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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/11/16 in Posts

  1. Hi guys @fastman92 has recently engaged with us in order to get his limit adjuster implemented into MTA. Obviously, there are a number of complexities involved in implementing this, and we need to make some important design decisions to achieve this. So, why do you want to use a Limit Adjuster tool? Some things I'm hoping to learn: Are you trying to play MTA with a modified version of GTASA? Do you want the limit adjuster to play mods like GTA:Underground? Are you trying to use Limit Adjusters with MTA's own Lua engine* functions? (e.g. engineLoadDFF) Anything else? Any feedback would be incredibly beneficial to the team going forward. Cheers Dan
    7 points
  2. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته كيف حالكم انشاء الله بخير اليوم حبيت أقدم لكم أول سكربت لي ولي هو سكربت الانتحار مفيد لسيرفرات حرب العصابات ( أظن ) الزوبد وش ميزات المود ؟ شوفو الصوره وبعدين أوضح :صوره طبعآ الأزرار ملونه لكن عندي مود ملون كل الأزرار المود بدايته بلغتين وتضغط زر يصير عربي وزر انقلش المود منظم بشكل ممتاز أتركم مع المود تحياتي #Twitter http://up.top4top.net/downloadf-334c0s7u1-zip.html قبل التعليق تذكر أني مبرمج مبتدأ واذا انت مبرمج أكيد جربت المرحلة الي انا امر فيها يليت تقدر التعب
    2 points
  3. لا اقصد كذا local derbypos = { { -- الماب الاول {x, y, z}, {x, y, z}, {x, y, z} }, { -- الماب الثاني {x, y, z}, {x, y, z}, {x, y, z} }, { -- المزيد من المابات {x, y, z}, {x, y, z}, {x, y, z} }, }
    2 points
  4. اطفال الانترنت ~~
    2 points
  5. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم .. بما انه موضوع الواجهة ماشاء الله اعجب الكل حبيت اصمم لكم ستايل لـ اوبن قيم بنل معدل .. تعديل ولا اروع .. نشاهد شكل ستايل : الواجهة تسجيل الواجهة من داخل طريقة التركيب سهله ولا تحتاج شي فقط افتح اف ته بي خاص بـ خادم و اتبع مسارات التاليه تدخل اول شي مجلد : var ثم تدخل مجلد : www ثم تدخل مجلد : themes و ترفع ملفات الى حاطها في تحميل و بس .. احب اشكر استضافه : BBTSERVERS.COM سكايب : bbthost لخادم لـ عمل شرح طريقه تركيب و تصميم ستايل .. من هنا : http://mtaarabs.com/vb/showthread.php?t=471 طريقة تسجيل في منتدى من هنا : http://www.mtaarabs.com/vb/showthread.php?t=327 ارجاء عدم نقل الموضوع او رابط تحميل الى مواقع اخرء و شكرا .. للجميع ----------------------------- تـحـيـاتـي .. [ سـعـد الـغـامـدي ] جميع الحقوق محفوظة MTaArabs©
    1 point
  6. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته, كيف الحال ياحلوين !؟ عساكم بخير اليوم سويت لكم مود المعرض على طريقتي وغيرت اشياء بالشكل ولوحة الشراء الجديدة, طبعا السكربت معروف + السكربت غير مشفر للتعليم والإفادة ---------- الصور : ---------- ---------- نتمنى منك الإنضمام لنا في : Multi Theft Auto Arab لتحميل المود : MR.GRAND للتواصل معي : Skype : kamel1234128 E-mail : [email protected] في أمان الله . . . أخوكم مستر جراند
    1 point
  7. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته موضوع بسيط بتكلم فيه عن حاجه بسيطة خلال الساعات القليلة الماضية ، وصلت لي صورة من أحد الأصدقاء ، والصورة فيها شعار سيرفري sH!5-Arabs شيوخ العرب إضافة لشعار سيرفر جراند العرب طبعاً السيرفر هذا لا يمت لشخصي بأي صِلة ولا لي علاقة فيه والسيرفر مقلد من احد اطفال الإنترنت مع العلم اني قاطع عن اللعبة لحين إنتهائي من الدراسة . وسيتم التبليغ عن هذا السيرفر في حال فضيت لهذا الأمر مع الشكر الجزيل .. الصورة :
