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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/02/18 in all areas

  1. تعديل اخر @!#NssoR_) -- تحذير ★ تحذير @#Soking -- The New Big Smoke @Master_MTA -- المتفوق ههههه @Abu-Solo -- صديكي السدوك @MR.StoRm -- لقد اختفي @MR.SAMSUNG -- السامج @YourMind -- الكائن الهلامي @Default#^ -- لا تعليق .
    2 points
  2. Hello! I started working on a vehicle realism system project, and I would like to introduce it to you. What does the system (will) contain? Currently has: - Custom sounds for vehicles - Custom damage "handling" (scroll down a little bit to see what I mean by that) - Players can't push the vehicles with "bare hands", by just running into them, vehicles will stay in one place, but you can push a car with another car or other vehicle I just started working on this, it is in alpha state, so right now it has a lot of bugs, but not so much that I can't make a video about it, so video coming soon (I already recorded it, I just have to edit, render and upload it)! Will feature: - Panels on vehicles (mostly cars) won't break if you collide with something if you are not going so fast, kind of a bug fix, since GTA SA handles these door and etc. breakings really bad, but if you go with high speed the damage will be applied - Probably a little bit complex (at least more complex than current ones) fuel and some other engine systems - Interaction with vehicles, like opening doors from outside, etc. - More realistic handlings - Realistic ramming system, for example if you hit an other player at high speed, your car won't fly up in the air, making the other player just fall down in front of the vehicle and losing a little bit of health - another example: if you collide with a breakable fence, bollard, lamp or something at high speed, it will break more easily, depending on the object you collided with - Engine failure system - breakdowns - Some basic stuff for cars, like travel meter, indicators and etc. - Custom events and functions, like onVehicleRepair, etc. - Custom siren sounds and sirens, flashers for emergency and other vehicles with sirens - Vehicles will get dirty depending on the surface you drive it on, for example, gets dirty on: mud, grass, sand etc. surfaces, and nothing will happen if you drive on surfaces like: concrete, road, etc. Therefore you will have to get your car to a carwash. That's it for now, I can't remember anything else I wanted to do, if something comes into my mind I will just put it in the "Will feature" section. So what do I mean by custom damage handling? You will see it in the video, but for a short explanation: Right now every vehicle's health will only go down to 650 HP, not below, from there, if you collide with something and the vehicle lost more HP than 75 HP, your vehicle will start releasing smoke from the rear tyres. From now on, your vehicle has an element data, which means that your vehicle is overheating and damaged, that's why there is smoke coming out from it, but not in the regular way. You can damage your vehicle however you want, it won't blow up until it loses 150 or more HP. If your vehicle loses 150 (or more) HP, it will be set on fire at the same spot, next to the rear tyres, just like in GTA IV, however, you can still drive it. From this moment, you have 10 seconds to leave your vehicle and run away, after 10 seconds it will blow up. Of course, you will be able to fix and remove the smoke leaking from the vehicle, but you won't be able to "cancel" the blowing up process by fixing the vehicle. So this is what I mean by "custom damage handling", it is a little bit harder to blow up a vehicle, it's like it has more health, since you can damage it with hands and weapons that doesn't remove more HP than 150 at once. As I already wrote, video will be coming soon! P.S.: Sorry for the (grammar) mistakes in sentences, if I made any, I'm not perfect at English. v0.1 - Custom sounds for vehicles - Custom damage "handling" (scroll down a little bit to see what I mean by that) - Players can't push the vehicles with "bare hands", by just running into them, vehicles will stay in one place, but you can push a car with another car or other vehicle Video:
    1 point
