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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/06/18 in all areas

  1. OK so after many requests from people asking me to install discord bots to their servers I have decided to make the simplest tutorial on setting up a bot for your servers. [NOTE]: THIS IS A VPS TUTORIAL. IF YOUR SERVER ISN'T RUNNING ON A VPS THIS WILL NOT WORK FOR YOU UNLESS YOU UNDERSTAND HOW NODE.JS WORKS. Part 1: Bot creation Part 2: Files Configuration Part 3: SSH commands That should be all now go have fun annoying players in your server. Some feedback would be appreciated Good luck
    3 points
  2. السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته ابد نعطيكم كم هديه FiveM Server (GTA V) MTA:SA ( GTA SA ) Counter Strike Global Offensive اللي عليك بس حاجه وحده , تخش المنتدى تسجل , واجيك انا اعطيك معلوماته وبس مبروك مافي حد معين اي حد يسجل مبروك له اي احد يبي غيرها يكلمني , ويبشر رابط المنتدى https://forum.4acm.net
    3 points
  3. مافيها شيء لو سألت, لكن الواحد يحاول يحل مشكلته بنفسه قبل ما يسأل ويبحث طلباتكم ومشاكلكم كلها موجودة بالقسم ومحلولة الواحد لو يبحث شوي بس حصل اجابة
    3 points
  4. الموضوع حسبته موقع حراج صدمتني بحركه المواصفات شباب مطلوب سياره 4 سلندر ماشيه 30 الف
    2 points
  5. السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاتهاليوم معي مود بسيط جدامميزات المود : امكانية رؤيه جميع الحسابات الخاصه بك ( الحد الاعلى 5 حسابات ) فقطتصميم جميل وجديد نوعا ما غير مشفر , يمكنك التعديل فيه ..فديو بسيط للمود : للتحميل : اظغط هنا
    1 point
  6. سلام عليكم ابي اسوي لو كتبت امر باف 8 يقولي الرقم 1 لو كتبته تاني يقولي الرقم 2 لو كتبته تاني يقولي الرقم 3 الخ محاولتي : المشكلة لما اكتب واكتبه تاني يكون 2 وما يتغير addCommandHandler ( "addnumber", function() local number = 1 outputChatBox("#00ff00* Script test :#ffffff Number is [ ".. number + 1 .." ] !",255,0,0, true) end )
    1 point
  7. Very nice Loki! Hopefully this will help out everyone who needs help setting this whole thing up. It's not an easy thing to do if you're completely new to all of this.
    1 point
  8. Entire frame work can be unloaded / loaded for a single or multiple people. You'll be able to do 'Background' map editing; people will still see the stuff updating but they will be able to drive around / do anything else normally.
    1 point
  9. يعني ذا نص كود ولا وش؟
    1 point
  10. اللي اعرفه ذا المنتدى للمساعدة مو لتنفيذ الطلبات الواحد اذا ما ظبط كوده يحاول يصلحه بنفسه مو اي كود ما يشتغل معي يلا على المنتدى واسوي موضوع؟ وحالياً صاير المنتدى كيف اسوي وكيف الطريقة وكيف اصلح, طيب ليه ما تحاول تسويه بنفسك؟
    1 point
  11. اها ماكنت فاهم طلبك المهم بالتوفيق
    1 point
  12. طيب انا كنت شاك باللوب بس ليش ماحطيته فكودك ؟ كذا تلخبطنا ترا
    1 point
  13. اذا هذا الكود ف مافي شي غلط وتأكد انه مافي ترايقر بنفس الاسم لانه بيسبب تعارض
    1 point
  14. عطني الترايقر giveDailySalary
    1 point