    1 point
  8. Found the reason why no one answers.
    1 point
  9. is getPlayerMoney what you are searching for? add an if checking if the player has more (or equal) than 25 cash --somewhere in your code function rentCarFuntion ( player ) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( -1981.5, 128.5, 27.6875, getElementPosition(player) ) <2 and getPlayerMoney(player) >= 25 then rentCar[player] = createVehicle( 462, -1982.959, 122.84863, 27.6875, 0, 0, 90, "Rent" )
    1 point
  10. @Simple01 Just my opinion, but i think that a server side timer is still better than a trigger every 7 seconds. For the rest, i agree. PS: still i hate timers
    1 point
  11. الكلمات لا تكفي لوصف الابداع --- اقتراح --- لو تخليه : لما تجي تشتري سيارة ، ماتظهر فقط اللوحة ، الزوبده لما تضغط على سيارة تجي على اليمين ولا اليسار مدري ذذ كيف شكل السيارة والاحسن في ذلك تكون كاميرا متحركة مع موسيقى اتمنى تطبيق الاقتراح بالاصدار الجاي ،، تحياتي
    1 point
  12. @iPrestege not sure why you quoted us but this is W32.Neshtaa virus (seen the launcher rename etc and symptoms), if you want to support him in Arabic then explain him the solutions given in this topic: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/90196-cl33-error-mtasa (how to reverse the damage done by that virus which leads to cause this error as he has it) @mody134 إصابة جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك عن طريق فيروس يسمى W32.Neshta ألف وهيبة أو أي شخص سيحاول لمساعدتك في ترجمة الحلول المعروفة لإصلاحه. وفيروس مسح وحدها لا تؤدي دائما إلى إصلاح هذا النوع من العدوى
    1 point
  13. function onRegenStart( ) setTimer( healthUp, 7000, 0 ) end addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", getRootElement( ), onRegenStart ) function healthUp( ) for index, value in pairs ( getElementsByType( "player" ) ) do if ( getAccountData( getPlayerAccount( value ), "regen" ) == true ) then local playerHealth = getElementHealth( value ) setElementHealth( value, playerHealth + 5 ) end end end This should work( not tested ) Please,when naming a function, use capital letters when another word starts( Ex: yourFunctionName, NOT yourfunctionname ) because it looks better and helps you understand better what does that function do.
    1 point
  14. سوي جدول في جداول الاحداثيات حقت كل ماب وانت جيب الماب اللي تبيه من اندكس الجدول مثل posiotion[mapindex] متغير لاندكس الماب في الجدول mapindexو
    1 point
  15. زي ما قالك الاخ بس تعدل على ذا السطر فقط end, 0 , 0)
    1 point
  16. The error says that AUTOINCREMENT is compatible only with INTEGER PRIMARY KEY You declared gang_cod as an INT PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , but this type doesn't exists Replace INT with INTEGER and the script should work
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. One man in Russia did Limiter Adjuster in MTA https://vk.com/wall-89712342_290 But he don't give source code
    1 point
  19. Copy this script (server) function died(_, killer) if (killer and getElementType(killer) == "player" and getElementType(source) == "ped") then givePlayerMoney(killer, 500) end end addEventHandler("onPedWasted", root, died) --Add the Event when ped1 dies
    1 point
  20. I had a little bit of fun with it, I like the idea of this custom fading thing. Try this: local screenX, screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local dxFades = nil local timeToFade = 2000 local currentState = false function fadeCameraDX(state,r,g,b) if dxFades then return end dxFades = {} dxFades.timeStart = getTickCount() dxFades.barStartPoint = {} dxFades.barNumber = math.ceil(screenY / 35) -- editing this will change the number of bars | less bars -> increase it, more bars -> decrease it dxFades.barHeight = math.ceil(screenY / dxFades.barNumber) dxFades.barMargin = 4 for i = 