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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/03/19 in all areas

  1. تم جلد الجميع ولم ينجو الا القليل @Default#^ @#_iMr,[E]coo @ibrahim# @#[K]iLLeR<3 @!#NssoR_) @Master_MTA @iMr.WiFi..! @NX_CI @N3xT @Rakan# @ميدوح @#SnpêŘ @KillerX @#StrOnG_,) @SuperX @#x1AhMeD-09 @Anis @[T]|O|[P]George @#BrosS @DABL
    2 points
  2. السلام عليكم ورحممة الله وبرككاتهء كيفكم شباب عساكم بخير.^ سسويت مود جديد المود عبارةة عن : لوحة تفتح من اف2 يمكنك من خلالها ضبط الوقت , معرفة الوقت بالسيرفر شراء دم, شراء درع ويمكنك ضبط سعر الدم والدرع من خلال لوحة تفتح برتبة معينة اسم الرتبة هي "price" تفتح اللوحة من خلال اف8 عبر كتابة كلمة ضبط الصور هتلاقوها بالصفحة رابط التحميل والصور : https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&amp;s=details&amp;id=15934 تقييمكم للسكربت ولو فيه شيء قولولي حتي احسن فى المرات القادمة ان شاء الله تحياتي ♥
    1 point
  3. السلام عليككم ورحمة الله وبركاته اليوم سويت مود جديد فكرة المود : المود عبارة عن ماركر بمنطقة معينة للذهاب للمنطقة اكتب بف8 مسابقة عند دخولك الماركر سوف تظهر لك لوحة فييها اديت بوككس تحط فيه الاجابة وفوق الاديت بوكس فيه سؤال وكيف يجي السؤال؟؟ لحاله؟؟ لا طبعا مب لحاله انت تحط السؤال والاجابة كيف؟ لازم تكون معك رتبة اسمها mosab8a وبعدين تكتب بف8 سؤال تظهر لك لوحة تكتب فيها السؤال والاجابة وتضغط إرسال السؤال وبيظهر فى اللوحة حقت الماركر الثانية اللى يدخل الماركر يشوفها واللي يجاوب عليه الزر حقت ارسال الاجابة بيتقفل لين يسوي المسؤول سؤال جديد المهم تجوا نشوف صور؟ https://d.top4top.net/p_11674ffv33.png المود متشفر لحفظ الحقوق ارجوا ان يعجبكم المودد .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- تم تحديث المود واضافة بعض المميزات الاخري - عندما يجاوب اللاعب بشكل صحيح يعطيه مبلغ عشوائي - عند الاجابة بشكل غير صحيح سوف يخسر بعض المال ويموت - للمشاركة فى المسابقة يجب ان يكون عند اللاعب 2 مليون كـ حد ادني رابط التحميل : https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&amp;s=details&amp;id=15933
    1 point
  4. تسسلمء حبيبي دايماً عاطيني طاقة ايجابية انت ض
    1 point
  5. ..مــود اكــثر مــن رائــع..بتــوفـيــق ياجــامـد
    1 point
  6. local timers = {} function verifyACL (edit1, edit2) -- Parâmetros passados no trigger. local players = getElementsByType ("player") for _, thePlayer in ipairs (players) do local account = getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..account, aclGetGroup ("ComandosPolicia")) then -- Para cada jogador que está na ACL Group "ComandosPolicia", faça: local pTimer = timers[thePlayer] if not (pTimer) then outputChatBox ("Denúncia de furto em: "..edit1..". ID: "..edit2, thePlayer) timers[thePlayer] = setTimer (function () timers[thePlayer] = nil end, 600000, 1) elseif pTimer and isTimer(pTimer) then outputChatBox ("Aguarde 10 minutos antes de fazer outra denúncia.", thePlayer, 255, 50, 50) end end end end addEvent ("DeltaSCR:ACL", true) addEventHandler ("DeltaSCR:ACL", getRootElement(), verifyACL) addEventHandler( "onPlayerQuit", root, function() if timers[source] then if isTimer(timers[source]) then killTimer(timers[source]) end timers[source] = nil end end )
    1 point
  7. Substitua a seguinte função no lado cliente: local tempo = false function DeltaSCR_Abrir () if tempo then return outputChatBox("*Aguarde para poder fazer outra denúncia!",255,0,0) end if DeltaSCR_Painel == false then DeltaSCR_Painel = true addEventHandler ("onClientRender", getRootElement(), DeltaSCR_DX) guiSetVisible (editDenuncia, true) guiSetVisible (editID, true) showCursor (true) tempo = true setTimer(function() tempo = false end,600000,1) end end addEvent ("DeltaSCR:Abrir", true) addEventHandler ("DeltaSCR:Abrir", getRootElement(), DeltaSCR_Abrir)
    1 point
  8. في عندك هذا المود منشور من زمان نفس طلبك first person https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&amp;s=details&amp;id=9552
    1 point
  9. After executing your "givadmin" command and getting the player from the "[id]" you then: getPlayerAccount => Get the player's account data. getAccountName => Get the account name from the account data. aclGetGroup => Get the ACL Group you want to add the account name to. aclGroupAddObject => Add the account name to the ACL Group.
