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  1. في هذا الموضوع البسيط سأطرح عليكم بعض برامج تحرير النصوص البرمجية -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- برنامج notepad++ عربي English -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- برنامج jEdit عربي English -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- برنامج Sublime text عربي English -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- برنامج Atom عربي English -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- برنامج brackets عربي English -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- إضغط على إسم البرنامج لتذهب للموقع الرسمي إضغط على علامة التعجب لتعرف المزيد عن البرنامج
    1 point
  2. if ( v2 ) then dxDrawText ( "+ $"..convertNumber ( v1 ), sx - 200, (sy-18)-(index*25), 50, 20, tocolor ( 0, 255, 0, v4+75 ), 1, 'default-bold' ) else dxDrawText ( "- $"..convertNumber ( v1 ), sx - 200, (sy-18)-(index*25), 50, 20, tocolor ( 255, 0, 0, v4+75 ), 1, 'default-bold' ) end sx - 200 - This is the screen width - 200 pixels, which is where it currently is on the screen. Change the 200 to a higher value to subtract from the total screen width.
    1 point
  3. This code save: Player (id, serial, position, items, stats) Tent (id, position, items) I have not done the save vehicle code yet. (no time) Download and install VertrigoServ Go to Tools > PhpMyAdmin (image) Create a Database 'dayz' and set Collation 'utf8_general_ci' (image) Go to Import > Choose file (dayz.sql) > Go (image) My example code: link
    1 point
  4. والله يا تونسي معرف وش اقولك ض2 سبيتني كثير ومسامحك صكيتني باندات كثير بها سب مسامحك صراحة يا تونسي احب اقولك --> الله يوفقك في حياتك دائماً MR.GNA7_#
    1 point
  5. debug.getinfo (https://www.lua.org/pil/23.1.html) An example: function a() local callingFunction = debug.getinfo(2) if callingFunction then print(callingFunction.name) end end function b() a() end b() EDIT After rereading your message, I realized that I answered it wrong since you meant the resource name and not the function name. So in this case, you can use the hidden variable "sourceResource", which represents the resource that called the exported function. --- function from resource1 function Func() local callingRes = sourceResource if callingRes then outputChatBox("That function called by: ".. getResourceName(callingRes)) -- print 'That function called by: resource2' end end Maybe this is only possible with the call function, I haven't tested it using exports.
    1 point
  6. Primeiramente, nesses casos você precisa depurar seu código, colocando um output para o chat pra saber o que getHungerState realmente retorna. Você poderia postar seu código aqui, ou se não quiser compartilhar ele publicamente é só enviar em privado pra alguém que possa te ajudar.
    1 point
  7. With one hundred frames per second, try to go to the left and to the right in the gun sight. for example with m4 and then at 70. You will see problems in motion. pre-launch the default stats resource.
    1 point
  8. Please, use 70 max fps. > 70 = problems
    1 point
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