1, dxFades.barNumber do dxFades.barStartPoint[i] = math.random(300, 500) end if not tonumber(r) then r = math.random(100,255) end if not tonumber(g) then g = math.random(100,255) end if not tonumber(b) then b = math.random(100,255) end dxFades.color = {r,g,b} addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, renderDXCameraFading) outputDebugString("Num bars: " .. dxFades.barNumber) end function renderDXCameraFading() local r,g,b = unpack(dxFades.color) local rectangleWidth = screenX local rectanglePosX = 0 local borderSize = screenY / 24 local startEnd, outEnd local now = getTickCount() if not currentState then currentState = "in" end if currentState == "in" then startEnd = dxFades.timeStart + timeToFade local elapsedTime = now - dxFades.timeStart local duration = startEnd - dxFades.timeStart local progress = elapsedTime / duration rectangleWidth = interpolateBetween( 0,0,0, screenX + 600,0,0, progress, "InOutQuad" ) else outEnd = dxFades.outStart + timeToFade local elapsedTime = now - dxFades.outStart local duration = outEnd - dxFades.outStart local progress = elapsedTime / duration rectanglePosX = interpolateBetween( 0,0,0, screenX + 600,0,0, progress, "InOutQuad" ) if outEnd <= now then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, renderDXCameraFading) currentState = false end end if tonumber(startEnd) and startEnd <= now and currentState == "in" then currentState = "out" outputDebugString("OUT") dxFades.outStart = now end for i = 1, dxFades.barNumber do local startWidth = dxFades.barStartPoint[i] if currentState == "in" then dxDrawRectangle(0 - 500, (i - 1) * dxFades.barHeight, rectangleWidth + startWidth, dxFades.barHeight - dxFades.barMargin,tocolor(r,g,b,255)) else dxDrawRectangle(rectanglePosX - startWidth, (i - 1) * dxFades.barHeight, rectangleWidth + startWidth, dxFades.barHeight - dxFades.barMargin,tocolor(r,g,b,255)) end end end setTimer(function() fadeCameraDX(true, 255,0,0,20) end, 2000, 1)
    1 point
  21. How will this work? Will we be able to add new objects, vehicles, weapons etc like the singleplayer ASI but with Lua functions or this will just improve the streaming system or something like?
    1 point
  22. Hi, I just registered because this is the moment I've been waiting for. I'd love to see the limit adjuster implemented. I would love to see the GTA Underground map on MTA aswell. I also am working on my own gamemode but I could make it a lot better with fastman92's limit adjuster. I would add more weapons, vehicles, skins, and some maps. To keep it low spec computer friendly, I would only use models and txds that are low poly and low resolution. I wouldn't see this as not only a new feature, but a new era of GTA multiplayer, the next big step.
    1 point
  23. Also quick note: Total conversion (pretty much) I am working on is all MTA sided, meaning no client modifications so it doesn't need the client file check.
    1 point
  24. The issue I am having is that the object limits are far to low, causing terrible view distance in heavily populated areas and lag for some people due to SA constantly loading and unloading the models. Also the world bounds limits would be awesome to have extended because it would allow me to actually place my map off shore of SA instead of placing it in another dimension and having it warp players to and from. Summed up I'd need this for - - LOD limits - General object limits - Map bounds limits
    1 point
  25. Please be specific in your responses. How are you going to use it in your server? We need to actually know how you would implement it. The challenges relate to the fact that FLA requires GTASA to be restarted for each change. I need to know specific, technical/scripting information on what is limiting you and what you were trying to achieve.
