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Tekken last won the day on May 2 2023

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About Tekken

  • Birthday 26/08/1997

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  • Forum Helper


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    Dev and player!
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    Lua, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

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  1. My bad you actually have to use math.min not math.max
  2. math.max(YOUR_MONEY, 999999999);
  3. Not sure os functions work in MTA, but I may be wrong
  4. Hi, think of math.randomseed() like the starting poit of your randomness, the seed, in order to have unpredictable random numbers you have to provide a integer seed to this function and from now on in your script the random numbers will be generated from this seed, like: This will give you the same results every single time the code is generated for i = 1, 10 do print(math.random()); end While this will change every single time due to getRealTime().timestamp never returning the same number. math.randomseed(getRealTime().timestamp); for i = 1, 10 do print(math.random()); end
  5. Add a table with the interiors you don’t want to delete and do a check before like this local table = { 600, 610, 679 } -- add here addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for i=550, 20000 do if not table[i] then removeWorldModel(i, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 0) setOcclusionsEnabled(false) end end end)
  6. Tekken

    any help

    Hi, what exactly you want to start when you drive the Pizzaboy bike? Do you have a pizzaboy script?
  7. Hi, could you explain further or show an image?
  8. Tekken


    I used to have a problem when I was running a server, I had no anti-spam and 2-3 guys started spamming the chat while 40 people where online and the server couldn't keep up and restarted a few times until I reallized I needed an anti-spam. Is there a chance you might have a similar problem? Can you share some screenshots? Greetings.
  9. Hi, try this client-side addCommandHandler("pos", function(player) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(player); local gz = getGroundPosition(x,y,z); outputChatBox(x..", "..y..", "..gz); end);
  10. Hmm, I see it's a modified version of a DayZ GM I've once posted, normally upon registration all data are set to a default value, 100 for food and water and 1000 for health ? If they're not it means you have a problem with the registration function, may I take a look?
  11. --server side function insideCar(player) --define player here so we know whom used the commandhandler local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) --is he in a car? if vehicle then outputChatBox("You're in a car", player) --serverside we need to specifie the player we output to, else we outpoot to root (all players) else outputChatBox("You're on foot", player) end end addCommandHandler("check", insideCar) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --and for client you use it like that 'localPlayer' is a client only variable function insideCar() local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if vehicle then outputChatBox("You're in a car") --clientside outputChatBox outputs directlly to the client in question else outputChatBox("You're on foot") end end addCommandHandler("check", insideCar) Do you know the difference between client/server scripts?
  12. Hello, what exactly do you mean by working after two minutes ?
  13. Nu poti face asta cu https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetSkyGradient ?
  14. getPlayerSerial() -to get the serial https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetPlayerSerial Ant to communicate with the UCP you can use, fetchRemote() https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/FetchRemote But what exactly you want to achieve? It might be easier with a MySQL database.
  15. Found it! there you go in case someone is interested dxDrawImage(x+h, y, w, h, itm..".png", r, -w/2, -h/2);
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