    1 point
  10. Criando uma table vazia e depois setando o timer com o jogador como índice. local timers = {} -- Dentro da função timers[thePlayer] = setTimer ()...
    1 point
  11. I think hacking together a way to get the video length would be far too troublesome than to just use the YouTube API: local apiKey - "yourKey" local videoID = "-6u8vrRM52g" fetchRemote("https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?id="..videoID.."&key="..apiKey.."&fields=items(contentDetails(duration))&part=snippet,contentDetails",fetchCompleted,"",true) function fetchCompleted(data,err) if err == 0 then local videoLengthData = fromJSON(data) if videoLengthData then iprint(videoLengthData) end else outputDebugString("API: Unable to connect to Google APIs") end end If you want to use multiple video ids in a table you can do this: local videoIDS = { "KiVBoh71yqU", "KiVBoh71yqU", "-6u8vrRM52g" } fetchRemote("https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?id="..table.concat(videoIDs,",").."&key="..apiKey.."&fields=items(contentDetails(duration))&part=snippet,contentDetails",fetchCompleted,"",true)
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. تسسلم اخوي أمين ان شاء الله
    1 point
  14. Niiice job ان شاء الله نشوفوك من افضل مبرمجين
    1 point
  15. @RangerMind you should use separate table for this action as @mehmet said you should use createColSprere + onClientColShapeHit to insert players into table and then remove them when onClientColShapeLeave event triggers. By using onClientChatMessage event you can filter messages and display them from players, who are in your table This method won't affect performance much
    1 point
  16. Is this method slow? createColSphere List of players available on the client? (Список игроков можно получить на клиенте?)
    1 point
  17. Good afternoon dear members of MTASA.COM.. I like to brief you about my brand new MTA Dayz server, it's a basic survival mode that gives you (Base System, Rank System, Money System, Payday's, Shop System (F3), Group System (F2), Leaderboard System (F1), Arena System (F7).. Server is coded in unique way just for our players, so why not to try it out? But that's not all, as we're gaming community we also have Counter-Strike: Global Offensive server, CSGO server at this moment is just a DD2 server. Also we have Left 4 Dead survival server, obviously I don't need to tell more bout it. And we're working on SAMP Roleplay server too.. So we got a lot of stuff going on. We just finished our website, so we're opening and looking for new players and members to join our friendly community made for any taste, well we're tying to make it for everyone. Our website: https://www.moxx.lv/ MTA DAYZ: mtasa://dayz.moxx.lv:22003 Everyone is welcome, so why not give a shot to brand new gaming community that is growing fast.. Everything that you like to know about us, you can find on our website! On our community you can recognize me as "Revan". We also are looking for game server admins, so like i said just pop in our website, and see whats going on. Just mind that our website has been running only for few days, so its not much but we're working hard on everything.. Kind Ragrads, Malcom.
    1 point
  18. وعليككم السسلامم ورحمة الله وبركاتة ,, ? مود جميل ,, من شخص اجمل تسلم ع الطرح يغالى .? وتصميم اللوحة حلو ? . اقتراح بسيط حاول تسوى ان المسؤل يكتب عدد الفلوس للى فاز بـ ايديت بوكس . آو . يفوز بعدد عشوائي من الفلوس مو نفس الرقم يعنى باستخدام . math.random تقبل مروري
    1 point
  19. @GodKraken If it happens on initializing the resources, then probably because of a `on(Client)ResourceStart` event which is attached to a root element. (This is not a mistake, but that might be depending on the context and purpose)
    1 point
  20. @Xwad You used or copied+past a special/invisible characters on line 3. Fixed: local _, _, rh = getVehicleComponentRotation(v, "misc_a") Which is somehow located in here: local _,_,rh = getVehicleComponentRotation(v, "misc_a")     And if we debug that: local theString = "     " print(string.byte(theString,1,#theString)) 32 239 187 191 239 187 191 32 239 187 191 239 187 191 32 239 187 191 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 239 187 191 239 187 191 32 32 32 32 Holy ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? !
