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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/05/19 in all areas

  1. ســلام عليكم ورحمة الله إييشءء حالكم موضوع اليوم عن مود الايموشنات ~ طـبعـا المود مو حصري لأنه موجود في ونناسه ~ بس انا مسويه بشكل جديد فقط كل شيء عن المود موجود في هذا الرابط \ الفيديو بالتوفيق |~ |~ الإهداءات ~| #BrosS NX_CI iMr.WiFi..! N3xT Abdul KariM KillerX !#DesTroyeR_,) و جميع أعضاء المنتدى
    4 points
  2. No problem. I am always glad to help. In the nearest future I am thinking about to find out all of existing bugs with help of SAAW community, of course.
    3 points
  3. خطوة جيده منك ولكن لأ انصحك بان تقوم بإستنساخ الفكرة وتقوم بنشرها لأن هذا ليس بـ إبداع , الإبداع هو ان تقوم بإضافة افكار من راسك علي السكربت ليصبح عملك افضل بكثير ومرغوب اكثر من العمل الاصلي نفسه وهذه مجرد نصيحه لك بالمستقبل وبالتوفيق لك يابطل
    2 points
  4. Pela lógica na verdade tudo vai travar então, já que o server travou, então o setTimer seria o de menos.
    2 points
  5. اذا ما تبي تعدل على مود الادمن, بإمكانك استعمال addDebugHook
    2 points
  6. Features: - Engine forces simulation - Gearbox - manual/automatic - Aerodynamic forces simulation Vehicles avaible on my test server (closed for now): 2007 Porsche 997 turbo (480 hp) - Elegy (ID 562) 2008 Nissan GTR R35 (480 hp) - ZR350 (ID 477) 1997 Magirus Otovan (110 hp) - Benson (ID 499) 1983 Toyota AE86 Initial D version (150 hp) - Blista Compact (ID 496) Updates:
    1 point
  7. Acho que o que eu baixei foi esse emerlights
    1 point
  8. وش ذا النشان
    1 point
  9. onPedWeaponSwitch بتستخدم : function dxCreateTexture dxSetShaderValue dxCreateShader getPedWeapon destroyElement كمثال : crossTextre = dxCreateTexture("Cross.png") --
    1 point
  10. اعتقد قصده ليزر
    1 point
  11. showPlayerHudComponent
    1 point
  12. MAAAAAAAAAN! I WORKED!!! Thank you sooo much! I was almost giving it up! Thank you very much for that!! I really appreciate it!
    1 point
  13. Oops! Forgot to replace something that I changed in your code leading to me checking a variable that didn't exist. I edited my code, try it now.
    1 point
  14. Use that as a replacement of the code in your server file where your 'onPlayerLogin' and 'onResourceStart' events triggers
    1 point
  15. function setFactionOnLogin() local faction, player_rank = getPlayerFaction(source) local data = getFactionData(faction) if faction and player_rank then for rank,kk in pairs(clanRankNames) do if ( rank == player_rank ) then local GangRank = clanRankNames[rank] setElementData(source,"faction",faction) setElementData(source,"GangRank",GangRank) if getTeamFromName (faction) then setPlayerTeam(source,getTeamFromName (faction)) else local team = createTeam(faction,unpack(data["Color"])) setPlayerTeam(source,team) end local oldName = getPlayerName(source) local newName = "["..faction.."]"..oldName setPlayerName(source, newName ) if data["X"] ~= 0 and data["Y"] ~= 0 and data["Z"] ~= 0 then setElementPosition(source,data["X"],data["Y"],data["Z"]+0.2) end break end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,setFactionOnLogin) function setFactionOnStart() exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn("GangRank") for i, v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do local acc = getPlayerAccount (v) if not isGuestAccount (acc) then local faction, player_rank = getPlayerFaction(v) local data = getFactionData(faction) if faction and player_rank then for rank,kk in pairs(clanRankNames) do if ( rank == player_rank ) then local GangRank = clanRankNames[rank] setElementData(v,"faction",faction) setElementData(v,"GangRank",GangRank) if getTeamFromName (faction) then setPlayerTeam(v,getTeamFromName (faction)) else local team = createTeam(faction,unpack(data["Color"])) setPlayerTeam(v,team) end local oldName = getPlayerName(v) local newName = "["..faction.."]"..oldName setPlayerName(v, newName ) if data["X"] ~= 0 and data["Y"] ~= 0 and data["Z"] ~= 0 then setElementPosition(v,data["X"],data["Y"],data["Z"]+0.2) end break end end end end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,setFactionOnStart)