  3. Dystopia: The Incident este un proiect survival RPG original si 100% romanesc pe care nu ar trebui sa il ratezi! Alpha server: mtasa:// Discord: https://discord.gg/Zs5bWSX Versiunea curenta: 0.73, detaliile aici (in engleza) CE TREBUIE SA STII: Dystopia: The Incident e mai mult decat un gamemode MTA standard de survival. Ti-a placut DayZ? Uita tot ce ai invatat acolo! Dystopia este o lume complet diferita, in care te asteapta aventuri cum nu ai mai intalnit inca in MTA. Mancarea si apa sunt greu de gasit si trebuie sa stai in miscare ca sa ramai in viata. Capacitatea inventarului e limitata, fortandu-te sa prioritizezi. Vehiculele au nevoie de intretinere permanenta pentru a ramane in stare de functionare. O sa gasesti tabere ale factiunilor, baze si alte zone populate la fiecare pas. Jocul stimuleaza si rasplateste explorarea, nu 'stocarea' de itemuri. Lumea e dens populata si daca nu iti alegi cu atentie dusmanii viata ta va deveni foarte repede dificila. Mediul este aspru si ii pedepseste pe cei slabi si pe cei prosti. Gameplay-ul are un scop final: evadarea din San Andreas-ul aflat in carantina si guvernat de legea martiala. Harta e potrivita pentru roleplay si acesta e incurajat, insa nu este obligatoriu. Gamemode-ul a fost din start gandit pentru a fi accesibil si ca o experienta single-player, dar bineinteles ca nimic nu se compara cu distractia in multiplayer, Co-op sau PVP. CE POTI FACE IN JOC: Exploreaza o harta post-apocaliptica detaliata, plina cu intalniri neprevazute. Peste 2000 de NPC-uri: aliati, inamici, zombie si animale care asteapta sa le vanezi. Cinci factiuni carora te poti alatura si sistem de spawn dinamic. Un inventar detaliat, cu peste 100 de itemuri care asteapta sa fie gasite si folosite. Asigura-ti nevoile primare ca foamea si setea, conserva-ti stamina, evita infectia zombie (in doua stadii), socul, hemoragia, radiatiile, epuizarea si fracturile. Mecanica de loot este inovatoare pentru MTA - gasesti loot-ul spargand cutiile si lazile ramase intacte dupa apocalipsa. Sistem complet nou de damage si reparatii pentru vehicule. Trei tipuri de zombie, cu comportament si caracteristici diferite. Aduna materiale de constructie si ingrediente si foloseste-le pentru crafting sau cooking. Descopera franturi din poveste prin dialogurile personajelor si explorand harta. Experimenteaza umor negru si cateva elemente mai 'dure' de gameplay (de exemplu, canibalismul e o optiune deschisa pentru cei flamanzi). MEDIA: Screenshots: Un videoclip realizat de unul din jucatorii nostri, in care puteti vedea multe elemente de gameplay: Vrei sa afli mai multe? Aici gasesti postarea originala, cu mult mai multe detalii (in engleza). De retinut: serverul este international, si limba oficiala e engleza, atat pe Discord cat si in joc; desi GTA: San Andreas este un joc oldschool, ca sa joci Dystopia la rezolutie buna cu fps decent o sa ai nevoie de un computer modern; gamemode-ul este inca in alpha, versiunea e 0.73; te poti astepta la bug-uri si glitch-uri; apasa F1 in joc pentru un splash-screen cu toate informatiile esentiale; crezi ca ai rabdare sa citesti manualul complet de instructiuni? atunci apasa F9 ; development-ul este activ; comunitatea raporteaza bug-uri si ofera sugestii in timp real pe Discord. Atat deocamdata - mi-ar placea sa vad cat mai multi romani jucand Dystopia, asa ca... ne vedem pe server!
    1 point
  4. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أقدم اليوم إعتزالي التام, وتشرفت بمعرفتكم جميعاً رسالة إلى كل شخص غلطت عليه.. أعذرني 2012 - 2018 أخوكم / خالد
    1 point
  5. print_ = print print = outputChatBox exports.scoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn ( "VIP", root, 50, "VIP", 12 ) for i, v in pairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( not getElementData ( v, "VIP" ) ) then setElementData ( v, "VIP", "None" ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function ( ) setElementData ( source, "VIP", "None" ) end ) -- VIP Chat -- addCommandHandler ( "vipchat", function ( p, cmd, ... ) if ( not isPlayerVIP ( p ) ) then return exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "This command is for VIP users only", p, 255, 0, 0 ) end if ( isPlayerMuted ( p ) ) then return exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "This command is disabled when you're muted", p, 255, 255, 0 ) end if ( not getElementData ( p, "userSettings" )['usersetting_display_vipchat'] ) then return exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "Please enable VIP chat in your phone settings to use this command.", 0, 255, 255 ) end local msg = table.concat ( { ... }, " " ) if ( msg:gsub ( " ", "" ) == "" ) then return exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "Syntax: /"..tostring(cmd).." [message]", p, 255, 255, 