetStatus. (When VideoMemoryFreeForMTA is zero, failure is guaranteed.) (c) Wiki You can check it using dxSetTestMode function or with the following code below local st = dxGetStatus() print("Memory: "..(st.VideoMemoryFreeForMTA).."/"..(st.VideoCardRAM).." MB.")
    1 point
  4. الكرت عادي وش المشكلة ? و اصلا وش دخل عنق الزجاجة في مشكلته يمكن انت فاهم عنق الزجاجة غلط، لصاحب الموضوع تأكد دائما انك محدث النظام و كرت الشاشة
    1 point
  5. This warning means your font was failed to load so it is returning 'false' value. Make sure that you've added the font to your meta and/or make sure of the spelling of the file's name.
    1 point
  6. : ارقمنتات اجباريه dimension data : ارقمنتات اختيارية players تقدر تحط جدول وتتحقق من اللاعبين المحددين اللي فيه dimension وتقدر ماتحط جدول وتتحقق من كل اللاعبين في السيرفر طبعاً اللي في العالم المحدد اللي هو function doPlayersHaveSameData(players,dimension,data) if dimension and type(dimension)=="number" and data and type(data) == "string" then if players and type(players) == "table" and #players > 0 then local playersHaveData = {}; for key, player in ipairs (players) do if player and isElement(player) and getElementType(player) == "player" and getElementDimension(player) == dimension then local plrData = getElementData(player,data); if plrData then table.insert(playersHaveData,player); end end end if #playersHaveData == #players then return true else return false end else local players = getElementsByType("player"); local playersHaveData = {}; for key, player in ipairs (players) do if player and isElement(player) and getElementType(player) == "player" and getElementDimension(player) == dimension then local plrData = getElementData(player,data); if plrData then table.insert(playersHaveData,player); end end end if #playersHaveData == #players then return true else return false end end end return false end -- Example : مثال players = {} players[1] = localPlayer; players[2] = localPlayer; if doPlayersHaveSameData(players,5,"myData") then outputChatBox("TRUE"); end -- مثال 2 : if doPlayersHaveSameData(5,"myData") then outputChatBox("TRUE"); end
    1 point
  7. إذا وقفت على 5 دولار لا والله احذفه ولا ابيعه =D
    1 point
  8. Revisei o código e inclusive testei e o código não apresenta erros, realmente você deve estar errando ao fazer uma coisa muito simples ctrl c + ctrl v. Pode ser caracteres especiais no código gerados pelo fórum, portanto sempre use /debugscript 3.
    1 point
  9. @!#DesTroyeR_,) @TOUNSI |, السعأدة @DABL @+Source|> @HassoN @NX_CI فية كثير , لاكن لا اتذكر غير هدول رغم ان لا اعرف معظمهم .. بس ماشاء الله عليهم
    1 point
  10. Você está usando de maneira equivocada o botão de "quote" do fórum. Tome mais cuidado. server-side: (substitua somente essa função) function abrir2 (thePlayer) if (thePlayer) and (getElementType (thePlayer) == "player") then -- Se o elemento que colidiu no marker for um player, então: local accountname = getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user." .. accountname, aclGetGroup("PMF")) then -- So Mude "PCC" Grupo que vai poder abrir o painel! triggerClientEvent (thePlayer, "painelpmf", thePlayer) -- Não use getRootElement() em triggers. end end end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", myMarker, abrir2) client-side: (substitua somente essa função) function abrir () if (painel) then showCursor(false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, Pdx) painel = false else showCursor(true) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, Pdx) painel = true end end addEvent ("painelpmf", true) addEventHandler ("painelpmf", root , abrir)
    1 point
  11. No meu server, deixei o AC assim: Server AC info: [Allowed client files: None] [Disabled AC: None] [Enabled SD: 12,14,15,16,20,31,32,33]
    1 point
  12. I'd suggest to not collect debug log for every client, as that will very quickly fill up with irrelevant logs as well as duplicates per every client if an error comes up for all players for example. It would be best to either limit it to collecting debug log from a very small sample of people, or keep on every client a buffer of the last x lines of debug, and send it over if they make a bug/glitch report or something.
    1 point
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