    1 point
  16. دام ابو صولو قال لك المود رآئع يبقى رائع
    1 point
  17. I checked it, yes, i added "RickAnd", but with the last big update, not with a recent small update. UPDATE: -Updated maps: [TDM] Stalingrad, [TDM] Assault (Its now [TDM] Lvov), [WAR] East Africa, [WAR] Philippines, [TDM] Tenochtitlan -Added the ability to toggle a crosshair with F7 key -Replaced IZH-43 with Luftwaffendrilling M30 (New and good model) -Fixed a bug that showed always "B" to board a ship, no matter what key is set -Removed the ability to toggle Binocular while sprinting -Removed the ability to place mines over other mines and build a mine-tower (Yea it was funny) -Removed the ability to enter a machine gun emplacement while aiming with the weapon -Removed the ability to place mines while using a machine gun emplacement -Players will no longer get put into spectator mode while sitting idle in a vehicle -Fixed a bug that allowed players to open the spawn menu while being a spectator -Fixed a bug that prevented health regeneration and weapon switching when having less than 1 healh left -There is now a 500ms timeout where players can not revive after cancelling the revive procedure -Attached players can now correctly cap zones
    1 point
  18. @Jonas^ eu coloquei as ACLs em condições alternativas porque se o player não estivesse em qualquer uma das ACLs, entraria em condição else. Claro, se ele for usar condição else.
    1 point
  19. setPlayerNametagShowing -> Faz exatamente isso, estranho. Esta função permite que você defina se o crachá de um jogador deve ter visibilidade tanto do lado do cliente quanto do lado do servidor Use isto para definir se o crachá do jogador é visível ou invisível. --- Neste caso acho que você usa um resource de nametag diferente (separado) nada disso vai adiantar, dai no caso vai ter que ativar e desativas a nametag do jogador que usar o comando e acredito que a nametag seja client-side então vai ter que enviar um trigger do client > server com um valor bool pra ativar/desativar. (Isso se for claro um resource de nametag separado.) @TavinhoXP Na verdade o código dele ta certo @#DeltaSCR oque falta é apenas mudar algumas coisas como: local iv = false local acls = { -- Tabela não precisa ser global pois você só ira utilizar ela neste resource. "Console", "Admin", "Moderator", "SuperModerator", "Ajudante", "NovoVereador", "NovoDeputadoEstadual", "NovoDeputadoFederal", "NovoSenador", "NovoGovernador", } addCommandHandler ("in", function (player, cmd) for k, v in ipairs (acls) do -- Para cada grupo da tabela acls, faça: if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName (getPlayerAccount (player)) , aclGetGroup(v)) then -- Se o jogador estiver em um grupo da tabela acls, então: if (iv == false) then -- Se o valor da variável que indica se o modo está ativado/desativado estiver falso, então: iv = true -- Torna ela verdadeira = Ativado setPlayerNametagShowing (player, false) -- Desativa a 'nametag' do jogador. setElementAlpha (player, 0) -- Seta o alpha do jogador em 0 (invisível.) outputChatBox ("Modo invisível ativado.", player, 0, 255, 0) else -- Senão: iv = false -- Torna ela falsa = Desativado setPlayerNametagShowing (player, true) -- Seta a nametag como true (aparecendo) setElementAlpha (player, 255) -- Seta o alpha do jogador em 255 (aparecendo.) outputChatBox ("Modo invisível desativado.", player, 255, 30, 30) end end end end)
    1 point
  20. ele esta tentando deixar os staffs invisiveis
    1 point
  21. @TavinhoXP o que você está tentando fazer na real?