0 ) end local tags = "(VIP)"..tostring(exports.NGChat:getPlayerTags ( p )) local msg = tags..getPlayerName ( p )..": #ffffff"..msg for i,v in pairs ( getElementsByType ( 'player' ) ) do if ( ( isPlayerVIP ( v ) or exports.NGAdministration:isPlayerStaff ( p ) ) and getElementData ( v, "userSettings" )['usersetting_display_vipchat'] ) then outputChatBox ( msg, v, 200, 200, 0, true ) end end end ) function checkPlayerVipTime ( p ) local vip = getElementData ( p, "VIP" ) if ( vip == "None" ) then return end local expDate = getElementData ( p, "NGVIP.expDate" ) or "0000-00-00" -- Format: YYYY-MM-DD if ( isDatePassed ( expDate ) ) then setElementData ( p, "VIP", "None" ) setElementData ( p, "NGVIP.expDate", "0000-00-00" ) exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "Your VIP time has been expired.", p, 255, 0, 0 ) end end function checkAllPlayerVIP ( ) for i, v in pairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do checkPlayerVipTime ( v ) end end function isPlayerVIP ( p ) checkPlayerVipTime ( p ) return tostring ( getElementData ( p, "VIP" ) ):lower ( ) ~= "none" end function getVipLevelFromName ( l ) local levels = { ['none'] = 0, ['bronze'] = 1, ['silver'] = 2, ['gold'] = 3, ['premium'] = 4 } return levels[l:lower()] or 0; end ------------------------------------------ -- Give VIP players free cash -- ------------------------------------------ local payments = { [1] = 25000, [2] = 50000, [3] = 100000, [4] = 150000 } VipPayoutTimer = setTimer ( function ( ) exports.NGLogs:outputServerLog ( "Sending out VIP cash...." ) print_ ( "Sending out VIP cash...." ) outputDebugString ( "Sending VIP cash" ) for i, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( isPlayerVIP ( v ) ) then local l = getVipLevelFromName ( getElementData ( v, "VIP" ) ) local money = payments [ l ] givePlayerMoney ( v, money ) exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "Here is a free $"..money.." for being a VIP player!", v, 0, 255, 0 ) end end end, (60*60)*1000, 0 ) function getVipPayoutTimerDetails ( ) return getTimerDetails ( VipPayoutTimer ) end function isDatePassed ( date ) -- date format: YYYY-MM-DD local this = { } local time = getRealTime ( ); this.year = time.year + 1900 this.month = time.month + 1 this.day = time.monthday local old = { } local data = split ( date, "-" ) old.year = data[1]; old.month = data[2]; old.day = data[3]; for i, v in pairs ( this ) do this [ i ] = tonumber ( v ) end for i, v in pairs ( old ) do old [ i ] = tonumber ( v ) end if ( this.year > old.year ) then return true elseif ( this.year == old.year and this.month > old.month ) then return true elseif ( this.year == old.year and this.month == old.month and this.day > old.day ) then return true end return false end addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) checkAllPlayerVIP ( ) setTimer ( checkAllPlayerVIP, 120000, 0 ) end ) --[[ Bronze: - Laser - Able to warp vehicle to you - Additional 6 vehicles in spawners - $25000/hour - 5% less jail time Silver: - Laser - Able to warp your vehicle to you - Additional 6 vehicles in spawners - $50000/hour - 15% less jail time Gold: - Laser - Able to warp your vehicle to you - Additional 6 vehicles in spawner - $100000/hour - %25 less jail time diamond: - Laser - Able to warp your vehicle to you - Additional 6 vehicles in spawners - $150000/hour - Half jail time ]] function giveVIPNOS(p) if isPlayerVIP(p) then local level = getVipLevelFromName(getElementData(p,"VIP")) if level == 2 then addVehicleupgrade(source, 1009) elseif level == 3 then addVehicleupgrade(source, 1008) elseif level == 4 then addVehicleupgrade(source, 1010) end end end addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", root, giveVIPNOS) function giveVIPJetPack(p) if isPlayerVIP(p) then local level = getVipLevelFromName(getElementData(p,"VIP")) if level == 3 or level == 4 then if not doesPedHaveJetPack(p) then givePedJetPack(p) else removePedJetPack(p) end else return exports["NGMessages"]:sendClientMessage("You are not gold vip or premium!", p, 255, 0, 0) end else return exports["NGMessages"]:sendClientMessage("You are not vip !", p, 255, 0, 0) end end bindKey(source, "j", "both", giveVIPJetPack) Replaced bronze, gold, ect with their corresponding numbers that getVipLevelFromName outputs.
    1 point
  6. Certain object IDs have a breakable flag that cannot be disabled. Try another ID. Interestingly though https://dev.prineside.com/en/gtasa_samp_model_id/model/16775-door_savhangr2/ displays a non breakable flag.
