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  1. Hello Everyone. DGS Discord Server is created:https://discord.gg/QEs8q6W You can put forward your suggestions in the server. Any news of dgs will be available in the server. I am glad that you can join it. Thanks for your support !
    2 points
  2. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته هذا الموضوع ان شاء الله راح يفيدك في صنع مابك عام الشاطىء البحر الغواصة و الارصفة المباني الحانات و النوادي و الكازينو مصانع و مستودعات مكاتب و ناطحات السحاب مباني عادية مطاعم و فنادق http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6118/6378209341_a2af3174db_b.jpg الرياضة و الملاعب الصناعية الرافعات صناديق و براميل و رفوف عام داخلية مشروبات كزينو ملابس الابواب و النوافذ اثاث مستلزمات منزلية مستلزمات المحلات طاولات و كراسي منوعات طعام و مشروب درج عسكري ايقونات مميز اغراض الشوارع و الطرق زبالة طبيعة نباتات صخور اشجار http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6096/6378190855_1a1b56a53e_b.jpg المنشئات المطار و الطائرات قفزات لوحات التنقل الطرق السريعة و الجسور الصور من منتدى اجنبي جبتها و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
    1 point
  3. Manda os dois scripts inteiros. Se não quiser postar em público, então manda por mensagem privada.
    1 point
  4. Your code doesn't work because you used unknown "thePlayer" element instead of passing getRootElement which literally means "all players". Passing "thePlayer" instead of "source" in the bindKey function also causes errors.
    1 point
  5. لو تقرأ بتلاحظ طريقة الدفع بالسوا .. آمين وياك
    1 point
  6. I wont tell you exactly how to make your script. I'll explain that little snippet of the code. local scrollN = 0 -- Settings scrolling state to 0, so the scrolling is at the top. local pTable = getElementsByType("player") -- Getting the players. for i = scrollN, scrollN + 12 do -- Using the scrollN value, we can scroll through the players in the pTable, increasing the scrollN value will make to skip the first N players in the table. local selectedP = pTable[i] -- Selecting the player from the playerTable using the "i" val. ... -- Drawing player info. end
    1 point
  7. It is beginner friendly. Videos can help, but its much easier to understand it if you read it over and over again. You'll be able to understand coding in general, so you'll kinda understand more from the wiki page, yeah.
    1 point
  8. Você está tentando restringir um comando, por padrão usa-se false no terceiro parâmetro. Isso significa que o comando só será liberado se a ACL do jogador estiver explícito que ele tem tal permissão, caso contrário negará o comando. Se você deixar como true, ele vai sempre permitir o comando exceto se estiver explícito na ACL do jogador que ele não tem essa permissão, neste caso o comando se torna vulnerável, para quem não está explícita a permissão de nenhum jeito. if hasObjectPermissionTo (thePlayer, "command.ban", false) then No seu exemplo, poderia adicionar uma condição de escape, informando o jogador que ele não tem essa permissão. Geralmente é recomendável dar feedback ao jogador depois que ele usa comandos, senão ele pensa que simplesmente digitou o comando errado e fica tentando novamente sem sucesso. Eu faria assim: addCommandHandler ("camhack", function (thePlayer) if hasObjectPermissionTo (thePlayer, "command.ban", false) then if isPedInVehicle (thePlayer) then if getVehicleOccupant (getPedOccupiedVehicle (thePlayer)) ~= thePlayer then -- Aqui não entendi seu objetivo. Sempre será true. if getElementData (thePlayer, "isPlayerInCamHackMode") then setElementAlpha (thePlayer, 255) setPlayerCamHackDisabled (thePlayer) else setElementAlpha (thePlayer, 0) setPlayerCamHackEnabled (thePlayer, false) end end elseif getElementData (thePlayer, "isPlayerInCamHackMode") then setElementAlpha (thePlayer, 255) setPlayerCamHackDisabled (thePlayer) setElementFrozen (thePlayer, false) setElementCollisionsEnabled (thePlayer, true) else setElementAlpha (thePlayer, 0) setPlayerCamHackEnabled (thePlayer, true) setElementFrozen (thePlayer, true) setElementCollisionsEnabled (thePlayer, false) end else outputChatBox ("Acesso negado.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) end end) addCommandHandler ("camhackm", function(thePlayer) if hasObjectPermissionTo (thePlayer, "command.ban", false) then isSlowCamHack = not isSlowCamHack else outputChatBox ("Acesso negado.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) end end)
    1 point
  9. If you aren't trying, we aren't willing to help you. When the player logins, set his element data according to the saved data (could be SQL, or account data). When he uses it, set it with setElementData, and when he leaves, save it to the SQL or as the account data.
    1 point
  10. Server name was previously used, but I have to give it to you for the login -
    1 point
  11. We still call it 0.74, but many new things were added! What's new: Another large batch of new map content: San Fierro is a proper war zone, disputed between the Establishment and the Bandits. You will stumble upon raging street firefights, convoy ambushes, a new naval base, overrun checkpoints from the days of the crisis and more; Los Santos hill area is now the southern front line in the conflict between the Bandits and the Civilian Defence Force - watch out for the roof snipers; 30+ aircrashes, scattered around the whole of San Andreas, and a large bonus train wreck in Whetstone; the San Fierro crack factory is back in business, operated by Raiders; a large fenced community can be found in northern Las Venturas, taken over by looters; and more that's for you to discover. Raider slaves and meat NPCs can now be rescued: engage them through dialogue for an option to release them and score some karma points! Earthquakes: Remember how a catastrophic earthquake started it all? Years after the Incident, the San Andreas Fault is still not completely stable and strong earthquakes hit the land when you least expect them; stay crouched when the earthquake reaches it's peak, otherwise you will fall to the ground on random, taking damage and risking fractures; this also affects NPCs, they will run around in panic and fall to the ground just like the players. New mission for the CDF: an NPC found at Fern Ridge will send you in a dangerous mission to kill a Bandit gang leader in Montgomery. A simple group system added, press F4 to open the panel; group members will show on map as light blue blips. Cargo elevator added to CDF's Los Santos roof camp: use the key panels on the wall to control the elevator. You can now hold NPCs at gunpoint and rob them blind; it works even without ammo; depending on the NPC type, it will result in different behaviour; you can also intimidate melee enemies with your gun, buying a precious moment in a dodgy situation. Added working SAM sites to all relevant Establishment locations; Establishment pilots are of course allowed passage; SAM launchers can be destroyed with explosives, opening up the airspace until they respawn; use explosives for this. A whole set of 11 new missions added. Live the life of a bounty hunter! Missions are accessible from two locations (Ghost Town and Blueberry convenience store). Speak with the Bounty Hunter NPCs found there and they will send you to kill one of the many Raider warchiefs. Targets are randomly selected and missions difficulty varies from medium to very hard. Below is a map with all faction camps as per February 2018 (slightly behind the current version). Click it to see the large version. Note that there are much more neutral locations and encounter zones in the game, this map shows only the player faction spawn points. And finally, some screens with the new content: Join our Discord @ https://discord.gg/Zs5bWSX to stay up to date with news, plans & media. Come share your feedback and ideas!
    1 point
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