    1 point
  21. Funcionou perfeitamente, obrigado! Peço desculpa pelo inconveniente. Obrigado novamente
    1 point
  22. Seu triggerServerEvent está errado. Nem na wiki ele faz assim. Da onde vc tirou que o primeiro argumento é um elemento root? triggerServerEvent ( string event, element theElement, [arguments...] ) Além disso, você não passou nenhum parâmetro de player pelo triggerServerEvent. Isso significa que no server o parâmetro de função thePlayer não existe na função verifyACL. Troque seu trigger no client por isso: triggerServerEvent("DeltaSCR:ACL", localPlayer, guiGetText(editDenuncia), guiGetText(editID)) E lá na função server-side, troque a função inteira por essa: function verifyACL (edit1, edit2) -- Parâmetros passados no trigger. local players = getElementsByType ("player") for _, thePlayer in ipairs (players) do local account = getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..account, aclGetGroup ("ComandosPolicia")) then -- Para cada jogador que está na ACL Group "ComandosPolicia", faça: outputChatBox ("Denúncia de furto em: "..edit1..". ID: "..edit2, thePlayer) end end end addEvent ("DeltaSCR:ACL", true) addEventHandler ("DeltaSCR:ACL", getRootElement(), verifyACL)
    1 point
  23. مانا قولت هوا دا الي هينفع معاك ههههههههههههههه ولا شي سويته للترفيه لاني كنت فاضي بزيادة
    1 point
  24. You are totally right, was my mistake and i need to say sorry. Script awesome! I had a script interfering ! Thanks guys <3
    1 point
  25. Bug Report: Function: CustomStaticImage:setImage Line:9487 function CustomStaticImage.setImage(self, ...) return csiSetImage(self, ...) end Debug Information: ERROR: srp_account\win.lua:9487: attempt to call global'csiSetImage' (a nil value) Solution: Modify csiSetImage to cgiSetImage function CustomStaticImage.setImage(self, ...) return cgiSetImage(self, ...) end Now, it works. And, I'm sorry about that I don't know what the csi and cgi mean, I just simply make it works, please the author give it the right name.Thx:3 I will do that when I have a good control on it.
    1 point
  26. Like i said, everything works perfectly, but the engine off the car don't turn off, unfortunately. I don't understand. Thanks to all for helping until now
    1 point
  27. This error is already solved yesterday, now is another problem '-
    1 point
  28. Thanks for ur anwser! Yes, im working on server side and i tried copy and save the script 10 times. Lights works fine but the engine just give me a message, listening the sound of the car seems like the engine turn on, but dont turn off.
    1 point
  29. Hi guys, im doing a job and is almost done, just need one more thing. When some player starts the job, The skin of the job is set to him with this code. setElementData(player, "astronaut:Skin", setPedSkin (player, 264)); Until now, everything works. My problem is when the player leaves the job and the skin is not set to skin that the player was before, continues with the skin of the job. Even with this code. removeElementData(player,"astronaut:Skin"); Thanks in advance for any help. So far, everthing works. My problem is when the player leaves the job the skin is not set to what the player was before but rather continues with the skin of the jobSo far, everything works. My problem is when the player leaves the job the skin is not set to what the player was before but rather continues with the skin of the job.
    1 point
  30. ياااااااااااااااااا ولكم نورت ابو ام جد الموقع
    1 point
  31. The same, nothing changed.
    1 point
  32. Now, don't give any error. Lights works well, but the engine just give me the message, physically nothing happens on engine. Thanks u so much in advance for helping me with this.
    1 point
  33. Gave me this error in addCommandHandler line addCommandHandler ("luzes", lights) LOADED FAILED: unexpected symbor near ' I tried to remove the addCommandHandler, and the lights works again but the engine just give me the messages, didn't work.
    1 point
  34. Unfortunately, now nothing working
    1 point
  35. اعتقد عندهم استرداد خلال 30 يوم
    1 point
  36. Salut! Depuis quelques temps, je me suis mis au C# et je vise particulièrement la création de jeux vidéos à l'aide d'Unity. J'ai mis une vidéo de la version "Prototype" de mon jeu qui se nomme "Dirty City" Vous pouvez me donner des retours pour que je vois ce qu'il faut changer sur ce qui a déjà été fais ?
    1 point
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