  15. TimeDaySet = { } addEvent("giveDailySalary", true) addEventHandler("giveDailySalary", root, function( ) if isTimer( TimeDaySet [ source ] ) then outputChatBox( "#dddddd ≈ [ Bank ]#ff0000 Please Try Again After 24 Hours", source, 0, 0, 0, true ) return end outputChatBox( "#00ffff Salary Was Successfully Taken ✔", source, 0, 0, 0, true ) givePlayerMoney( source, 9000 ) TimeDaySet [ source ] = setTimer( function() end, 86400000, 1 ) end ) function myEvents () if ( eventName == "onPlayerLogin" ) then local playerSerial = getPlayerSerial ( source ) local checkSQL = executeSQLQuery ( 'SELECT * FROM SQLTst WHERE SerialP=?' , playerSerial ) if ( #checkSQL ~= 0 ) then if ( isTimer ( TimeDaySet [ source ] ) ) then killTimer ( TimeDaySet [ source ] ) end TimeDaySet [ source ] = setTimer( function() end, checkSQL[1].Timer, 1 ) end elseif ( eventName == "onPlayerQuit" ) then local playerSerial = getPlayerSerial ( source ) local checkSQL = executeSQLQuery ( 'SELECT * FROM SQLTst WHERE SerialP=?' , playerSerial ) if ( isTimer ( TimeDaySet [ source ] ) ) then local myTimer = getTimerDetails ( TimeDaySet [ source ] ) if ( myTimer ) then if ( #checkSQL == 0 ) then executeSQLQuery( "INSERT INTO SQLTst ( Timer, SerialP ) VALUES( ? , ? )", myTimer, playerSerial ) else executeSQLQuery("UPDATE SQLTst SET Timer=? WHERE SerialP=?", myTimer, playerSerial ) end TimeDaySet [ source ] = nil end end elseif ( eventName == "onResourceStop" ) then for k, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local playerSerial = getPlayerSerial ( v ) local checkSQL = executeSQLQuery ( 'SELECT * FROM SQLTst WHERE SerialP=?' , playerSerial ) if ( isTimer ( TimeDaySet [ v ] ) ) then local myTimer = getTimerDetails ( TimeDaySet [ v ] ) if ( myTimer ) then if ( #checkSQL == 0 ) then executeSQLQuery( "INSERT INTO SQLTst ( Timer, SerialP ) VALUES( ? , ? )", myTimer, playerSerial ) else executeSQLQuery("UPDATE SQLTst SET Timer=? WHERE SerialP=?", myTimer, playerSerial ) end end end end elseif ( eventName == "onResourceStart" ) then for k, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local playerSerial = getPlayerSerial ( v ) local checkSQL = executeSQLQuery ( 'SELECT * FROM SQLTst WHERE SerialP=?' , playerSerial ) if ( #checkSQL ~= 0 ) then if ( isTimer ( TimeDaySet [ v ] ) ) then killTimer ( TimeDaySet [ v ] ) end TimeDaySet [ v ] = setTimer( function() end, checkSQL[1].Timer, 1 ) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, myEvents) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, myEvents) addEventHandler("onResourceStop", root, myEvents) addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, myEvents) ترا تقدر تجرب والاخطاء واضحه
    1 point
  16. التايمر بالسيرفر سايد بيكون للكل فلازم تستخدم الجداول عشان مايصير فيه تعارض مع الاعبين
    1 point
  17. جرب كذا addEvent("giveDailySalary", true) addEventHandler("giveDailySalary", root, function( ) if isTimer( TimeDaySet ) then outputChatBox( "#dddddd ≈ [ Bank ]#ff0000 Please Try Again After 24 Hours", source, 0, 0, 0, true ) return end outputChatBox( "#00ffff Salary Was Successfully Taken ✔", source, 0, 0, 0, true ) givePlayerMoney( source, 9000 ) TimeDaySet = setTimer( function() end, 86400000, 1 ) end ) function myEvents () if ( eventName == "onPlayerLogin" ) then local playerSerial = getPlayerSerial ( source ) local checkSQL = executeSQLQuery ( 'SELECT * FROM SQLTst WHERE SerialP=?' , playerSerial ) if ( #checkSQL ~= 0 ) then if ( isTimer ( TimeDaySet ) ) then killTimer ( TimeDaySet ) end TimeDaySet = setTimer( function() end, checkSQL[1].Timer, 1 ) end elseif ( eventName == "onPlayerQuit" ) then local playerSerial = getPlayerSerial ( source ) local checkSQL = executeSQLQuery ( 'SELECT * FROM SQLTst WHERE SerialP=?' , playerSerial ) if ( isTimer ( TimeDaySet ) ) then local myTimer = getTimerDetails ( TimeDaySet ) if ( myTimer ) then if ( #checkSQL == 0 ) then executeSQLQuery( "INSERT INTO SQLTst ( Timer, SerialP ) VALUES( ? , ? )", myTimer, playerSerial ) else executeSQLQuery("UPDATE SQLTst SET Timer=? WHERE SerialP=?", myTimer, playerSerial ) end end end elseif ( eventName == "onResourceStop" ) then for k, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local playerSerial = getPlayerSerial ( v ) local checkSQL = executeSQLQuery ( 'SELECT * FROM SQLTst WHERE SerialP=?' , playerSerial ) if ( isTimer ( TimeDaySet ) ) then local myTimer = getTimerDetails ( TimeDaySet ) if ( myTimer ) then if ( #checkSQL == 0 ) then executeSQLQuery( "INSERT INTO SQLTst ( Timer, SerialP ) VALUES( ? , ? )", myTimer, playerSerial ) else executeSQLQuery("UPDATE SQLTst SET Timer=? WHERE SerialP=?", myTimer, playerSerial ) end end end end elseif ( eventName == "onResourceStart" ) then for k, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local playerSerial = getPlayerSerial ( v ) local checkSQL = executeSQLQuery ( 'SELECT * FROM SQLTst WHERE SerialP=?' , playerSerial ) if ( #checkSQL ~= 0 ) then if ( isTimer ( TimeDaySet ) ) then killTimer ( TimeDaySet ) end TimeDaySet = setTimer( function() end, checkSQL[1].Timer, 1 ) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, myEvents) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, myEvents) addEventHandler("onResourceStop", root, myEvents) addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, myEvents) ^ عدلت الكود
    1 point
  18. addEvent("giveDailySalary", true) addEventHandler("giveDailySalary", root, function( ) if isTimer( TimeDaySet ) then outputChatBox( "#dddddd ≈ [ Bank ]#ff0000 Please Try Again After 24 Hours", source, 0, 0, 0, true ) return end outputChatBox( "#00ffff Salary Was Successfully Taken ✔", source, 0, 0, 0, true ) givePlayerMoney( source, 9000 ) TimeDaySet = setTimer( function() end, 86400000, 1 ) end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function ( ) local playerSerial = getPlayerSerial ( source ) local checkSQL = executeSQLQuery ( 'SELECT * FROM SQLTst WHERE SerialP=?' , playerSerial ) if ( #checkSQL ~= 0 ) then if ( isTimer ( TimeDaySet ) ) then killTimer ( TimeDaySet ) end TimeDaySet = setTimer( function() end, checkSQL[1].Timer, 1 ) end end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function ( ) local playerSerial = getPlayerSerial ( source ) local checkSQL = executeSQLQuery ( 'SELECT * FROM SQLTst WHERE SerialP=?' , playerSerial ) if ( isTimer ( TimeDaySet ) ) then local myTimer = getTimerDetails ( TimeDaySet ) if ( myTimer ) then if ( #checkSQL == 0 ) then executeSQLQuery( "INSERT INTO SQLTst ( Timer, SerialP ) VALUES( ? , ? )", myTimer, playerSerial ) else executeSQLQuery("UPDATE SQLTst SET Timer=? WHERE SerialP=?", myTimer, playerSerial ) end end end end )