    1 point
  22. setPlayerNametagText wik: Isso mudará o texto do apelido de um jogador no mundo para algo além do apelido que ele escolheu. Isso não mudará o apelido real do jogador, ele apenas mudará o aspecto visível dentro do mundo (você verá seu apelido original no placar e se referirá ao seu nome original nos scripts). então tente usar setPlayerNametagText(player," ") ou setPlayerNametagText(player,false) e veja oque acontece
    1 point
  23. @Jonas^tenta ajudar o mano ai.
    1 point
  24. فيه عندك اكثر من طريقة , وما انصحك بالتايمر يمديك تعدل ع مود الامنية بحيث لو تم إطفاء اي سكربت تحقق من الاسم ويكنسل عملية الاطفاء وانتهي
    1 point
  25. n sei se vai dar certo mas tente incluir em sua funçao esse comando https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetPlayerNametagColor
    1 point
  26. I checked the bug that revives players at the location where they died instead of the location where they actually got revived, and it is actually a MTA desync issue. I reported it. MASSIVE BUGFIX UPDATE (Special thanks to JN for the long list of small issues): -Ballistic calculation of tanks and other armed vehicles now takes water surface correctly into account -Fixed some minor issues and warnings -Fixed some map bugs -Screenshot mode now correctly hides reload and stamina status, bases and spectate button -Fixed 5-cm PAK 38 increasing a players noise while he drives it -Fixed another glitch that makes no noise while running -Fixed a bug where players could kill godmode staff members -The reload time is now exactly shown in seconds on the small red reload bar in the lower left screen corner -Fixed a bug where medics could revive players while using a mounted machine gun -Fixed a bug where spectating players still occupied a class slot of a team -Fixed grenades that get thrown close to mines getting deleted by spawn protection -Fixed a bug that reset player ammo when entering a fixed machine gun -Fixed a bug that reset player ammo to 0 when reloading a sniper or shotgun -Fixed a bug that lets players unmount a destroyed mortar -Fixed a bug that caused the flare pistol to do 5 damage with each shot -Fixed a bug that made explosive ammo cause damage to friendly vehicles -Fixed a bug that let the infrared vision remain when a player dies while infrared is active -Fixed a bug that let players glitch their ammo when climbing something with enabled first person mode -Fixed a bug that let players glitch their ammo when falling down from something -Fixed a bug that stopped the camera from moving upwards when a player climbs a ladder in first person mode -Fixed a bug that made a player freeze/stuck when reloading a bazooka (or similar weapons) while crouching -Fixed "/brake" command not working -Fied wrong rotation of visible tank machine guns (Hetzer, StuG, M10...) -Fixed a bug that allowed grenades behave like a shotgun -Fixed british engineer having a woman voice -Disabled "/dance", "/heil" and "/handsup" commands because they were useless and caused some bugs -Killmessage colors of submarines and ships should now be correct -Reconfigured azimuth of submarines again: The upper shows the direction of the submarine while the lower shows the rotation of the periscope relative to the submarine -Updated first person mode to work slightly better than before (at least it should) -Spectators can now open the video settings menu -Increased ammo of PWM-1 and RPG-43 from 1 to 2 -Fixed a bug where players could manipulate a vehicle number when entering the vehicle as passenger -Players can no longer toggle First person mode in air to prevent damage from falling -Improved handling of CCKW 335, Opel Blitz, Crusader, Chi-Ha, Sd. Kfz. 222 and Carro Armato P26/40 -Cables of ships are no longer lagging 1-frame behind the actual ship position -Player weapons are now visible to spectators -Cap zones are now visible to spectators -Tickets are now visible to spectators
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. للاسف ماحد فهم وش ابي اسوي بس خلاص الحمدالله صلحت الكود تسلمو
    0 points
  29. No, this update has changed nothing in the ACL. Is RickAnd the account name?
    0 points
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