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  1. شخباركم ؟ المهم تعرفون بمناسبة اني برمجة مود جديد لازم ننسق الموضوع وكذا نزبطه يعني المهم بلا كلام واجد خنبدأ ][ تفاصيل ][ طيب اوامر المود بـ أف8 : 77/ : لمسح الشات Clear/ : لتفعيل المود ][ ملاحضة ][ طبعا الامر الثاني حق التفعيل ماعرف كيف اسويه لاكن بس كذا حطيته انا لاكن تقدر تعدل من ملف الكلنت وتحط مثلا اسم سيرفرك بدال ماتحط الكلام اللي هو التفعيل ][ صور ][ صورة عالسريع وشرحها .. الشرح : لما تكتب 77 باف8 / *Admin is Cleared the Chat ^ هاذي انو قام الادمن بمسح الشات وتحتها فيه مكتوب Qassim وهاذا اللي مسح الشات اللي هو انا بس طبعا لما انت تمسح يجي اسمك انت -- طيب في تحتهم كلام مكتوب : Clear Mode Chat is: [Enabled]x # يجي يقولك كذا Clear وهاذا لما تكتب باف8^ انت عدلها من ملف الكلنت وحط مثلا : Welcome in 6ArH Server يعني حطها اللي تبي ][ التحميل ][ [X] اضغط على الاكس ^ ][ الخاتمة ][ طيب بس بقولكم شي اخير ملف الكلنت نسخته من مود ثاني بس عدلت به كمن شي وملف السيرفر هين ذا مني والمود غير مشفر للمعلوميه ، لأني ماعرف اشفر وسسلاآمم تحياتي بلاك لست ##
    1 point
  2. حبيب قلبي تسلم قد بحثت وحصلت طريقه من زمن اعذرني اني ما قلت تم مشكور
    1 point
  3. As you can see, function setTeamFriendlyFire is server only function so it doesn't work on client.
    1 point
  4. Bom, vc pode salvar a quantidade de fome do jogador com setElementData, dai usa um setTimer para ir abaixando o nível da fome e da sede de tempos em tempos. (considerando que 0 é morto de fome/morto de sede e 100 é totalmente alimentado/sem sede). Para recarregar, vc pode criar pickups ou lugares pro jogador se alimentar/beber e você pode usar setElementData novamente, colocando os valores cheios. Se algum valor chegar a 0, mata o personagem com killPed. Ou se preferir, você pode ir diminuindo a vida gradativamente do personagem enquanto ele estiver com algum valor 0 usando setElementHealth e setTimer, até ele morrer. Para evitar que os jogadores burlem o sistema, relogando para tentar recarregar a vida, você pode salvar esses valores na conta do jogador quando ele deslogar/desconectar ou morrer, (onPlayerLogout, onPlayerQuit, onPlayerWasted) usando setAccountData. E quando ele logar no server (onPlayerLogin), carrega esses valores da conta usando getAccountData, se não existir esse valor na conta então coloca um valor padrão no jogador e salva esse valor padrão na conta dele, não necessariamente valor cheio.
    1 point
  5. local marks = { coordenates of your marker, coordenates of your other marker } function markes() markz = createMarker( marks[math.random(1, #marks)], "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 170 ) end
    1 point
  6. Your main problem is the fact that you declare soundd as a local variable and then attempt to refer to it in another call to the function. Once the function ends, the local variables are gone and you can no longer refer to them. This is why detachElement received a nil value -- soundd was nil after the function was exited. addEventHandler("khifizene", root, function() if isElement(soundd) then stopSound(soundd) return end --if the soundd still exists, destroy it (no need to detach if it's getting destroyed) and exit the function without creating a new one (so it works like a toggle - creates sound when there is none, destroys it if there is one) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) soundd = playSound3D(streamURL, x, y, z, true) --don't do this local otherwise you won't be able to refer to it after you exit out of the function setSoundVolume(soundd , volume) setSoundMaxDistance(soundd , radius) attachElements(soundd, localPlayer) end )
    1 point
  7. Everyone who need this offer grab them thanks @arsalahmed786 for updating
    1 point
  8. Celebration of 100 Members Hello Everyone, We have reached 100 members about few days ago so our team decide to add more plan with more slots and space and of course with more slots and space there more posts required. 32-200 with different slots and space available on MTA:SA and SAMP. We have added 32-200 slots Plans in MTA:SA and SAMP gameServer. For more details: Click here Grab your Plan before Plans are out of stock. Read full announcement: Click here.
    1 point
  9. Try something like this. -- NOTE This code is not tested and may need to be edited to work properly. local symbol = '/' local commands = { 'help', 'commands' } addEventHandler('onPlayerChat',root,function(message) local textTable = split(message,' ') for k=1,#textTable do for l=1,#commands do if textTable[1] == symbol..commands[l] then table.remove(textTable,1) triggerEvent(commands[l],root,source,textTable) end end end end) for i=1,#commands do addEvent(commands[i]) end addEventHandler('help',root,function(source,payload) outputChatBox('Use /commands for a list of commands.',source) end) addEventHandler('commands',root,function(source,payload) outputChatBox('Commands: '..table.concat(commands,', '),source) end)
    1 point
  10. حبيب قلبي مشكور للملاحظه لكن المقصد يا عسل استخداماتها انا ما تعمقت في شرحها العفو بالتوفيق يا بعدي
    1 point
  11. Update pushed yesterday, enjoy! http://mta.ggcommunity.net/arkives/
    1 point
  12. Site es running and update is pushed. Enjoy-.
    1 point
  13. Sorry for that, i'm currently moving to a new hosting.. Some down time expected. EDIT: Site is back online, though it's having some page load timeouts, i'm sorting this out with support team. EDIT2: Damn microtime, freezes the server. Removed it and now all is working.
    1 point
  14. Sorry for the late bump, latest version is now available http://mta.ggcommunity.net/arkives/
    1 point
  15. Bump, latest update available: 12-19-2016 at http://mta.ggcommunity.net/arkives/ For some reason my linux machine got behind the clock and pulled the wiki 2 days later than intended, i've made a patch on the auto-updater to fetch online date fixing this error. Enjoy.
    1 point
  16. You're welcome. Also the site has been updated, there is a new version of the wiki available as of 11-17-2016. Enjoy.
    1 point
  17. Made an automated script to pull MTA:SA's wiki once every month, all wiki versions will be available at: https://mta.ggcommunity.net/arkives/ Latest: 10-17-2016
    1 point
  18. Made a new fresh Offline copy: http://ggcommunity.net/MTASA_wiki_offline_09-22-2016.zip Date: 09/22/2016 I'll be making a bash script to make offline copys every 15 days or so, stay tuned.
    1 point
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