    1 point
  19. Hey Guys, after a long time i'm back mapping  Thanks for watching.
    1 point
  20. المفروض تخليه يحفظ التايمر لما يطلع الاعب او يطفي المود وبعدين تجلبها لما يشتغل المود او يسجل الاعب
    1 point
  21. سويت لك فنكشن مفيد يساعدك guiEnable = {}; local types = {['second']=1000, ['minute']=1000*60, ['hour']=1000*60*60, ['ms']=1}; function guiSetDelay(gui, delay) assert(getElementType(gui):find('gui-'), 'bad argument guiSetDelay @1 gui-element expected got '..(isElement(gui) and getElementType(gui) or type(gui))) assert(type(delay)=='table', 'bad argument guiSetDelay @2 table expected got '..type(delay)) local canContinue for key in pairs(types) do if delay[key] then canContinue = true; break end end if canContinue then guiSetEnabled(gui, false); guiEnable[gui] = {oldString = guiGetText(gui), element = gui} local ms = 0; for key, value in pairs(delay) do if types[key] then ms=ms+(types[key]*value) end end guiEnable[gui].timer = setTimer(function() guiSetEnabled(gui, true) if isTimer(guiEnable[gui].timer) then killTimer(guiEnable[gui].timer);guiSetText(gui,guiEnable[gui].oldString);guiEnable[gui]=nil;end; local newTable = {}; for _, value in pairs(guiEnable) do table.insert(newTable, value) end if #newTable == 0 and isTimer(timerCheck) then killTimer(timerCheck) end end, ms, 1) timer(true) if not isTimer(timerCheck) then timerCheck = setTimer(timer, 1000, 0);end; setTimer(function() local details = getTimerDetails(guiEnable[gui].timer);guiSetText(guiEnable[gui].element, msToString(details)); end, 50, 1) end end function timer(b) for _, value in pairs(guiEnable) do if isTimer(value.timer) then local details = getTimerDetails(value.timer);guiSetText(value.element, msToString(details)); end end end function msToString(ms) if ms and type(ms)=='number' then local second = (ms and (ms>=1000 and ms) or 1000)/1000 local minute = second/60 return ('%02d:%02d:%02d'):format(math.floor(minute/24), math.floor(minute%60), math.floor(second%60)) end return false end كودك يصير كذا : elseif ( source == btn.mp5 ) then guiSetDelay(source, {ms = 300000}) playSound("open.wav") triggerServerEvent('giveWeapon_', localPlayer , 0 , 29, 1000 , "MP5" )
    1 point
  22. There's a terrain editor released that I'll rework and include as a plugin in the future.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. لما اظهرت مواقيت الصلاة فيه خطأ : الصلاة مكتوبة "الصلام" لاكن شغل ابداع :] app store - play store لو تسوي تطبيق لها عل بيكون روعه
    1 point
  25. I tested it with version 12195, and it's working fine. I've been waiting for this for months.
    1 point
  26. He messaged me that he solved the problem, although never mentions how.
    1 point
  27. شكرا اخوي واسف لاني ما قلت شكرا احلا خالد
    1 point
  28. ههههههه
    1 point
  29. يعني زارف الصورة الي تجي بالتوقيع حقي ؟ تعبان عليها تراني ............. سرقة ألف ماشاءالله
    1 point
  30. "onClientGUIDoubleClick" guiGridListAddRow guiGridListRemoveRow setElementPosition إبتعد عن تقليد الناس , حاول تسوي شيء خاص فيك أنت !
    1 point
  31. يخي وش تسوي كمل نزل اف1 واف7 وقولي ابي مثل كذا
    1 point
  32. Terrain editor like unreal engine or ( why not) gameguru. I see many time ago in the forum this discussion but i think never release.
    1 point
  33. ما ينفع الريتورن بالإيفنت !
    1 point
  34. استبدل السيرفر كذا وشوف addEvent("addM", true) addEventHandler("addM", root, function( Medit ) local MSG = Medit if ( MSG ) then local aSQL2c = executeSQLQuery ( 'SELECT * FROM MSGSYS WHERE playerSerial=?', getPlayerSerial ( source ) ) if ( #aSQL2c == 0 ) then executeSQLQuery( "INSERT INTO MSGSYS ( MSG ) VALUES( ? )", MSG ) else executeSQLQuery("UPDATE MSGSYS SET MSG=? WHERE playerSerial=?", MSG, getPlayerSerial ( source ) ) end triggerEvent ( 'Refresh' , source ) end end ) addEvent ( 'Refresh' , true ) addEventHandler ( 'Refresh' , root , function () local aSQL2c = executeSQLQuery ( 'SELECT * FROM MSGSYS WHERE playerSerial=?', getPlayerSerial ( source ) ) if ( #aSQL2c ~= 0 ) then triggerClientEvent ( source, 'AddMsg' , source , aSQL2c ) end end )
    1 point
  35. getLocalPlayer() احذفها وحط بدالها source
    1 point
  36. تونس هدف دقيقة اخيرة المغرب هدف دقيقه اخيرة سعودية هدف كل دقيقه هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه مع كامل احترامي طبعا
    1 point
  37. Im my option: ITS TO FREAKING COOL!
    1 point
  38. List of Resources How can you add a feature in this list Changelog
    0 points
  39. setTimer( local mod = "" --اسم المود local resource = getResourceFromName ( mod ) startResource ( resource ) end, 60000*10, 0 )
    0 points
  40. ينقل إلى القسم الرئيسي
    0 points
  41. هذا مثال من الويكي ؟ تبي اعطيك جاهز يعني اعذرني
    0 points
  42. وين مود الساعات اللي تستعمله ؟
    0 points
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