    1 point
  26. Continue on my current project and improve it a lot, I would love if open limit adjuster was added, would fix so many bugs. I want to use it with MTAs own lua functions to increase the overall performance, and draw distance of United MTA (Map I'm working on)
    1 point
  27. It would remove holdbacks from replacing SA cities with custom mapped ones, without streaming issues, and be a good replacement for the failed EIR branch that will most likely never be finished. (major pro's of EIR are found back in limit adjuster's implementation I think) Also it opens doors for MTA development in general as it allows manipulating internals/values that were considered fenced off for modders.
    1 point
  28. Link to the project http://gtaforums.com/topic/733982-fastman92-limit-adjuster/
    1 point
  29. هذا المثال في حال كنت في اي تيم بالسيرفر راح يعبي دمك , واذا مو بتيم ماراح يعبي دمك addCommandHandler('check', function( player ) if getPlayerTeam ( player ) then outputChatBox('تم إعطائك دم بنجاح',player,255,255,255) setElementHealth(player,100) else outputChatBox('يجب ان تختارلك فريق اولأ لتتمكن من إستخدام هذا الامر !',player,255,255,255) end end )
    1 point
  30. Teams = { 'Grove' , 'Balles' , 'Police' } for _,teams in pairs (Teams ) do if getPlayerTeam ( source ) == getTeamFromName ( teams ) then -- ع مضن عندك غلط في getTeamFromName ( "teams" ) تصير كذا getTeamFromName ( teams )
    1 point
  31. Welcome everyone. I want to join the MTA team and make some changes to the MTA source code. Who to contact? How can I start?
    1 point
  32. Para hacer uno propio tendrías que tener conocimientos avanzados en física y matemáticas para hacer un sistema así independientemente. Por otro lado se me ocurre que puedes usar onClientProjectileCreation para detectar si un proyectil es lanzado y pegarle un objeto para simular que es un proyectil distinto que al hacer que el proyectil que será base explote; este destruya el objeto. todo es cuestión de hacer un sistema de armamentos estilo DayZ pero específicamente para granadas. Ya es cuestión tuya de que tipo de proyectil quieras hacer, sólo te digo una teoría que podrías aplicar (aunque nunca he hecho algo así pero puede ser posible).
    1 point
  33. money = 0 setTimer(function() money = money + 150 givePlayerMoney(getRandomPlayer(), money) end, 0 , 0)
    1 point
  34. @iPrestege , @سعد الغامدي In editing :
    1 point
  35. Hi dan glad to hear that you are going to release a library for the mta highlighter : ) I think it can be done also in the vBulletin software by editing the styles or the theme as you said above so i found this in my style/theme ; <!-- / controls for non-popup browsers --> <if condition="$show['ajax_js']"> <script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_ajax_threadslist.js?v=$vboptions[simpleversion]"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- vB_AJAX_Threadlist_Init('threadslist'); var titlemaxchars = parseInt("$vboptions[titlemaxchars]"); //--> </script> </if> <!-- ############## END THREADS LIST ############## --> <!-- ### This is just an example of my forum style files --> so i guess i can add it to the forum editing the style/theme ? Thanks for the reply also please tell us when you release your own library ;p
    1 point
  36. No damn reason? Read the goddamn bug tracker on it. There is definitely a reason to not use it. The developers themselves have stated they don't fully understand it and why it breaks animations. You also think they would try and do it since there's a 100 Euro sponsorship on it. I remember Cazomino saying on IRC that it was a lot of hard work that would take a long time to do from multiple people. I don't see this feature happening anytime soon.
    1 point
  37. It would be nice! (.ifp mods) Adding and not replacing vehicles, skins, weapons, objects and others is already possible, not easy, but there is how to do it. Thanks for the contribution!
    1 point
  38. what i dream is to allow to use .ifp modifications as serverside and ADD (not replace) Vehicles,Skins,Weapons,Objects
    1 point
  39. Try this addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin" , root , function ( _ , account ) setPlayerName ( source , getAccountName ( account ) ) end );
    1 point
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