    1 point
  7. WOW, ceva original. Chiar imi place idea, si chiar acum o sa intru pe server, daca ai nevoie de ajutor cu orice lasa-mi un mesaj, te ajut cu placere.
    1 point
  8. بالعكس مو كل الناس مثل تفكيرك لو اني مبرمج سيرفرات وبفهم بشكل ممتاز فالبرمجه كان برمجت عادي حتى لو اقل لوجه الله
    1 point
  9. You have to disable function inline'ing for Game SA and Multiplayer SA in Release config due to a compiler bug. You can find the setting under Project settings > C/C++ > Optimization > Inline Function Expansion, set it to Disabled (/Ob0) (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/47238hez.aspx) and recompile.
    1 point
  10. I'll be releasing new streamer on the 1st. Also, I've added some modified VCS neons to VC.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. , بالأخير يجيه ( 2 ) زوار ; واحد يكون أدمن و واحد يكون إبن خاله .
    1 point
  13. يوو نسيت احط الأقواس . function checkArmor ( ) value = false if getPedArmor ( localPlayer ) >= 15 then value = true triggerServerEvent ( 'getArmor' , localPlayer , getPedArmor ( localPlayer ) - 15 ) elseif getPedArmor ( localPlayer ) < 15 then triggerServerEvent ( 'getArmor' , localPlayer , 0 ) value = true elseif getPedArmor ( localPlayer ) == 0 then value = false end return value end function zombieattack ( attacker, weapon, bodypart ) if (attacker) then if getElementType ( attacker ) == "ped" then if (getElementData (attacker, "zombie") == true) then local playerHealth = getElementHealth ( getLocalPlayer() ) if ( checkArmor ( ) == true ) then return end if playerHealth > 15 then setElementHealth ( source, playerHealth - 15 ) else triggerServerEvent ("playereaten", source, source, attacker, weapon, bodypart ) end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer(), zombieattack )
    1 point
  14. Try to edit it yourself. If you can't, I'll help you a bit.
    1 point
  15. Version v0.03 is not good enough so v0.04 has been started!
    1 point
  16. Add a timer to the trigger and setElementHealth.
    1 point
  17. At the end of month I'll be releasing it also I'll be making a full wiki page on it. J Streamer 1 was just dedicated to streaming my custom maps but had no upfront external support for stuff like this. JS2 will include stuff such as ability to stream in / out objects load custom maps, and alot of other stuff that will be extremely useful for developers.
    1 point
  18. وعليكم السلام ورحمه الله وبركاته : جرب هالكود : //-----------------------------|> Here The problem !! <|---------------------------------------------------// if ( isset( $_POST[ 'Login' ] ) ) { $username = $_POST[ 'usernameR' ]; $pass = $_POST[ 'passwordR' ]; $query = "select * from DataLogin WHERE users='". $username ."' AND password='".$pass."'"; $result = mysqli_query( $conect, $query ); if ( mysqli_num_rows( $result ) > 0 ) { echo 'Login Successful :-)'; } else { echo 'password or username is Wrong :-('; } } واذا باقي مايشتغل عطني اسماء الكولمنز الموجودة بجدول DataLogin
    1 point
  19. اعرض اخطاء السي بانل لاني جوال مقدر اشوف الكود بشكل جيد خلاص حصلتلك الغلط يوم دققت شوي وهو انك ما حددت القيمه المعلومه اثناء اختيارك قيمه من قاعدة البيانات +ان كان قصدك انك تجيب كل الحسابات وتتحقق منهم ١ واحد فلازمك تستخدم لوب وانا ما افضل هذي الطريقه اتمنى اكون افدتك $Passwd = 'select password from DataLogin ;'; + وين الكويري حقك
    1 point
  20. وداعا واتمني لك التوفيق في مستقبلك وحياتك ولابد من طريق الرحيل لنا جميعا
    1 point
  21. اخيرا يا عم والله وحشني حمدالله علي السلامة
    1 point
  22. شفته منزل مود بقناته قبل امس
    1 point
  23. You must edit jobs\jobs.lua local function createOurPed( ) if ped then destroyElement( ped ) end ped = createPed( 211, 359.7, 173.65, 1008.4 ) setPedRotation( ped, 270 ) setElementDimension( ped, 1 ) setElementInterior( ped, 3 ) end
    1 point
  24. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته فيديو غيابي عن البرمجة واليوتيوب ولماذا لا أقوم برفع مقاطع الفيديو ونشر السكربتات إلى الناس أتمنى لكم حسن المشاهدة
    0 points
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